31993 R 2454: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code (OJ L 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1), as amended by:

  1. 1.

    The following is added to Article 62, third paragraph:

    1. издаден впоследствие,

    2. eliberat ulterior

  2. 2.

    The following is added to Article 113(3):



  3. 3.

    The following is added to Article 114(2):

    1. ДУБЛИКАТ,


  4. 4.

    Article 163(2) is replaced by the following:


    The customs value of goods introduced into the customs territory of the Community and then carried to a destination in another part of that territory through the territories of Belarus, Russia, Switzerland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia shall be determined by reference to the first place of introduction into the customs territory of the Community, provided that goods are carried direct through the territories of those countries by a usual route across such territory to the place of destination.

  5. 5.

    Article 163(4) is replaced by the following:


    Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall also apply where the goods have been unloaded, transhipped or temporarily immobilised in the territories of Belarus, Russia, Switzerland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for reasons related solely to their transport.

  6. 6.

    The following is added to Article 280(3):

    1. Опростено изнасяне,

    2. Export simplificat

  7. 7.

    The following is added to Article 296(2)(b), eighth indent:



  8. 8.

    The following is added to Article 297(3):



  9. 9.

    The following is added to Article 298(2):



  10. 10.

    The following is added to Article 314c(2):

    1. опаковка N,

    2. ambalaj N

  11. 11.

    The following is added to Article 314c(3):

    1. Издаден впоследствие,

    2. Eliberat ulterior

  12. 12.

    The following is added to Article 324c(2):

    1. Одобрен изпращач,

    2. Expeditor agreat autorizat autorizat

  13. 13.

    The following is added to Article 324d(2):

    1. Освободен от подпис,

    2. Dispensă de semnătură

  14. 14.

    The following is added to Article 333(1)(b):

    1. Извлечение,

    2. Extras

  15. 15.

    The following is added to Article 347(3), second subparagraph:

    1. Ограничена валидност,

    2. ValiditateValabilitate limitată

  16. 16.

    The following is added to Article 357(4), third subparagraph:

    1. Освободено,

    2. Dispensă

  17. 17.

    The following is added to Article 361(3):

    1. Алтернативно доказателство,

    2. Probă Dovada alternativă

  18. 18.

    The following is added to Article 361(4), second subparagraph:

    1. Различия: митническо учреждение, където стоките са представени (наименование и страна),

    2. Diferențe: mărfuri prezentate la biroul vamal (numebiroul unde au fost prezentate mărfurile (denumire ți țara)

  19. 19.

    The following is added to Article 387(2):

    1. Освободено от задължителен маршрут,

    2. Dispensa Scutit de la itinerariul obligatoriuprestabilit

  20. 20.

    The following is added to Article 402(1):

    1. Одобрен изпращач,

    2. Expeditor agreat autorizat autorizat

  21. 21.

    The following is added to Article 403(2):

    1. Освободен от подпис,

    2. Dispensă de semnătură

  22. 22.

    The following is added to Article 423(3), first subparagraph:

    1. Оформено,

    2. Vămuit

  23. 23.

    The following is added to Article 438(3):

    1. Оформено,

    2. Vămuit

  24. 24.

    The following is added to Article 549(1):

    1. Стоки АУ/ОП,

    2. Mărfuri PA/S

  25. 25.

    The following is added to Article 549(2):

    1. Търговска политика,

    2. Politică comercială

  26. 26.

    The following is added to Article 550:

    1. Стоки АУ/В,

    2. Mărfuri PA/R

  27. 27.

    The following is added to Article 583:

    1. Стоки от ВВ,

    2. Mărfuri AT

  28. 28.

    The following is added to Article 843(2):

    1. Излизането от Общността подлежи на ограничения или такси съгласно Регламент/Директива/Решение № …,

    2. Iețire din … Comunitate supusă restricțiilor sau impozitelor prin Regulamentul/Directiva/Decizia Nr …

  29. 29.

    The following is added to Article 849(2):

    1. Без възстановявания или други предоставяни суми за или при износ,

    2. Fără acordarea de restituiri restituții sau alte sume la export

  30. 30.

    The following is added to Article 849(3):

    1. Възстановявания и други суми за …(количество), изплатени за износа,

    2. Restituiri ți alte sume rambursate la export pentru … (cantitatea)

  31. 31.

