Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 is amended as follows:

  1. 1.

    The address details under the heading ‘Germany’ shall be replaced with:

    1. concerning freezing of funds:

      Deutsche Bundesbank

      Servicezentrum Finanzsanktionen

      D-80281 München

      Tel: (49-89) 28 89 38 00

      Fax: (49-89) 35 01 63 38 00

    2. concerning freezing of economic resources:

      Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA)

      Frankfurter Straße 29-35

      D-65760 Eschborn

      Tel: (49-6196) 908-0

      Fax: (49-6196) 908-800

  2. 2.

    The address details under the heading ‘Lithuania’ shall be replaced with:

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Security Policy Department

    J.Tumo-Vaizganto 2

    LT-01511 Vilnius

    Tel: (370-5) 236 25 16

    Fax: (370-5) 231 30 90

  3. 3.

    The address details under the heading ‘Netherlands’ shall be replaced with:

    Ministerie van Financiën

    Directie Financiële Markten/Afdeling Integriteit

    Postbus 20201

    2500 EE Den Haag

    The Netherlands

    Tel: (31-70) 342 89 97

    Fax: (31-70) 342 79 84

  4. 4.

    The address details under the heading ‘Sweden’ shall be replaced with:

    Article 2a


    S-103 51 Stockholm

    Tel: (46-8) 786 90 00

    Fax: (46-8) 411 27 89

    Article 4


    Box 12256

    S-102 26 Stockholm

    Tel: (46-8) 401 90 00

    Fax (46-8) 401 99 00

    Article 5


    Box 6750

    S-113 85 Stockholm

    Tel: (46-8) 787 80 00

    Fax: (46-8) 24 13 35