ANNEX VIIICases in which the independent benefit is equal to or higher than the pro-rata benefit(Article 52(4))


All applications for pensions referred to in the law on social pensions, except for pensions mentioned in Annex IX


All applications for pension benefits or survivor's benefits under supplementary retirement schemes for employees or self-employed workers, with the exception of applications for old-age or widow's pensions under the supplementary retirement scheme for professional cabin crew in civil aviation


All applications for retirement pensions, old-age (contributory) pensions, widow's (contributory) pension and widower's (contributory) pension


Where a person is entitled to a pension on the basis of the Netherlands' law on general old-age insurance (AOW)


Invalidity, old-age and survivors' pension claims, except for the cases where the total periods of insurance completed under the legislation of more than one Member State are equal to or longer than 21 calendar years, the national periods of insurance are equal to, or less than, 20 years, and the calculation is made under Article 11 of Decree-Law No 35/2002, 19 February, which defines the rules for the determination of the pension amount. In such cases, by applying more favourable pension formation rates, the amount resulting from the pro-rata calculation may be higher than that resulting from the independent calculation.