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A European Medicines Agency is hereby established.
The Agency shall be responsible for coordinating the existing scientific resources put at its disposal by Member States for the evaluation, supervision and pharmacovigilance of medicinal products.
[F11. The Agency shall comprise:
(a) the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, which shall be responsible for preparing the opinion of the Agency on any question relating to the evaluation of medicinal products for human use;
(b) the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use, which shall be responsible for preparing the opinion of the Agency on any question relating to the evaluation of medicinal products for veterinary use;
(c) the Committee on Orphan Medicinal Products;
(d) the Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products;
(e) the Paediatric Committee;
(f) a Secretariat, which shall provide technical, scientific and administrative support for the committees and ensure appropriate coordination between them;
(g) an Executive Director, who shall exercise the responsibilities set out in Article 64;
(h) a Management Board, which shall exercise the responsibilities set out in Articles 65, 66 and 67.]
2.The committees referred to in paragraph 1(a) to (d) may each establish standing and temporary working parties. The committees referred to in paragraph 1(a) and (b) may establish scientific advisory groups in connection with the evaluation of specific types of medicinal products or treatments, to which the committee concerned may delegate certain tasks associated with drawing up the scientific opinions referred to in Articles 5 and 30.
When establishing working parties and scientific advisory groups, the committees shall in their rules of procedures referred to in Article 61(8) provide for:
(a)the appointment of members of these working parties and scientific advisory groups on the basis of the lists of experts referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 62(2); and
(b)consultation of these working parties and scientific advisory groups.
3.The Executive Director, in close consultation with the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use and the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use, shall set up the administrative structures and procedures allowing the development of advice for undertakings, as referred to in Article 57(1)(n), particularly regarding the development of new therapies.
Each committee shall establish a standing working party with the sole remit of providing scientific advice to undertakings.
4.The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use and the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use may, if they consider it appropriate, seek guidance on important questions of a general scientific or ethical nature.
Textual Amendments
Textual Amendments
1.The Agency shall provide the Member States and the institutions of the Community with the best possible scientific advice on any question relating to the evaluation of the quality, safety and efficacy of medicinal products for human or veterinary use which is referred to it in accordance with the provisions of Community legislation relating to medicinal products.
To this end, the Agency, acting particularly through its committees, shall undertake the following tasks:
(a)coordination of the scientific evaluation of the quality, safety and efficacy of medicinal products which are subject to Community marketing authorisation procedures;
(b)transmitting on request and making publicly available assessment reports, summaries of product characteristics, labels and package leaflets or inserts for these medicinal products;
(c)coordination of the supervision, under practical conditions of use, of medicinal products which have been authorised within the Community and the provision of advice on the measures necessary to ensure the safe and effective use of these products, in particular by evaluation, coordination of the implementation of pharmacovigilance obligations and the monitoring of such implementation;
(d)ensuring the dissemination of information on adverse reactions to medicinal products authorised in the Community, by means of a database permanently accessible to all Member States; health-care professionals, marketing authorisation holders and the public shall have appropriate levels of access to these databases, with personal data protection being guaranteed;
(e)assisting Member States with the rapid communication of information concerning pharmacovigilance to health-care professionals.
