CHAPTER 1U.K. Prior written notification and consent

Article 12U.K.Objections to shipments of waste destined for recovery

1.Where a notification is submitted regarding a planned shipment of waste destined for recovery, the competent authorities of destination and dispatch may, within 30 days following the date of transmission of the acknowledgement of the competent authority of destination in accordance with Article 8, raise reasoned objections based on one or more of the following grounds and in accordance with the Treaty:

(a)that the planned shipment or recovery would not be in accordance with Directive 2006/12/EC, in particular Articles 3, 4, 7 and 10 thereof; or

(b)that the planned shipment or recovery would not be in accordance with national legislation relating to environmental protection, public order, public safety or health protection concerning actions taking place in the objecting country; or

(c)that the planned shipment or recovery would not be in accordance with national legislation in the country of dispatch relating to the recovery of waste, including where the planned shipment would concern waste destined for recovery in a facility which has lower treatment standards for the particular waste than those of the country of dispatch, respecting the need to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market;

This shall not apply if:

(d)that the notifier or the consignee has previously been convicted of illegal shipment or some other illegal act in relation to environmental protection. In this case, the competent authorities of dispatch and destination may refuse all shipments involving the person in question in accordance with national legislation; or

(e)that the notifier or the facility has repeatedly failed to comply with Articles 15 and 16 in connection with past shipments; or

(f)that the planned shipment or recovery conflicts with obligations resulting from international conventions concluded by the Member State(s) concerned or the Community; or

(g)that the ratio of the recoverable and non-recoverable waste, the estimated value of the materials to be finally recovered or the cost of the recovery and the cost of the disposal of the non-recoverable fraction do not justify the recovery, having regard to economic and/or environmental considerations; or

(h)that the waste shipped is destined for disposal and not for recovery; or

(i)that the waste will be treated in a facility which is covered by Directive 96/61/EC, but which does not apply best available techniques as defined in Article 9(4) of that Directive in compliance with the permit of the facility; or

(j)that the waste concerned will not be treated in accordance with legally binding environmental protection standards in relation to recovery operations, or legally binding recovery or recycling obligations established in Community legislation (also in cases where temporary derogations are granted); or

(k)that the waste concerned will not be treated in accordance with waste management plans drawn up pursuant to Article 7 of Directive 2006/12/EC with the purpose of ensuring the implementation of legally binding recovery or recycling obligations established in Community legislation.

2.The competent authority(ies) of transit may, within the 30-day time limit referred to in paragraph 1, raise reasoned objections to the planned shipment based only on paragraph 1(b), (d), (e) and (f).

3.If, within the 30-day time limit referred to in paragraph 1, the competent authorities consider that the problems which gave rise to their objections have been resolved, they shall immediately inform the notifier in writing, with copies to the consignee and to the other competent authorities concerned.

4.If the problems giving rise to the objections are not resolved within the 30-day time limit referred to in paragraph 1, the notification shall cease to be valid. In cases where the notifier still intends to carry out the shipment, a new notification shall be submitted, unless all the competent authorities concerned and the notifier agree otherwise.

5.Objections raised by competent authorities in accordance with paragraph 1(c) shall be reported by Member States to the Commission in accordance with Article 51.

6.The Member State of dispatch shall inform the Commission and the other Member States of the national legislation on which objections raised by competent authorities in accordance with paragraph 1(c) may be based, and shall state to which waste and waste recovery operations those objections apply, before such legislation is invoked in order to raise reasoned objections.


OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37. Directive as last amended by the 2003 Act of Accession.