Section ICommon provisions
Article 41General principles and definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following general principles and definitions shall apply:
- (a)
A ‘repeated’ non-compliance shall mean the non-compliance with the same requirement, standard or obligation referred to in Article 4 determined more than once within a consecutive period of three years, provided the farmer has been informed of a previous non-compliance and, as the case may be, has had the possibility to take the necessary measures to terminate that previous non-compliance;
- (b)
The ‘extent’ of a non-compliance shall be determined taking account, in particular, of whether the non-compliance has a far-reaching impact or whether it is limited to the farm itself;
- (c)
The ‘severity’ of a non-compliance shall depend, in particular, on the importance of the consequences of the non-compliance taking account of the aims of the requirement or standard concerned;
- (d)
Whether a non-compliance is of ‘permanence’ shall depend, in particular, on the length of time for which the effect lasts or the potential for terminating those effects by reasonable means.
Article 42Competent control authority
The specialised control bodies shall bear the responsibility to carry out the controls on the respect of the requirements and standards in question.
The Paying Agencies shall bear the responsibility for the fixing of reductions or exclusions in individual cases in accordance with Chapter II of Title IV of this Regulation.
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, Member States may decide that controls in relation to all or certain requirements, standards, acts, or areas of cross-compliance shall be carried out by the Paying Agency provided that the Member State guarantees that the effectiveness of the controls is at least equal to the one achieved in the case where the controls are carried out by a specialised control body.
Section IIAdministrative checks
Article 43Administrative checks
Depending on the requirements, standards acts or areas of cross-compliance in question, Member States may decide to carry out administrative checks, in particular those already provided for under the control systems applicable to the respective requirement, standard, act or area of cross-compliance.
Section IIIOn-the-spot checks
Article 44Minimum control rate
The competent control authority shall, with regard to the requirements or standards for which it is responsible, carry out checks on at least 1 % of all farmers submitting aid applications under support schemes established in Titles III and IV of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 and for which the competent control authority in question is responsible.
Where the legislation applicable to the act and standards already fix minimum control rates, that rate shall insofar be applied instead of the minimum rate mentioned in the first subparagraph.
Should on-the-spot checks reveal a significant degree of non-compliance with a given area of cross-compliance, the number of on-the-spot checks to be carried out in the following control period shall be increased.
Article 45Selection of the control sample
Without prejudice to checks carried out as a follow-up of non-compliances brought to the attention of the competent control authority in any other way, the selection of farms to be checked in accordance with Article 44 shall be based, where applicable, on a risk analysis according to the applicable legislation, or on a risk analysis appropriate to the requirements or standards. That risk analysis may be based on the level of an individual farm or on the level of categories of farms or geographical zones or, in the case of point (b) of the second subparagraph of paragraph 3 of this Article, on the level of undertakings.
The competent control authority shall, with regard to the requirements or standards for which it is responsible, select the farmers to be checked in accordance with Article 44 by selecting the sample from the sample of farmers which were already selected pursuant to Articles 26 and 27 and to whom the relevant requirements or standards apply.
By way of derogation from paragraph 2, the competent control authority may, withregard to the requirements or standards for which it is responsible, select a control sample of 1 % of all farmers submitting aid applications under support schemes established in Titles III and IV of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 and who are under the obligation to respect at least one of the requirements or standards.
In that case:
where the competent control authority concludes, on the basis of the risk analysis applied at farm level, that non-beneficiaries of direct aid establish a higher risk than the farmers who applied for aid, it may replace farmers who applied for aid by non-beneficiaries. In that case, the overall number of farmers checked shall, nevertheless, attain the control rate provided for in the first subparagraph. The reasons for such replacements shall be properly justified and documented;
if more effective, the competent control authority may perform the risk analysis at the level of undertakings, in particular slaughterhouses, traders or suppliers rather than at farm level. In that case, the farmers thus checked may be counted towards the control rate provided for in Article 44.
The competent control authority may decide to proceed by a combination of the procedures set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 in the case where such a combination increases the effectiveness of the control system.
Article 46Determination of the compliance with the requirements and standards
Where applicable, the respect of the requirements and standards shall be determined by the use of means as stipulated in the legislation applicable to the requirement or standard in question.
In other cases and where appropriate, the determination shall be carried out by the use of any appropriate means defined by the competent control authority which ensure precision at least equivalent to that required for official determinations under the national rules.
Where appropriate, the on-the-spot checks may be conducted by the application of remote-sensing techniques.
Article 47Elements of the on-the-spot checks
In performing the checks on the sample provided for in Article 44, the competent control authority shall ensure that all farmers thus selected are checked with regard to their compliance with the requirements and standards for which it is responsible.
The checks referred to in paragraph 1 shall, as a general rule, be carried out as part of one control visit and shall consist of a verification of the requirements and standards the compliance with which may be checked at the time of that visit, aiming to detect any possible non-compliance with those requirements and standards and, in addition, to identify cases to be submitted for further checks.
Article 48Control report
Every on-the-spot check under this Chapter, regardless whether the farmer in question was selected for the on-the-spot check in accordance with Article 45 or as a follow-up of non-compliances brought to the attention of the competent control authority in any other way, shall be the subject of a control report to be established by the competent control authority.
The report shall be divided into the following parts:
a general part containing, in particular, the following information:
- (i)
the farmer selected for the on-the-spot check;
- (ii)
the persons present;
- (iii)
whether notice of the visit was given to the farmer and, if so, the period of advance notification.
a part reflecting separately the checks carried out in respect of each of the acts and standards and containing, in particular, the following information:
- (i)
the requirements and standards subject to the on-the-spot check;
- (ii)
the nature and extent of checks carried out;
- (iii)
the findings;
- (iv)
the acts and standards in relation to which non-compliances are found;
an evaluation part giving an assessment of the importance of the non-compliance in respect of each act and/or standard on the basis of the criteria ‘severity’, ‘extent’, ‘permanence’ and ‘repetition’ in accordance with Article 7(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 with an indication of any factors that should lead to an increase or decrease of the reduction to be applied.
The farmer shall be informed of any non-compliances found.
Without prejudice to any particular provisions contained in the legislation applicable to the requirements and standards, the control report shall be finalised within one month of the on-the-spot check. However, that period may be extended to three months under duly justified circumstances, in particular if chemical or physical analysis so require.
Where the competent control authority is not the Paying Agency, the report shall be sent to the Paying Agency within a month of its finalisation.