(f)distributing appropriate pharmacovigilance information to the general public;
(g)advising on the maximum limits for residues of veterinary medicinal products which may be accepted in foodstuffs of animal origin in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90;
(h)providing scientific advice on the use of antibiotics in food-producing animals in order to minimise the occurrence of bacterial resistance in the Community; this advice shall be updated when needed;
(i)coordinating the verification of compliance with the principles of good manufacturing practice, good laboratory practice, good clinical practice and the verification of compliance with pharmacovigilance obligations;
(j)upon request, providing technical and scientific support in order to improve cooperation between the Community, its Member States, international organisations and third countries on scientific and technical issues relating to the evaluation of medicinal products, in particular in the context of discussions organised in the framework of international conferences on harmonisation;
(k)recording the status of marketing authorisations for medicinal products granted in accordance with Community procedures;
(l)creating a database on medicinal products, to be accessible to the general public, and ensuring that it is updated, and managed independently of pharmaceutical companies; the database shall facilitate the search for information already authorised for package leaflets; it shall include a section on medicinal products authorised for the treatment of children; the information provided to the public shall be worded in an appropriate and comprehensible manner;
(m)assisting the Community and Member States in the provision of information to health-care professionals and the general public about medicinal products evaluated by the Agency;
(n)advising undertakings on the conduct of the various tests and trials necessary to demonstrate the quality, safety and efficacy of medicinal products;
(o)checking that the conditions laid down in Community legislation on medicinal products and in the marketing authorisations are observed in the case of parallel distribution of medicinal products authorised in accordance with this Regulation;
(p)drawing up, at the Commission's request, any other scientific opinion concerning the evaluation of medicinal products or the starting materials used in the manufacture of medicinal products;
(q)with a view to the protection of public health, compilation of scientific information concerning pathogenic agents which might be used in biological warfare, including the existence of vaccines and other medicinal products available to prevent, or to treat, the effects of such agents;
(r)coordination of the supervision of the quality of medicinal products placed on the market by requesting testing of compliance with their authorised specifications by an Official Medicines Control Laboratory or by a laboratory that a Member State has designated for that purpose;
(s)forwarding annually to the budgetary authority any information relevant to the outcome of the evaluation procedures[F1;]
[F2(t) taking decisions as referred to in Article 7(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on medicinal products for paediatric use (1) .]
2.The database provided for in paragraph 1(l) shall include the summaries of product characteristics, the patient or user package leaflet and the information shown on the labelling. The database shall be developed in stages, priority being given to medicinal products authorised under this Regulation and those authorised under Chapter 4 of Title III of Directive 2001/83/EC and of Directive 2001/82/EC respectively. The database shall subsequently be extended to include any medicinal product placed on the market within the Community.
Where appropriate, the database shall also include references to data on clinical trials currently being carried out or already completed, contained in the clinical trials database provided for in Article 11 of Directive 2001/20/EC. The Commission shall, in consultation with the Member States, issue guidelines on data fields which could be included and which may be accessible to the public.
Textual Amendments
Textual Amendments
1.The Agency may give a scientific opinion, in the context of cooperation with the World Health Organisation, for the evaluation of certain medicinal products for human use intended exclusively for markets outside the Community. For this purpose, an application shall be submitted to the Agency in accordance with the provisions of Article 6. The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use may, after consulting the World Health Organisation, draw up a scientific opinion in accordance with Articles 6 to 9. The provisions of Article 10 shall not apply.
2.The said Committee shall establish specific procedural rules for the implementation of paragraph 1, as well as for the provision of scientific advice.
1.The Agency shall take care to ensure early identification of potential sources of conflict between its scientific opinions and those of other bodies established under Community law carrying out a similar task in relation to issues of common concern.
2.Where the Agency identifies a potential source of conflict, it shall contact the body concerned in order to ensure that any relevant scientific information is shared and to identify the scientific points which potentially conflict.
3.Where there is a fundamental conflict over scientific points and the body concerned is a Community agency or a scientific committee, the Agency and the body concerned shall work together either to resolve the conflict or to submit a joint document to the Commission clarifying the scientific points of conflict. This document shall be published immediately after its adoption.
4.Save as otherwise provided in this Regulation, in Directive 2001/83/EC or in Directive 2001/82/EC, where there is a fundamental conflict over scientific points and the body concerned is a body in a Member State, the Agency and the national body concerned shall work together either to resolve the conflict or to prepare a joint document clarifying the scientific points of conflict. This document shall be published immediately after its adoption.
At the request of the Commission, the Agency shall, in respect of authorised medicinal products, collect any available information on methods that Member States' competent authorities use to determine the added therapeutic value that any new medicinal product provides.
1.Each Member State shall, after consultation of the Management Board, appoint, for a three-year term which may be renewed, one member and one alternate to the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use and one member and one alternate to the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use.
The alternates shall represent and vote for the members in their absence and may act as rapporteurs in accordance with Article 62.
Members and alternates shall be chosen for their role and experience in the evaluation of medicinal products for human and veterinary use as appropriate and shall represent the competent national authorities.
2.The committees may co-opt a maximum of five additional members chosen on the basis of their specific scientific competence. These members shall be appointed for a term of three years, which may be renewed, and shall not have alternates.
With a view to the co-opting of such members, the committees shall identify the specific complementary scientific competence of the additional member(s). Co-opted members shall be chosen among experts nominated by Member States or the Agency.
