
Article 71Composition and working methods of the Administrative Commission


The Administrative Commission for the Coordination of Social Security Systems (hereinafter called the Administrative Commission) attached to F2the European Commission shall be made up of a government representative from each of the Member States, assisted, where necessary, by expert advisers. A representative of F2the European Commission shall attend the meetings of the Administrative Commission in an advisory capacity.


The Administrative Commission shall act by a qualified majority as defined by the Treaties, except when adopting its rules which shall be drawn up by mutual agreement among its members.

Decisions on questions of interpretation referred to in Article 72(a) shall be given the necessary publicity.


Secretarial services for the Administrative Commission shall be provided by F2the European Commission.

Article 72Tasks of the Administrative Commission

The Administrative Commission shall:

  1. (a)

    deal with all administrative questions and questions of interpretation arising from the provisions of this Regulation or those of the Implementing Regulation, or from any agreement concluded or arrangement made thereunder, without prejudice to the right of the authorities, institutions and persons concerned to have recourse to the procedures and tribunals provided for by the legislation of the Member States, by this Regulation or by the Treaty;

  2. (b)

    facilitate the uniform application of Community law, especially by promoting exchange of experience and best administrative practices;

  3. (c)

    foster and develop cooperation between Member States and their institutions in social security matters in order, inter alia, to take into account particular questions regarding certain categories of persons; facilitate realisation of actions of crossborder cooperation activities in the area of the coordination of social security systems;

  4. (d)

    encourage as far as possible the use of new technologies in order to facilitate the free movement of persons, in particular by modernising procedures for exchanging information and adapting the information flow between institutions for the purposes of exchange by electronic means, taking account of the development of data processing in each Member State; the Administrative Commission shall adopt the common structural rules for data processing services, in particular on security and the use of standards, and shall lay down provisions for the operation of the common part of those services;

  5. (e)

    undertake any other function falling within its competence under this Regulation and the Implementing Regulation or any agreement or arrangement concluded thereunder;

  6. (f)

    make any relevant proposals to F2the European Commission concerning the coordination of social security schemes, with a view to improving and modernising the Community acquis by drafting subsequent Regulations or by means of other instruments provided for by the Treaty;

  7. (g)

    establish the factors to be taken into account for drawing up accounts relating to the costs to be borne by the institutions of the Member States under this Regulation and to adopt the annual accounts between those institutions, based on the report of the Audit Board referred to in Article 74.

Article 73Technical Commission for Data Processing


A Technical Commission for Data Processing (hereinafter called the Technical Commission) shall be attached to the Administrative Commission. The Technical Commission shall propose to the Administrative Commission common architecture rules for the operation of data-processing services, in particular on security and the use of standards; it shall deliver reports and a reasoned opinion before decisions are taken by the Administrative Commission pursuant to Article 72(d). The composition and working methods of the Technical Commission shall be determined by the Administrative Commission.


To this end, the Technical Commission shall:


gather together the relevant technical documents and undertake the studies and other work required to accomplish its tasks;


submit to the Administrative Commission the reports and reasoned opinions referred to in paragraph 1;


carry out all other tasks and studies on matters referred to it by the Administrative Commission;


ensure the management of Community pilot projects using data-processing services and, for the Community part, operational systems using data-processing services.

Article 74Audit Board


An Audit Board shall be attached to the Administrative Commission. The composition and working methods of the Audit Board shall be determined by the Administrative Commission.

The Audit Board shall:


verify the method of determining and calculating the annual average costs presented by Member States;


collect the necessary data and carry out the calculations required for establishing the annual statement of claims of each Member State;


give the Administrative Commission periodic accounts of the results of the implementation of this Regulation and of the Implementing Regulation, in particular as regards the financial aspect;


provide the data and reports necessary for decisions to be taken by the Administrative Commission pursuant to Article 72(g);


make any relevant suggestions it may have to the Administrative Commission, including those concerning this Regulation, in connection with subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c);


carry out all work, studies or assignments on matters referred to it by the Administrative Commission.

Article 74aF1The European Labour Authority


Without prejudice to the tasks and activities of the Administrative Commission, the European Labour Authority shall support the application of this Regulation in accordance with its tasks set out in Regulation (EU) 2019/1149. The Administrative Commission shall cooperate with the European Labour Authority in order to coordinate the activities in mutual agreement and avoid any duplication. To that end, it shall conclude a cooperation agreement with the European Labour Authority.


The Administrative Commission may request the European Labour Authority to refer an issue concerning social security under mediation in accordance with the third subparagraph of Article 13(11) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1149.

Article 75Advisory Committee for the Coordination of Social Security Systems


An Advisory Committee for the Coordination of Social Security Systems (hereinafter referred to as Advisory Committee) is hereby established, comprising, from each Member State:


one government representative;


one representative from the trade unions;


one representative from the employers' organisations.

For each of the categories referred to above, an alternate member shall be appointed for each Member State.

The members and alternate members of the Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Council. The Advisory Committee shall be chaired by a representative of F2the European Commission. The Advisory Committee shall draw up its Rules of Procedure.


The Advisory Committee shall be empowered, at the request of F2the European Commission, the Administrative Commission or on its own initiative:


to examine general questions or questions of principle and problems arising from the implementation of the Community provisions on the coordination of social security systems, especially regarding certain categories of persons;


to formulate opinions on such matters for the Administrative Commission and proposals for any revisions of the said provisions.