F1ANNEX IIIList of persons and entities referred to in Article 6



Name (and any aliases)

Identifying information

Grounds for designation


Mugabe, Robert Gabriel

President, born 21.2.1924; Passport AD001095

Head of Government and responsible for activities that seriously undermine democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law.


Mugabe, Grace

Born 23.7.1965; Passport AD001159. ID 63-646650Q70

Associated with the ZANU-PF faction of the government. Took over the Iron Mask Estate in 2002; alleged to illicitly derive large profits from diamond mining.


Bonyongwe, Happyton Mabhuya

Director-General Central Intelligence Organisation, born 6.11.1960; Passport: AD002214; ID: 63-374707A13

Senior security figure with a close association with the ZANU-PF (Zimbabwe African National Union — Patriotic Front) faction of the government and complicit in forming or directing repressive state policy. Accused of being responsible for kidnapping, torturing and killing MDC activists in June 2008.


Chihuri, Augustine

Police Commissioner, born 10.3.1953. Passport AD000206. ID 68-034196M68

Senior police officer and member of the Joint Operational Command, closely associated with the repressive policies of ZANU-PF. Publically confessed to support ZANU-PF in contravention of the Police Act. In June 2009 ordered the police to drop all cases related to murders committed to the run-up to the June 2008 Presidential election.


Chiwenga, Constantine

Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces, General (former Army Commander, Lieutenant General), born 25.8.1956. Passport AD000263. ID 63-327568M80

Member of Joint Operational Command and complicit in forming or directing repressive state policy. Used army for farm takeovers. During 2008 elections was a prime architect of the violence associated with the process of the Presidential run-off.


Shiri, Perence (a.k.a. Bigboy) Samson Chikerema

Air Marshal (Air Force), born 1.11.1955. ID 29-098876M18

Senior military officer and member of ZANU-PF Joint Operational Command and complicit in forming or directing oppressive state policy. Involved in political violence, including during the 2008 election in Mashonaland West in Chiadzwa.


Sibanda, Phillip Valerio (a.k.a. Valentine)

Commander Zimbabwe National Army, Lieutenant General, born 25.8.1956 or 24.12.1954. ID 63-357671H26

Senior army figure with ties to the Government and complicit in forming or directing oppressive state policy.



Identifying information

Grounds for designation

Zimbabwe Defence Industries

10th floor, Trustee House, 55 Samora Machel Avenue, PO Box 6597, Harare, Zimbabwe

Associated with the Ministry of Defence and the ZANU-PF faction of Government.