3.The members of each Committee may be accompanied by experts in specific scientific or technical fields.
4.The Executive Director of the Agency or his representative and representatives of the Commission shall be entitled to attend all meetings of the committees, working parties and scientific advisory groups and all other meetings convened by the Agency or its committees.
5.In addition to their task of providing objective scientific opinions to the Community and Member States on the questions which are referred to them, the members of each committee shall ensure that there is appropriate coordination between the tasks of the Agency and the work of competent national authorities, including the consultative bodies concerned with the marketing authorisation.
6.Members of the committees and experts responsible for evaluating medicinal products shall rely on the scientific evaluation and resources available to national marketing authorisation bodies. Each competent national authority shall monitor the scientific level and independence of the evaluation carried out and facilitate the activities of nominated committee members and experts. Member States shall refrain from giving committee members and experts any instruction which is incompatible with their own individual tasks or with the tasks and responsibilities of the Agency.
7.When preparing the opinion, each committee shall use its best endeavours to reach a scientific consensus. If such a consensus cannot be reached, the opinion shall consist of the position of the majority of members and divergent positions, with the grounds on which they are based.
8.Each committee shall establish its own rules of procedure.
These rules shall, in particular, lay down:
(a)procedures for appointing and replacing the Chairman;
(b)procedures relating to working parties and scientific advisory groups; and
(c)a procedure for the urgent adoption of opinions, particularly in relation to the provisions of this Regulation on market surveillance and pharmacovigilance.
They shall enter into force after receiving a favourable opinion from the Commission and the Management Board.
1.Where, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, the Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products or the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use is required to evaluate a medicinal product, it shall appoint one of its members to act as rapporteur for the coordination of the evaluation. The Committee concerned may appoint a second member to act as co-rapporteur.
When consulting the scientific advisory groups referred to in Article 56(2), the Committee shall forward to them the draft assessment report(s) drawn up by the rapporteur or the co-rapporteur. The opinion issued by the scientific advisory group shall be forwarded to the chairman of the relevant Committee in such a way as to ensure that the deadlines laid down in Article 6(3) and Article 31(3) are met.
The substance of the opinion shall be included in the assessment report published pursuant to Article 13(3) and Article 38(3).
If there is a request for re-examination of one of its opinions, the Committee concerned shall appoint a different rapporteur and, where necessary, a different co-rapporteur from those appointed for the initial opinion. The re-examination procedure may deal only with the points of the opinion initially identified by the applicant and may be based only on the scientific data available when the Committee adopted the initial opinion. The applicant may request that the Committee consult a scientific advisory group in connection with the re-examination.
2.Member States shall transmit to the Agency the names of national experts with proven experience in the evaluation of medicinal products who would be available to serve on working parties or scientific advisory groups of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, the Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products or the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use, together with an indication of their qualifications and specific areas of expertise.
The Agency shall keep an up-to-date list of accredited experts. The list shall include the experts referred to in the first subparagraph and other experts appointed directly by the Agency. The list shall be updated.
3.The provision of services by rapporteurs or experts shall be governed by a written contract between the Agency and the person concerned, or where appropriate between the Agency and his employer.
The person concerned, or his employer, shall be remunerated in accordance with a scale of fees to be included in the financial arrangements established by the Management Board.
4.The performance of scientific services for which there are several potential providers may result in a call for an expression of interest, if the scientific and technical context allows, and if it is compatible with the tasks of the Agency, in particular to ensure a high level of public health protection.
The Management Board shall adopt the appropriate procedures on a proposal from the Executive Director.
5.The Agency or any of the committees referred to in Article 56(1) may use the services of experts for the discharge of other specific tasks for which they are responsible.
1.The membership of the committees referred to in Article 56(1) shall be made public. When each appointment is published, the professional qualifications of each member shall be specified.
2.Members of the Management Board, members of the committees, rapporteurs and experts shall not have financial or other interests in the pharmaceutical industry which could affect their impartiality. They shall undertake to act in the public interest and in an independent manner, and shall make an annual declaration of their financial interests. All indirect interests which could relate to this industry shall be entered in a register held by the Agency which is accessible to the public, on request, at the Agency's offices.