    The following is added to Article 849(3) after ‘or’:

    1. Право за плащане на възстановявания или други суми за износа е отменено за … (количество),

    2. Dreptul la plata restituirilor sau a altor sume la export a fost anulat pentru … (cantitatea)

  32. 32.

    The following is added to Article 855, first subparagraph:

    1. ДУБЛИКАТ,

    2. DUPLICAT …

  33. 33.

    The following is added to Article 882(1)(b):

    1. Стоки, допуснати като върнати съгласно член 185, параграф 2, точка б от Кодекса,

    2. Mărfuri admise ca returnate în baza Articolului 185 (2) (b) din Cod

  34. 34.

    The following is added to Article 912b(2), second subparagraph:

    1. Обезпечение от … EUR представено,

    2. Garanție depusă în sumă de … EUR

  35. 35.

    The following is added to Article 912b(5), second subparagraph:

    1. Стоки, които не са под митнически режим,

    2. Mărfuri care nu sunt acoperite de un regim vamal

  36. 36.

    The following is added to Article 912e(2), second subparagraph:

    1. Извлечение от първоначално издадения оначалния контролен формуляр Т5 (регистрационен номер, дата, митническо учреждение и страна на издаване): …,

    2. Extras din exemplarul de control T5 inițial (număr de înregistrare, data, biroul ți țara emitente): …

  37. 37.

    The following is added to Article 912e(2), fourth subparagraph:

    1. … (брой) издадени извлечения — приложени формуляри,

    2. … (numărul) de extrase emise — copii anexate

  38. 38.

    The following is added to Article 912f(1), second subparagraph:

    1. Издаден впоследствие,

    2. Eliberat ulteriorEmis a posteriori

  39. 39.

    The following is added to Article 912f(2):

    1. ДУБЛИКАТ,


  40. 40.

    The following is added to Article 912g(2)(c):

    1. Освободен от подпис — член 912ж на Регламент (ЕИО) № 2454/93,

    2. Dispensă de semnătură — Articolul 912g din Regulamentul (CEE) Nr. 2454/93

  41. 41.

    The following is added to Article 912g(3):

    1. Опростена процедура — член 912ж на Регламент (ЕИО) № 2454/93,

    2. Procedură simplicată — Articolul 912g din Regulamentul (CEE) Nr. 2454/93

  42. 42.

    In Annex 1, in box ‘13. Language’ of copies 4 and 5 of the Binding Tariff Information form, the following are inserted:

    ‘BG’, ‘RO’.

  43. 43.

    In Annex 1/A, in Box 15 ‘Language’ of the Binding Origin Information form, the following are inserted:


  44. 44.

    In Annex 22, the following is added after the first paragraph headed ‘invoice declaration’:

    Bulgarian versionИзносителят на продуктите, обхванати от този документ (митническо разрешение № …. (1)), декларира, че освен където ясно е отбелязано друго, тези продукти са с … преференциален произход (2)

    Romanian versionExportatorul produselor ce fac obiectul acestui document (autorizația vamală nr… (1)) declară că, exceptând cazul în care în mod expres este indicat altfel, aceste produse sunt de origine preferențială… (2)

  45. 45.

    In Annex 25 (AIR TRANSPORT COSTS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CUSTOMS VALUE), the words ‘Bulgaria’ and ‘Romania’ are deleted from the first column of the ‘Zone P’ section of the table.

  46. 46.

    In Annex 32 (SAD — computerised declaration processing system), the following is added to copies 4 and 5:

    ‘ “Върнат на:”, “Returnat la:” ’

  47. 47.

    In Annex 38, the following is added to the note on Box 51:


  48. 48.

    Annex 47a is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      The following is added to point 2.2:



    2. (b)

      The following is added to point 4.33



  49. 49.

    In Annex 48, paragraph I(1), the paragraph beginning ‘in favour of the European Community’ is replaced by the following:

    ‘in favour of the European Community comprising the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Andorra and the Republic of San Marino (4), any amount of principal …’.

  50. 50.

    In Annex 49, paragraph I(1), the paragraph beginning ‘in favour of the European Community’ is replaced by the following:

    ‘in favour of the European Community comprising the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Andorra and the Republic of San Marino (3), any amount of principal …’.

  51. 51.

    In Annex 50, paragraph I(1), the paragraph beginning ‘in favour of the European Community’ is replaced by the following:

    ‘in favour of the European Community comprising the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Swiss Confederation, the Principality of Andorra and the Republic of San Marino (3), any amount of principal …’.

