1.Title of rural development programmeU.K.

2.Member State and administrative region (if relevant)U.K.

2.1.Geographical area covered by the planU.K.

(Article 15(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

2.2.Regions classified as ‘Convergence’ ObjectiveU.K.

(Article 16(d) and Article 69 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)


  • Convergence regions.

3.Analysis of the situation in terms of strengths and weaknesses, the strategy chosen to meet them and the ex ante evaluationU.K.

(Article 16(a) and Article 85 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

3.1.Analysis of the situation in terms of strengths and weaknessesU.K.

Describe the current situation of the geographical area using quantified data, highlighting strengths and weaknesses, disparities, needs and gaps and potential for rural development on the basis of the baseline indicators defined in Annex VIII and of other relevant additional indicators. This description shall concern:

— The general socio-economic context of the geographical area


the definition of the rural area taking into account point 2.4 of the Annex to Council Decision 2006/144/EC(1); the demographic situation including analysis of the age and gender population structure, in- and out-migration and problems arising from peri-urban pressures and remoteness; economic drivers, productivity and growth; the labour market including the structure of employment, unemployment and skills levels including analysis of the age and gender employment situation; general and agricultural/forestry land use and ownership structure, average size of holdings.

— Performance of the agricultural, forestry and food sectors


competitiveness of agricultural, forestry and food sectors, analysis of structural disadvantages and identification, of restructuring and modernisation needs; human capital and entrepreneurship; potential for innovation and knowledge transfer; quality and compliance with Community standards.

— Environment and land management


the handicaps facing farms in areas at risk of abandonment and marginalisation; overall description of biodiversity with focus on that linked to agriculture and forestry, including high nature value farming and forestry systems, the situation with respect to the implementation of the Natura 2000 directives in farm/forestland; water quality and quantity descriptions, the role of agriculture in water use/pollution and implementation of Council Directive 91/676/EEC(2) and of Directive 2000/60/EC (The Nitrates and the Water Framework Directive); air pollution and climate change and their link to agriculture: Greenhouse gas (GHG) and ammonia emissions and link to different action plans/initiatives taken by the Member State/region to contribute in achieving international targets including the Code of Good Practice to reduce ammonia emissions (Convention on Long Range Transboundary Pollution); bioenergy use; soil quality descriptions (water and wind erosion, organic matter, contamination) and protection, pesticide use, organic farming and animal welfare; extent of protective and protected forest areas, forest areas under high/medium fire risk, annual average change in forest coverage. The above descriptions shall be supported by quantified data.

— Rural economy and quality of life


structure of the rural economy, barriers to creation of alternative employment opportunities, micro-business formation and tourism; description and gap analysis of the provision of services in rural area, including access to online services and broadband infrastructure; infrastructural needs, cultural heritage and built environment in villages; human potential and local capacity for development including governance.

— Leader


the population and territory of the Member States covered by bottom-up integrated rural development strategies (Leader+ and other national and Community co-financed programmes) during the 2000-06 programming period.

3.2.The strategy chosen to meet strengths and weaknessesU.K.

Describe the choice and the hierarchy of rural development measures to address the situation in the rural territory and the financial weight given to the different axes and measures justified by the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses.

3.3.The ex ante evaluationU.K.

Include this evaluation that will identify and appraise the elements contained in Article 85 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005: medium- and long-term needs, the goals to be achieved, the results expected, the quantified targets particularly in terms of impact in relation to the baseline situation, the Community value added, the extent to which the Community’s priorities have been taken into account, the lessons drawn from previous programming and the quality of the procedures for implementation, monitoring, evaluation and financial management.

The ex ante evaluation shall address also the requirements of the environmental assessment provided for by Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council(3) (the ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive’).

The complete ex ante evaluation will be presented as an annex to the rural development programme.

3.4.Impact from the previous programming period and other informationU.K.

Describe the impact of EAGGF financial resources allocated to rural development during the previous programming period on the same programming area. Present a summary of the results of evaluations.

[F1For Bulgaria and Romania the description under the previous paragraph shall address the impact of the Sapard financial resources.]

Where relevant, also describe any supplementary measures in addition to Community rural development and accompanying measures which have had an impact on the programming area concerned.

4.Justification of the priorities chosen having regard to the Community strategic guidelines and the national strategy plan as well as the expected impact according to the ex ante evaluationU.K.