The Agency's code of conduct shall provide for the implementation of this Article with particular reference to the acceptance of gifts.
Members of the Management Board, members of the committees, rapporteurs and experts who participate in meetings or working groups of the Agency shall declare, at each meeting, any specific interests which could be considered to be prejudicial to their independence with respect to the items on the agenda. These declarations shall be made available to the public.
1.The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Management Board, on a proposal from the Commission, for a period of five years on the basis of a list of candidates proposed by the Commission following a call for expressions of interest published in the Official Journal of the European Union and elsewhere. Before appointment, the candidate nominated by the Management Board shall be invited forthwith to make a statement to the European Parliament and to answer any questions put by its Members. His mandate may be renewed once. The Management Board may, upon a proposal from the Commission, remove the Executive Director from his post.
2.The Executive Director shall be the legal representative of the Agency. He shall be responsible:
(a)for the day-to-day administration of the Agency;
(b)for managing all the Agency resources necessary for conducting the activities of the committees referred to in Article 56(1), including making available appropriate scientific and technical support;
(c)for ensuring that the time-limits laid down in Community legislation for the adoption of opinions by the Agency are complied with;
(d)for ensuring appropriate coordination between the committees referred to in Article 56(1);
(e)for the preparation of the draft statement of estimates of the Agency's revenue and expenditure, and execution of its budget;
(f)for all staff matters;
(g)for providing the secretariat for the Management Board.
3.Each year the Executive Director shall submit a draft report covering the activities of the Agency in the previous year and a draft work programme for the coming year to the Management Board for approval, making a distinction between the Agency's activities concerning medicinal products for human use, those concerning herbal medicinal products and those concerning veterinary medicinal products.
The draft report covering the activities of the Agency in the previous year shall include information about the number of applications evaluated within the Agency, the time taken for completion of the evaluation and the medicinal products authorised, rejected or withdrawn.
1.The Management Board shall consist of one representative of each Member State, two representatives of the Commission and two representatives of the European Parliament.
In addition, two representatives of patients' organisations, one representative of doctors' organisations and one representative of veterinarians' organisations shall be appointed by the Council in consultation with the European Parliament on the basis of a list drawn up by the Commission which includes appreciably more names than there are posts to be filled. The list drawn up by the Commission shall be forwarded to the European Parliament, together with the relevant background documents. As quickly as possible, and within three months of notification, the European Parliament may submit its views for consideration to the Council, which shall then appoint the Management Board.
The members of the Management Board shall be appointed in such a way as to guarantee the highest levels of specialist qualifications, a broad spectrum of relevant expertise and the broadest possible geographic spread within the European Union.
2.The members of the Management Board shall be appointed on the basis of their relevant expertise in management and, if appropriate, experience in the field of medicinal products for human or veterinary use.
3.Each Member State and the Commission shall appoint their members of the Management Board as well as an alternate who will replace the member in his absence and vote on his behalf.
4.The term of office of the representatives shall be three years. The term of office may be renewed.
5.The Management Board shall elect its Chairman from among its members.
The term of office of the Chairman shall be three years and shall expire when he ceases to be a member of the Management Board. The term of office may be renewed once.
6.Decisions of the Management Board shall be adopted by a majority of two-thirds of its members.
7.The Management Board shall adopt its rules of procedure.
8.The Management Board may invite the chairmen of the scientific committees to attend its meetings, but they shall not have the right to vote.
9.The Management Board shall approve the annual work programme of the Agency programme and forward it to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States.
10.The Management Board shall adopt the annual report on the Agency's activities and forward it by 15 June at the latest to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Court of Auditors and the Member States.
The Management Board shall:
adopt an opinion on the rules of procedures of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use and the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (Article 61);
adopt procedures for the performance of scientific services (Article 62);
appoint the Executive Director (Article 64);
adopt the annual work programme and forward it to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Member States (Article 65);
approve the annual report on the Agency's activities and forward it by 15 June at the latest to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Court of Auditors and the Member States (Article 65);
adopt the budget of the Agency (Article 67);
adopt the internal financial provisions (Article 67);
adopt provisions implementing the Staff Regulations (Article 75);
develop contacts with stakeholders and stipulate the conditions applicable (Article 78);
adopt provisions for providing assistance to pharmaceutical companies (Article 79);
adopt rules to ensure the availability to the public of information concerning the authorisation or supervision of medicinal products (Article 80).
