
ANNEX IAdvances of maintenance payments and special childbirth and adoption allowances(Article 1(z))

I.Advances of maintenance payments


Advances of maintenance allowances under the law of 21 February 2003 creating a maintenance payments agency within the federal public service, Finance Department


Advance payment of child support laid down in the Act on Child Benefits

Advance payment of child support consolidated by Law No 765 of 11 September 2002


Advances of maintenance payments under the German law on advances of maintenance payments (Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz) of 23 July 1979


Family support allowance paid to a child one of whose parents or both of whose parents are in default or are unable to meet their maintenance obligations or the payment of a maintenance allowance laid down by a court decision


Advances of maintenance payments under the Federal Law on the grant of advances of child maintenance (Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz 1985 - UVG)


Advances of maintenance payments (Act No 75/98, 19 November, on the guarantee of maintenance for minors)


Maintenance allowance under the Security of Child Maintenance Act (671/1998)


Maintenance allowance under the Maintenance Support Act (1996:1030)