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1.The Commission shall establish and maintain a Community Register on the addition of vitamins and minerals and of certain other substances to foods, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Register’.
2.The Register shall include the following:
(a)the vitamins and minerals which may be added to foods as listed in Annex I;
(b)the vitamin formulations and mineral substances which may be added to foods as listed in Annex II;
(c)the maximum and minimum amounts of vitamins and minerals which may be added to foods and any associated conditions set in accordance with Article 6;
(d)the information regarding national provisions on the mandatory addition of vitamins and minerals referred to in Article 11;
(e)any restrictions on the addition of vitamins and minerals as set out in Article 4;
(f)the substances for which dossiers have been submitted as provided for in Article 17(1)(b);
(g)information about the substances referred to in Annex III and the reasons for their inclusion therein;
(h)information about the substances listed in Annex III, Part C, whose use is generally allowed as referred to in Article 8(5).
3.The Register shall be made available to the public.