Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilShow full title

Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the coordination of social security systems (Text with relevance for the EEA and for Switzerland)


I. Benefits referred to in Article 54(2)(a) of the Regulation, the amount of which is independent of the length of periods of insurance or residence completed U.K.


Benefits relating to the general invalidity scheme, the special invalidity scheme for miners and the special scheme for merchant navy mariners

Benefits on insurance for self-employed persons against incapacity to work

Benefits relating to invalidity in the overseas social insurance scheme and the invalidity scheme for former employees of the Belgian Congo and Rwanda-Urundi


The full Danish national old-age pension acquired after 10 years' residence by persons who will have been awarded a pension by 1 October 1989


Type A Invalidity pension]


Benefits under Law No 4169/1961 relating to the agricultural insurance scheme (OGA)


Survivors' pensions granted under the general and special schemes, with the exception of the Special Scheme for Civil Servants


Invalidity pension under the general social security system or under the agricultural workers scheme

Widower's or widow's invalidity pension under the general social security system or under the agricultural workers scheme where it is calculated on the basis of the deceased spouse's invalidity pension settled in accordance with Article 52(1)(a)


Invalidity pensions (third group) under Article 16(1)(2) of the Law on State Pensions of 1 January 1996]


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[F4Disability Insurance Act of 18 February 1966 , as amended (WAO)]

[F4Self-employed Persons Disablement Benefits Act of 24 April 1997 , as amended (WAZ)]

[F4General Surviving Relatives Act of 21 December 1995 (ANW)]

[F4The Work and Income according to Labour Capacity Act of 10 November 2005 (WIA)]


[F1National pensions to persons who are born disabled or become disabled at an early age (the National Pensions Act, 568/2007)

National pensions and spouse's pensions determined according to the transitional rules and awarded prior to the 1 of January 1994 (Act on Enforcement of the National Pensions Act, 569/2007)

The additional amount of child’s pension when calculating independent benefit according to the National Pension Act (the National Pension Act, 568/2007)]


[F1Swedish income-related sickness compensation and activity compensation (Act 1962:381)

Swedish guarantee pension and guaranteed compensation which replaced the full Swedish state pensions provided under the legislation on the state pension which applied before 1 January 1993 , and the full state pension awarded under the transitional rules of the legislation applying from that date]

II. Benefits referred to in Article 54(2)(b) of the Regulation, the amount of which is determined by reference to a credited period deemed to have been completed between the date on which the risk materialised and a later date U.K.


Invalidity and survivors' pensions, for which account is taken of a supplementary period

Old-age pensions, for which account is taken of a supplementary period already acquired


The pensions for retirement or retirement for permanent disability (invalidity) under the Special Scheme for Civil Servants due under Title I of the consolidated text of the Law on State Pensioners if at the time of materialisation of the risk the beneficiary was an active civil servant or treated as such; death and survivors' (widows'/widowers', orphans' and parents') pensions due under Title I of the consolidated text of the Law on State Pensioners if at the time of death the civil servant was active or treated as such


Italian pensions for total incapacity for work (inabilità)


Survivors' pension calculated on the basis of assumed insurance periods (Article 23(8) of the Law on State Pensions of 1 January 1996 )



State social insurance work incapacity pensions, paid under the Law on State Social Insurance Pensions


State social insurance survivors’ and orphans’ pensions, calculated on the basis of the work incapacity pension of the deceased under the Law on State Social Insurance Pensions]


Invalidity and survivors' pensions



Slovak invalidity pension and survivors' pension derived therefrom


Invalidity pension for a person who became invalid as a dependent child and who is always deemed to have fulfilled the required period of insurance (Article 70(2), Article 72(3) and Article 73(3) and (4) of Act No 461/2003 on social insurance, as amended)]


Employment pensions for which account is taken of future periods according to the national legislation


Sickness benefit and activity compensation in the form of guarantee benefit (Act 1962:381)

Survivor's pension calculated on the basis of assumed insurance periods (Act 2000:461 and 2000:462)

Old-age pension in the form of guarantee pension calculated on the basis of assumed periods previously counted (Act 1998:702)

III. Agreements referred to in Article 54(2)(b)(i) of the Regulation intended to prevent the same credited period being taken into account two or more times: U.K.

The Social Security Agreement of 28 April 1997 between the Republic of Finland and the Federal Republic of Germany

The Social Security Agreement of 10 November 2000 between the Republic of Finland and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

[F1Nordic Convention on social security of 18 August 2003] ]