(Article 16(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

4.1.Justification of the priorities chosen having regard to the Community strategic guidelines and the national strategy planU.K.

Describe how the measures selected in the rural development programme and the financial weight given to the four Axes reflect the national strategy plan and the specific national situation.

4.2.Expected impacts deriving from the ex ante evaluation with regard to the priorities chosenU.K.

The rural development programme will include a summary of the ex ante evaluation (driven from the full ex ante evaluation annexed to the programme) and how the managing authorities took into account the results of this evaluation. This part shall also comment on the expected impacts of synergies between axes and measures and how integrated actions across them can contribute to positive externalities and win-win situations.

5.Information on the axes and measures proposed for each axis and their descriptionU.K.

(Article 16(c) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

This information shall include the description of the axes and measures proposed, as well as specific verifiable objectives and indicators referred in Article 81 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 that allow the programme’s progress, efficiency and effectiveness to be measured. These indicators will include common indicators included in the CMEF (Annex VIII to this Regulation) and additional indicators specific to the programme.

5.1.General requirementsU.K.
  • identify the specific article (and paragraph where relevant) which covers each rural development measure. Where two or more articles are quoted (for integrated operations), the payment shall be attributed to the dominant measure and through this to the dominant axis (Article 70(7) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005), but each part shall be implemented in accordance with the rules governing the individual measures.

  • identify the rationale for intervention, the objectives, the scope and actions, indicators, quantified targets and where appropriate beneficiaries.

5.2.Requirements concerning all or several measuresU.K.
  • Reference of all ongoing operations/contracts from the previous period, including in financial terms, and the procedures/rules (including the transitional ones) which apply to these in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1320/2006 laying down rules for the transition to the rural development support provided for by Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005(4). Where deviations from the correlation table set in Annex II to that Regulation are proposed in a programme such deviations must be explained under this indent. For operations belonging to measures which will no longer be re-conducted in the 2007-13 programming period description may be limited only to the requirements under this indent.[F1For Bulgaria and Romania, reference to all ongoing operations/contracts, including in financial terms, and the procedures/rules (including the transitional ones) which apply to these in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 248/2007 (5) on measures concerning the Multiannual Financing Agreements and the Annual Financing Agreements concluded under the Sapard programme and the transition from Sapard to rural development.]

  • Confirmation that for the measures pursuant to Articles 25 and 52 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 and for operations under the measures pursuant to Articles 28 and 29 of that Regulation which fall outside the scope of Article 36 of the Treaty, respect of the State aid procedures and material compatibility criteria, in particular aid ceilings of total public support under Articles 87 to 89 of the Treaty, is ensured.

  • Confirmation that the cross-compliance requirements, which affect the implementation of several rural development measures, are identical to those provided for by Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003.

  • Evidence that for investment measures support is targeted on clearly defined objectives reflecting identified territorial needs and structural disadvantages.

  • Criteria and administrative rules for ensuring that operations benefiting exceptionally from rural development support in the support schemes listed in Annex I to this Regulation are not also supported by other relevant instruments of the Common Agricultural Policy.

  • Evidence as referred to in Article 48(2) of this Regulation allowing the Commission to check consistency and plausibility of the calculations.

  • In case of use of interest rate subsidies and capitalisation systems thereof, as well as of financial engineering actions, the arrangements in accordance with Articles 49 to 52 of this Regulation.

5.3.Information required for Axes and measuresU.K.

The following specific information is required for measures:

5.3.1.Axis 1: Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sectorU.K.

Common to certain measures relating to forestry

  • linkage of proposed measures with national/sub-national forest programmes or equivalent instruments and with the Community Forestry Strategy. aimed at promoting knowledge and improving human potentialU.K. Vocational training and information actions, including diffusion of scientific knowledge and innovative practices, for persons engaged in the agricultural, food and forestry sectorsU.K.
  • description of the operations (including types of training) and the type of beneficiaries,

  • details on coverage of support. up of young farmersU.K.
  • the definition of ‘setting up’ used by the Member State/region,

  • a summary of the requirements of the business plan, including in case of investments to comply with existing Community standards within a 36-month grace period, and details on frequency and treatment of reviews of the business plan,

  • use of the possibility to benefit from the grace period in order to reach the occupational skills and competence requirements,

  • use of the possibility to combine different measures through the business plan giving access of the young farmer to these measures,

