Commission Regulation (EC) No 92/2005 (repealed)Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 92/2005 of 19 January 2005 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards means of disposal or uses of animal by-products and amending its Annex VI as regards biogas transformation and processing of rendered fats (Text with EEA relevance) (repealed)

Article 1Treatment and disposal of Category 1 material

1.The processes of alkaline hydrolysis as defined in Annex I and of high pressure hydrolysis biogas as defined in Annex III are approved and may be authorised by the competent authority for the treatment and disposal of Category 1 material.

2.The process of biodiesel production as defined in Annex IV is approved and may be authorised by the competent authority for the treatment and disposal of Category 1 material, except for material referred to in Article 4(1)(a)(i) and (ii) of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002.

However, material derived from animals referred to in Article 4(1)(a)(ii) may be used for this process provided that:

(a)the animals were below 24 months of age at the time they were killed; or

(b)the animals were subjected to laboratory testing for the presence of a TSE pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council(1) and the result of the testing was negative.

The competent authority may also authorise this process for the treatment and disposal of any Category 1 processed animal fat.

Article 2Treatment and use or disposal of Categories 2 or 3 material

The processes of alkaline hydrolysis, high pressure high temperature hydrolysis, high pressure hydrolysis biogas, biodiesel production and Brookes gasification as defined in Annexes I to V respectively are approved and may be authorised by the competent authority for the treatment and use or disposal of Categories 2 or 3 material.

Article 3Conditions for implementing the processes defined in Annexes I to V

The competent authority shall approve the plants which use one of the processes described in Annexes I to V once it has authorised the process, if the plant complies with the technical specifications and parameters in the relevant Annex, and with the conditions laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002, except for the technical specifications and parameters laid down in that Regulation for other processes. For this purpose the person responsible for the plant shall demonstrate to the competent authority that all technical specifications and parameters established in the relevant Annex are met.

Article 4Marking and further disposal or use of resulting materials

1.Resulting materials shall be permanently marked, where technically possible with smell in accordance with Annex VI, Chapter I, point 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002.

However, in the case where the by-products being processed are exclusively Category 3 material, and where the resulting materials are not intended for disposal as waste, no such marking shall be required.

2.Materials resulting from the treatment of Category 1 material shall be disposed of as waste by:

(a)incineration or co-incineration in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2000/76/EC on the incineration of waste;

(b)burial in a landfill approved under Council Directive 1999/31/EC(2) on the landfill of waste; or

(c)further transformation in a biogas plant and disposal of the digestion residues as provided for in points (a) or (b).

3.Materials resulting from the treatment of Category 2 or 3 materials shall be:

(a)disposed of as waste as provided for in paragraph 2;

(b)further processed into fat derivatives for the uses mentioned in Article 5(2)(b)(ii) of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002, without the prior use of processing methods 1 to 5; or

(c)used, transformed or disposed of directly as provided for in Article 5(2)(c)(i), (ii) and (iii) of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002, without the prior use of processing method 1.

4.Any resulting waste, such as sludge, filter contents, ash and digestion residues, derived from the production process, shall be disposed of as provided for in paragraph 2, points (a) or (b).

Article 5Additional surveillance on initial implementation

1.The following provisions shall apply for the first two years of implementation of the following processes in each Member State, for the treatment of animal by-products referred to in Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002:

(a)alkaline hydrolysis as defined in Annex I;

(b)high pressure hydrolysis biogas as defined in Annex III; and

(c)biodiesel production as defined in Annex IV.

2.The operator or supplier of the process shall designate a pilot plant in each Member State where, at least annually, tests shall be undertaken to reconfirm the efficacy of the process with regard to animal and public health.

3.The competent authority shall ensure that:

(a)suitable tests are applied in the pilot plant to the materials derived from the treatment steps, such as the liquid and solid residues, and any gas generated during the process; and

(b)the official control of the pilot plant include a monthly inspection of the plant and a verification of the processing parameters and conditions applied.

At the end of each of the two years the competent authority shall report to the Commission the results of the surveillance, and any practical operating difficulties encountered.

Article 6Amendment of Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002

Chapters II and III of Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 shall be amended as follows:


In Chapter II, point B, at the end of number 4, the following sentence is added:

However, resulting materials from the processing of Category 1 material may be transformed in a biogas plant, provided that the processing was done pursuant to an alternative method approved in accordance with Article 4(2)(e) and, except as otherwise specified, the biogas production is part of that alternative method and the resulting material is disposed of in accordance with the conditions laid down for the alternative method.


At the end of Chapter III, the following sentence is added:

However, other processes may be used for further processing of animal fats derived from Category 1 material, provided these processes are approved as alternative method in accordance with Article 4(2)(e).

Article 7Entry into force and applicability

This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply no later than 1 January 2005.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 19 January 2005.

For the Commission

Markos Kyprianou

Member of the Commission