CHAPTER 1SCOPE AND GENERAL PROVISIONSCHAPTER 2NATIONAL RESERVESection 1Establishment of the national reserveSection 2Establishment of payment entitlements from the national reserveSection 3Replenishment of the national reserveSection 4Regional administrationCHAPTER 3ALLOCATION OF PAYMENT ENTITLEMENTSSection 1Initial allocation of payment entitlementsSection 2Allocation of payment entitlements outside the national reserveSection 3Allocation of payment entitlements within the national reserveCHAPTER 4SPECIFIC PROVISIONSSection 1Declaration and transfer of payment entitlementsSection 2Other specific provisionsCHAPTER 5SET-ASIDECHAPTER 6REGIONAL AND OPTIONAL IMPLEMENTATIONSection 1Regional implementationSection 2Optional implementationCHAPTER 6aNEW MEMBER STATESCHAPTER 6bINTEGRATION OF TOBACCO, OLIVE OIL, COTTON, HOPS PAYMENTS, SUGAR BEET, CANE, CHICORY AND BANANA SUPPORT INTO THE SINGLE PAYMENT SCHEMECHAPTER 6cINTEGRATION OF THE FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SECTOR IN THE SINGLE PAYMENT SCHEMECHAPTER 7COMMUNICATIONSCHAPTER 8FINAL PROVISIONS

Commission Regulation (EC) No 795/2004

of 21 april 2004

laying down detailed rules for the implementation of the single payment scheme provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers (repealed)

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