1.Estimates of all the revenue and expenditure of the Agency shall be prepared for each financial year, corresponding to the calendar year, and shall be shown in the budget of the Agency.
2.The revenue and expenditure shown in the budget shall be in balance.
3.The Agency's revenue shall consist of a contribution from the Community and fees paid by undertakings for obtaining and maintaining Community marketing authorisations and for other services provided by the Agency.
The European Parliament and the Council (hereinafter referred to as ‘the budgetary authority’) shall re-examine, when necessary, the level of the Community contribution on the basis of an evaluation of needs and taking account of the level of fees.
4.Activities relating to pharmacovigilance, to the operation of communications networks and to market surveillance shall receive adequate public funding commensurate with the tasks conferred.
5.The expenditure of the Agency shall include staff remuneration, administrative and infrastructure costs, and operating expenses as well as expenses resulting from contracts entered into with third parties.
6.Each year the Management Board, on the basis of a draft drawn up by the Executive Director, shall produce an estimate of revenue and expenditure for the Agency for the following financial year. This estimate, which shall include a draft establishment plan, shall be forwarded by the Management Board to the Commission by 31 March at the latest.
7.The estimate shall be forwarded by the Commission to the budgetary authority together with the preliminary draft general budget of the European Union.
8.On the basis of the estimate, the Commission shall enter in the preliminary draft general budget of the European Union the estimates it deems necessary for the establishment plan and the amount of the subsidy to be charged to the general budget, which it shall place before the budgetary authority in accordance with Article 272 of the Treaty.
9.The budgetary authority shall authorise the appropriations for the subsidy to the Agency.
The budgetary authority shall adopt the establishment plan for the Agency.
10.The budget shall be adopted by the Management Board. It shall become final following final adoption of the general budget of the European Union. Where appropriate, it shall be adjusted accordingly.
11.Any modification of the establishment plan and of the budget shall be the subject of an amending budget, which is forwarded for the purposes of information to the budgetary authority.
12.The Management Board shall, as soon as possible, notify the budgetary authority of its intention to implement any project which may have significant financial implications for the funding of its budget, in particular any projects relating to property such as the rental or purchase of buildings. It shall inform the Commission thereof.
Where a branch of the budgetary authority has notified its intention to deliver an opinion, it shall forward its opinion to the Management Board within a period of six weeks from the date of notification of the project.
1.The Executive Director shall implement the budget of the Agency.
2.By 1 March at the latest following each financial year, the Agency's accounting officer shall communicate the provisional accounts to the Commission's accounting officer together with a report on the budgetary and financial management for that financial year. The Commission's accounting officer shall consolidate the provisional accounts of the institutions and decentralised bodies in accordance with Article 128 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities(2) (hereinafter referred to as the ‘general Financial Regulation’).
3.By 31 March at the latest following each financial year, the Commission's accounting officer shall submit the Agency's provisional accounts to the Court of Auditors, together with a report on the budgetary and financial management for that financial year. The report on the budgetary and financial management for the financial year shall also be forwarded to the European Parliament and the Council.
4.On receipt of the Court of Auditors' observations on the Agency's provisional accounts, pursuant to Article 129 of the general Financial Regulation, the Executive Director shall draw up the Agency's final accounts under his own responsibility and submit them to the Management Board for an opinion.
5.The Management Board of the Agency shall deliver an opinion on the Agency's final accounts.
6.The Executive Director shall, by 1 July at the latest following each financial year, forward the final accounts to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Court of Auditors, together with the Management Board's opinion.
7.The final accounts shall be published.
8.The Agency's Executive Director shall send the Court of Auditors a reply to its observations by 30 September at the latest. He shall also send this reply to the Management Board.
9.The Executive Director shall submit to the European Parliament, at the latter's request, any information required for the smooth application of the discharge procedure for the financial year in question, as laid down in Article 146(3) of the general Financial Regulation.
10.The European Parliament, on a recommendation from the Council acting by a qualified majority, shall, before 30 April of year N + 2, give a discharge to the Executive Director in respect of the implementation of the budget for year N.
