Aid for agri-environmental commitments (point IV.C.2 of the guidelines) U.K.

1. Objective of the measure U.K.

Which one of the following specific objectives does the support measure promote?

ways of using agricultural land which are compatible with the protection and improvement of the environment, the landscape and its features, natural resources, the soil and genetic diversity and reducing production costs;

an environmentally-favourable extensification of farming and management of low-intensity pasture systems, improve and redeployment of production ;

the conservation of high nature-value farmed environments, which are under threat, and increase quality;

the upkeep of the landscape and historical features on agricultural land;

the use of environmental planning in farming practice. If the measure does not pursue any of the above objectives, please indicate which are the objectives aimed at in terms of environmental protection? (Please submit a detailed description)



If the measure in question has already been applied in the past, what have been the results in terms of environmental protection?



2. Eligibility criteria U.K.

2.1. Will the aid be granted to farmers and/or other land managers (Article 39(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005) who give agri-environmental commitments for a period of between five and seven years? U.K.
yes no
2.2. Will a shorter or a longer period be necessary for all or particular types of commitments? U.K.
yes no

In the affirmative please provide the reasons justifying that period



2.3. Please confirm that no aid will be granted to compensate for agri-environmental commitments that do not go beyond the relevant mandatory standards established pursuant to Articles 4 and 5 of, and Annexes III and IV to Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 (1) as well as minimum requirements for fertiliser and plant protection product use and other relevant mandatory requirements established by national legislation and identified in the rural development programme. U.K.
yes no

If no, please note that Article 39(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 does not allow for aid for agri-environmental commitments that do not involve more than the application of these standards and requirements.

2.4. Please describe what the abovementioned standards and requirements are and explain how the agri-environmental commitments involve more than their application. U.K.



3. Aid amount U.K.

3.1. Please specify the maximum amount of aid to be granted based on the area of the holding to which agri-environmental commitments apply: U.K.

for specialised perennial crops ………… (maximum payment of 900 EUR/ha)

for annual crops ………… (maximum payment of 600 EUR/ha)

for other land uses ………… (maximum payment of 450 EUR/ha)

local breeds in danger of being lost to farming ………… (maximum payment of 200 EUR/live stock unit)

other …………………………………………..….

If the maximum amounts mentioned are exceeded please justify the compatibility of the aid with the provisions of Article 39(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005.

3.2. Is the support measure granted annually? U.K.
yes no

If no, please provide the reasons justifying other period



3.3. Is the amount of annual support calculated on the basis of: U.K.
yes no

Explain the calculation method used in fixing the amount of support and specify the income foregone, additional costs and possible transaction costs: ……………………

3.4. Is the reference level for calculating income foregone and additional cost resulting from the commitments given, the standards and requirements as mentioned above under point 2.3? U.K.
yes no

If no please explain the reference level taken into consideration



3.5. Are the payments made per unit of production? U.K.
yes no

If yes please explain the reasons justifying that method and the initiatives undertaken to ensure that the maximum amounts per year eligible for Community support as set out in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 are complied with.



3.6. Do you intend to give aid for transaction costs for the continuation of agri-environmental commitments already undertaken in the past? U.K.
yes no
3.7. If yes, please demonstrate that such costs still continue to be incurred U.K.


3.8. Do you intend to give aid for the costs of non-productive investments linked to the achievements of agri-environmental commitments (non-productive investments being investments which should not lead to a net increase in farm value or profitability)? U.K.
yes no
3.9. If yes, which aid rate will be applied (max. 100 %)? U.K.

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