SECTION 1Axis 1Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector

Article 20Measures

Support targeting the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector shall concern:


measures aimed at promoting knowledge and improving human potential through:


vocational training and information actions, including diffusion of scientific knowledge and innovative practises, for persons engaged in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors;


setting up of young farmers;


early retirement of farmers and farm workers;


use of advisory services by farmers and forest holders;


setting up of farm management, farm relief and farm advisory services, as well as of forestry advisory services;


measures aimed at restructuring and developing physical potential and promoting innovation through:


modernisation of agricultural holdings;


improving the economic value of forests;


adding value to agricultural and forestry products;


cooperation for development of new products, processes and technologies in the agriculture and food sector and in the forestry sector;


improving and developing infrastructure related to the development and adaptation of agriculture and forestry;


restoring agricultural production potential damaged by natural disasters and introducing appropriate prevention actions;


measures aimed at improving the quality of agricultural production and products by:


helping farmers to adapt to demanding standards based on Community legislation;


supporting farmers who participate in food quality schemes;


supporting producer groups for information and promotion activities for products under food quality schemes;


transitional measures for the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia concerning:


supporting semi-subsistence agricultural holdings undergoing restructuring;


supporting setting up of producer groups.