11.The financial rules applicable to the Agency shall be adopted by the Management Board after the Commission has been consulted. They may not depart from Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2343/2002 of 19 November 2002 on the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities(3), unless specifically required for the Agency's operation and with the Commission's prior consent.
1.In order to combat fraud, corruption and other unlawful activities the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)(4) shall apply without restriction.
2.The Agency shall accede to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 25 May 1999 concerning internal investigations by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and shall issue, without delay, the appropriate provisions applicable to all the employees of the Agency.
1.The structure and the level of the fees referred to in Article 67(3) shall be established by the Council acting under the conditions provided for by the Treaty on a proposal from the Commission, once the Commission has consulted organisations representing the interests of the pharmaceutical industry at Community level.
2.However, provisions shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 87(2), establishing the circumstances in which small and medium-sized enterprises may pay reduced fees, defer payment of the fee, or receive administrative assistance.
The Agency shall have legal personality. In all Member States it shall enjoy the most extensive legal capacity accorded to legal persons under their laws. It may in particular acquire or dispose of movable and immovable property and may be a party to legal proceedings.
1.The contractual liability of the Agency shall be governed by the law applicable to the contract in question. The Court of Justice of the European Communities shall have jurisdiction pursuant to any arbitration clause contained in a contract concluded by the Agency.
2.In the case of non-contractual liability, the Agency shall, in accordance with the general principles common to the laws of the Member States, make good any damage caused by it or by its servants in the performance of their duties.
The Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction in any dispute relating to compensation for any such damage.
3.The personal liability of its servants towards the Agency shall be governed by the relevant rules applying to the staff of the Agency.
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents(5) shall apply to documents held by the Agency.
The Agency shall set up a register pursuant to Article 2(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 to make available all documents that are publicly accessible pursuant to this Regulation.
The Management Board shall adopt the arrangements for implementing Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 within six months of entry into force of this Regulation.
Decisions taken by the Agency pursuant to Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 may give rise to the lodging of a complaint with the Ombudsman or form the subject of an action before the Court of Justice, under the conditions laid down in Articles 195 and 230 of the Treaty respectively.
Decisions taken by the Agency under Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006 may form the subject of an action before the Court of Justice of the European Communities under the conditions laid down in Article 230 of the Treaty..]
Textual Amendments
Textual Amendments
The Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities shall apply to the Agency.
The staff of the Agency shall be subject to the rules and regulations applicable to officials and other staff of the European Communities. In respect of its staff, the Agency shall exercise the powers which have been devolved to the appointing authority.
The Management Board, in agreement with the Commission, shall adopt the necessary implementing provisions.
Members of the Management Board, members of the committees referred to in Article 56(1), and experts and officials and other servants of the Agency, shall be required, even after their duties have ceased, not to disclose information of the kind covered by the obligation of professional secrecy.
The Commission may, in agreement with the Management Board and the relevant committee, invite representatives of international organisations with an interest in the harmonisation of regulations applicable to medicinal products to participate as observers in the work of the Agency. The conditions for participation shall be determined beforehand by the Commission.
1.The Management Board shall, in agreement with the Commission, develop appropriate contacts between the Agency and the representatives of the industry, consumers and patients and the health professions. These contacts may include the participation of observers in certain aspects of the Agency's work, under conditions determined beforehand by the Management Board, in agreement with the Commission.
2.The committees referred to in Article 56(1) and any working parties and scientific advisory groups established in accordance with that Article shall in general matters establish contacts, on an advisory basis, with parties concerned with the use of medicinal products, in particular patient organisations and health-care professionals' associations. Rapporteurs appointed by these committees may, on an advisory basis, establish contacts with representatives of patient organisations and health-care professionals' associations relevant to the indication of the medicinal product concerned.
The Management Board shall, in the case of veterinary medicinal products which have limited markets, or in the case of veterinary medicinal products intended for diseases with a regional distribution, adopt the necessary measures to provide assistance to companies at the time of submission of their applications.
To ensure an appropriate level of transparency, the Management Board, on the basis of a proposal by the Executive Director and in agreement with the Commission, shall adopt rules to ensure the availability to the public of regulatory, scientific or technical information concerning the authorisation or supervision of medicinal products which is not of a confidential nature.
The internal rules and procedures of the Agency, its committees and its working groups shall be made available to the public at the Agency and on the Internet.
Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).
Textual Amendments