

CHAPTER 1Method of financing

Article 22Financial contribution from the EAFRD

The financial contribution from the EAFRD towards expenditure under rural development programmes shall be determined for each programme, within the ceilings established by Community legislation concerning support for rural development by the EAFRD, plus the amounts set by the Commission under Article 12(2) of this Regulation.

Expenditure financed under this Regulation shall not be the subject of any other financing under the Community budget.

Article 23Budget commitments

The Community's budget commitments for rural development programmes (hereinafter referred to as ‘budget commitments’) shall be made in annual instalments over the period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013.

The Commission decision adopting each rural development programme submitted by a Member State shall constitute a financing decision within the meaning of Article 75(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1605/2002 and, once notified to the Member State concerned, a legal commitment within the meaning of that Regulation.

For each programme, the budget commitment for the first instalment shall follow the adoption of the programme by the Commission. The budget commitments for subsequent instalments shall be made by the Commission, before 1 May of each year, on the basis of the decision referred to in the second paragraph of this Article.