Commission Regulation (EC) No 94/2005

of 20 January 2005

on the issue of import licences for rice originating in the ACP States and the overseas countries and territories against applications submitted in the first five working days of January 2005 pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 638/2003


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 2286/2002 of 10 December 2002 on the arrangements applicable to agricultural products and goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products originating in the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP States) and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1706/981,
Having regard to Council Decision 2001/822/EC of 27 November 2001 on the association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Community (Overseas Association Decision)2,
Having regard to Commission Regulation (EC) No 638/2003 of 9 April 2003 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 2286/2002 and Council Decision 2001/822/EC as regards the arrangements applicable to imports of rice originating in the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP States) and the overseas countries and territories (OCT)3, and in particular Article 17(2) thereof,


Examination of the quantities for which applications have been submitted shows that licences for the January 2005 tranche should be issued for the quantities applied for reduced, where appropriate, by the percentages not covered and fixing the quantities carried over to the subsequent tranche,