Section Isingle payment scheme and other area-related aid schemes

Article 50Basis of calculation in respect of areas declared

1.In the case of applications for aid under area-related aid schemes, except for starch potato and seed as provided for in Chapters 6 and 9 respectively of Title IV of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, if the area of a crop group determined is found to be greater than that declared in the aid application, the area declared shall be used for calculation of the aid.

2.Without prejudice to any reductions or exclusions to be applied following the actual determination of area in accordance with Articles 51 and 53, with regard to an application for aid under the single payment scheme, if there is a discrepancy between the payment entitlements declared and the area declared, the calculation of the payment shall be based on the lower size.

3.Without prejudice to reductions and exclusions in accordance with Articles 51 and 53, in the case of applications for aid under area-related aid schemes, except for starch potato and seed as provided for in Chapters 6 and 9 respectively of Title IV of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, if the area declared in a single application exceeds the area determined for that crop group, the aid shall be calculated on the basis of the area determined for that crop group.

4.Without prejudice to reductions and exclusions in accordance with Articles 51 and 53, with regard to applications for aid under the single payment scheme the following shall apply in respect of set-aside entitlements for the purpose of the definition of ‘area determined’ in Article 2 point (22):

(a)if a farmer does not declare all his area for the purposes of activating the set-aside entitlements at his disposal but declares, at the same time, a corresponding area for the activation of other entitlements, that area shall be considered as having been declared as set-aside areas and not determined for the purposes of the crop group referred to in Article 49(1)(a);

(b)if area declared as set-aside areas is found not to be set-aside, that area shall be considered as not being determined.

5.With regard to areas declared for the special quality premium for durum wheat in accordance with Article 72 of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 and for the durum wheat supplement and special aid in accordance with Article 105 of that Regulation and in case a difference is established between the minimum quantity of certified seeds fixed by the Member State and the quantity effectively used, the area shall be determined by dividing the total quantity of certified seeds for which proof of use was given by the farmer, by the minimum quantity of certified seeds per hectare fixed by the Member State in the production zone concerned.

6.The calculation of the maximum eligible area for the payments to farmers applying for the arable crop area payment in accordance with Chapter 10 of Title IV of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 shall be made on the basis of the area of set-aside land determined and on a pro rata basis for each crop concerned. However, payments to arable crop producers shall, in relation to the area of set-aside land determined, be reduced to the level corresponding to the area which would be needed to produce 92 tonnes of cereal, in accordance with Article 107(7) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003.

7.If a farmer has been unable to comply with his obligations as a result of force majeure or exceptional circumstances as referred to in Article 72, he shall retain his right to aid in respect of the area eligible at the time when the case of force majeure or the exceptional circumstance occurred.