Article 83 U.K. Duties and powers of the Executive Director

1. The Agency shall be managed by its Executive Director, who shall perform his duties in the interests of the Community, and independently of any specific interests.

2. The Executive Director shall be the legal representative of the Agency. He shall be responsible for:

(a) the day-to-day administration of the Agency;

(b) managing all the Agency resources necessary for carrying out its tasks;

(c) ensuring that the time-limits laid down in Community legislation for the adoption of opinions by the Agency are complied with;

(d) ensuring appropriate and timely coordination between the Committees and the Forum;

(e) concluding and managing necessary contracts with service providers;

(f) the preparation of the statement of revenue and expenditure and the implementation of the budget of the Agency pursuant to Articles 96 and 97;

(g) all staff matters;

(h) providing the secretariat for the Management Board;

(i) preparing draft opinions of the Management Board concerning the proposed rules of procedure of the Committees and of the Forum;

(j) making arrangements, upon request from the Management Board, for the execution of any further function(s) (within the remit of Article 77) allotted to the Agency by delegation from the Commission;

(k) establishing and maintaining a regular dialogue with the European Parliament;

(l) determining the terms and conditions for use of software packages;

(m) rectifying a decision made by the Agency following an appeal and after consulting the Chairman of the Board of Appeal.

3. Each year, the Executive Director shall submit the following to the Management Board for approval:

(a) a draft report covering the activities of the Agency in the previous year, including information about the number of registration dossiers received, the number of substances evaluated, the number of applications for authorisation received, the number of proposals for restriction received by the Agency and opined upon, the time taken for completion of the associated procedures, and the substances authorised, dossiers rejected, substances restricted; complaints received and the action taken; an overview of the activities of the Forum;

(b) a draft work-programme for the coming year;

(c) the draft annual accounts;

(d) the draft forecast budget for the coming year;

(e) a draft multiannual work programme.

The Executive Director shall, following approval by the Management Board, forward the work programme for the coming year and the multiannual work programme to the Member States, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, and shall have them published.

The Executive Director shall, following approval by the Management Board, forward the Agency's general report to the Member States, the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Court of Auditors, and shall have it published.]