  52. 52.

    In Annex 51b, the following is added to item 1.2.1 concerning box 8:

    1. Ограничена валидност,

    2. Validitate limitată

  53. 53.

    In Annex 60, under heading ‘PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE INFORMATION TO BE ENTERED ON THE TAXATION FORM’, subheading ‘I. General’, the following is inserted:

    1. (a)

      in the column following the sentence beginning ‘The taxation form shall bear’:





    2. (b)

      in the column following the paragraph beginning ‘Heading 16:’:


      Bulgarian Lev


      New Romanian LeiLeu

  54. 54.

    In Annex 63 (Control copy T5 form), the following is added to Box B on Copy 1:

    Върнат на

    ‘Returnat la’.

  55. 55.

    In Annex 71, the following is inserted:

    1. (a)
      • in Note B.9. on the back of information sheet INF 1;

      • in Note B.15 on the back of information sheet INF 9;

      • in Note B.14. on the back of information sheet INF 5;

      • in Note B.13 on the back of information sheet INF 6; and

      • in Note B.15 on the back of information sheet INF 2:

        1. BGN for Bulgarian Lev

        1. RON for New Romanian Leu

    2. (b)

      in the Appendix under point 2.1.f):

      1. ДУБЛИКАТ

      2. DUPLICAT

  56. 56.

    In Annex 111, the following is inserted in Note B.12. of the notes appearing on the back of the form ‘Application for repayment: remission’:

    1. BGN: Bulgarian Lev

    1. RON: New Romanian Leu


1.31983 R 2289: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2289/83 of 29 July 1983 laying down provisions for the implementation of Articles 70 to 78 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 establishing a Community system of duty-free arrangements (OJ L 220, 11.8.1983, p. 15), as amended by:

  • 11985 I: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties — Accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic (OJ L 302, 15.11.1985 p. 23),

  • 31985 R 1746: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1746/85 of 26.6.1985 (OJ L 167, 27.6.1985, p. 23),

  • 31985 R 3399: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3399/85 of 28.11.1985 (OJ L 322, 3.12.1985, p. 10),

  • 31992 R 0735: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 735/92 of 25.3.1992 (OJ L 81, 26.3.1992, p. 18),

  • 11994 N: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties — Accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden (OJ C 241, 29.8.1994, p. 21),

  • 12003 T: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties — Accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic (OJ L 236, 23.9.2003, p. 33).

The following is added to Article 3(2), second subparagraph:

„Предмет за хората с увреждания: продължаването на митническите облекчения е съобразнo при спазване условията на член 77, параграф 2, алинея втора на Регламент (ЕИО) № 918/83“

«Articole pentru persoane cu handicap: menținerea scutirii este condiționată de respectarea prevederilor Articolului 77(2) din Regulamentul (CEE) Nr. 918/83»

2.31983 R 2290: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2290/83 of 29 July 1983 laying down provisions for the implementation of Articles 50 to 59b and of Articles 63a and 63b of Council Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 setting up a Community system of reliefs from customs duty (OJ L 220, 11.8.1983, p. 20), as amended by:

  • 11985 I: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties — Accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic (OJ L 302, 15.11.1985, p. 23),

  • 31985 R 1745: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1745/85 of 26.6.1985 (OJ L 167, 27.6.1985, p. 21),

  • 31985 R 3399: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3399/85 of 28.11.1985 (OJ L 322, 3.12.1985, p. 10),

  • 31988 R 3893: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3893/88 of 14.12.1988 (OJ L 346, 15.12.1988, p. 32),

  • 31989 R 1843: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1843/89 of 26.6.1989 (OJ L 180, 27.6.1989, p. 22),

  • 31992 R 0734: Commission Regulation (EEC) No 734/92 of 25.3.1992 (OJ L 81, 26.3.1992, p. 15),

  • 11994 N: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties — Accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden (OJ C 241, 29.8.1994, p. 21),

  • 12003 T: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties — Accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic (OJ L 236, 23.9.2003, p. 33).

The following is added to Article 3(2), second subparagraph:

„стоки на ЮНЕСКО: продължаването на митническите облекчения е съобразно условията на член 57, параграф 2, първа алинея на Регламент (ЕИО) № 918/83“

«articole UNESCO: menținerea scutirii este condiționată de respectarea prevederilor Articolului 57(2) primul paragraf din Regulamentul (CEE) Nr.918/83»