
Article 1 Subject matter and scope

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This Regulation shall apply to nutrition and health claims made in commercial communications, whether in the labelling, presentation or advertising of foods to be delivered as such to the final consumer.

F1In the case of non-prepackaged foodstuffs (including fresh products such as fruit, vegetables or bread) put up for sale to the final consumer or to mass caterers and foodstuffs packed at the point of sale at the request of the purchaser or pre-packaged with a view to immediate sale, Article 7 and Article 10(2)(a) and (b) shall not apply F2, unless the appropriate authority by regulations prescribes that those provisions shall apply. F3...

This Regulation shall also apply in respect of foods intended for supply to restaurants, hospitals, schools, canteens and similar mass caterers.


A trade mark, brand name or fancy name appearing in the labelling, presentation or advertising of a food which may be construed as a nutrition or health claim may be used without undergoing the authorisation procedures provided for in this Regulation, provided that it is accompanied by a related nutrition or health claim in that labelling, presentation or advertising which complies with the provisions of this Regulation.


For generic descriptors (denominations) which have traditionally been used to indicate a particularity of a class of foods or beverages which could imply an effect on human health, F4the appropriate authority may by regulations grant a derogation from paragraph 3, on application by the food business operators concerned. The application shall be sent to the F5competent authority which will forward it to the F6relevant authorities without delay. F7The appropriate authority may publish guidelines setting out the procedure and requirements for applications made by food business operators under this paragraph.


This Regulation shall apply without prejudice to F9...:


F10Regulation (EU) No 609/2013 and other relevant enactments relating to foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses;


F11enactments implementing Council Directive 80/777/EEC of 15 July 1980 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the exploitation and marketing of natural mineral waters 12F12and Directive 2009/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the exploitation and marketing of natural mineral water (Recast);


F13enactments implementing Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption 13 ;


F14enactments implementing Directive 2002/46/EC.