  • amount of support and choice of payment (single premium in up to five instalments, interest rate subsidy or combination of both). retirement of farmers and farm workersU.K.
  • description of the link with national retirement schemes,

  • description of the link with the young farmers setting-up measure (where this options was chosen),

  • duration of the aid,

  • use of the possibility to transfer released land to a body which undertakes to reassign it at a later date,

  • amount for payments. of farm and forestry advisory servicesU.K.
  • description of the farm/forestry advisory systems put in place by the Member State, including the procedure for the selection of the bodies responsible for the provision of those services to farmers/forest holders,

  • amount and rate of support. up of management, relief and advisory servicesU.K.
  • description of the setting-up procedures, the status of the services providers, the type of services covered,

  • description of the types of eligible expenditures, level of support, including its degressivity. aimed at restructuring and developing physical potential and promoting innovationU.K. of agricultural holdingsU.K.
  • description of the requirements and targets with regard to the improvement of the overall performance of the agricultural holdings,

  • types of investments (tangible-intangible),

  • types of beneficiaries,

  • designation of the newly introduced Community standards (and of existing standards in the case of young farmers receiving setting-up support) for which support may be granted, justification related to the specific problems involved in complying with these standards and duration and justification of the grace period per standard concerned,

  • type of support and aid intensities. the economic value of forestsU.K.
  • types of investments and of the beneficiaries concerned,

  • type of support and aid intensities. value to agricultural and forestry productsU.K. for development of new products, processes and technologies in the agriculture and food sector and in the forestry sectorU.K.
  • sectors covered and types of partners involved in the cooperation projects,

  • description of any distinction between cooperation projects in the fields of new products/new processes/new technologies,

  • types of eligible costs and levels of support. related to the development and adaptation of agriculture and forestryU.K.
  • Description of the type of operations. agricultural production potential damaged by natural disasters and introducing appropriate prevention actionsU.K.
  • On occurrence of such events, assurance that only investment expenditure is covered. aimed at improving the quality of agricultural production and productsU.K. standards based on Community legislationU.K.
  • list of standards based on Community legislation eligible for support under Article 31(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005, date from which each standard is mandatory in accordance with Community legislation and justification of choice,

  • description of the significant impact on farm operating costs stemming from the obligations or restrictions imposed by the new standard,

  • amount of support per eligible standard and methodology used to determine this amount. of farmers in food quality schemesU.K.
  • list of Community and national quality schemes eligible for support, including the list of products qualifying for support under the quality schemes chosen. For national schemes, description of the scheme regarding the criteria referred to in Article 22(2),

  • indication of the official authority or authorities responsible for the supervision of the functioning of the quality scheme and description of the organisational arrangements for the supervision,

  • amount of support per type of eligible scheme and justification of fixed costs. and promotion activitiesU.K.
  • list of products qualifying for support under the quality scheme chosen under measure ‘Participation of farmers in food quality schemes’,

  • procedure for ensuring that actions benefiting from rural development support are not also supported under Regulation (EC) No 2826/2000,

  • procedure for ex ante checks on information, promotion, and advertising materials (Article 23(6) of this Regulation),

  • summary description of the type of eligible costs and rates of support.

[F25.3.1.4. Transitional measures for Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia;] U.K. semi-subsistence agricultural holdings undergoing restructuringU.K.
  • definition of the semi-subsistence farm taking account of the minimum and/or maximum size of the farm, the proportion of production marketed, and/or the level of income of the eligible farm;

  • definition of the future economic viability;

  • summary of the requirements of the business plan;

  • amount and duration of support. up of producer groupsU.K.
  • description of the official procedure for recognising the groups including selection criteria;

  • sectors concerned;

  • solely for Malta, indication of the sector or sectors benefiting from the derogation with the justification related to the extremely small total output, and the conditions of eligibility for the derogation: minimum percentage of the group’s production compared to total production in the sector, minimum number of producers in the sector who are members of the group;

  • solely for Malta, justification of annual amounts.

[F15. Provision of farm advisory and extension services in Bulgaria and Romania U.K.
  • description of the type of advisory and extension services to be provided;

  • the minimum requirements for the bodies responsible for the provision of these services;

  • the procedures for the selection of these bodies.]

5.3.2.Axis 2: Improving the environment and the countrysideU.K. targeting the sustainable use of agricultural landU.K.

Common to certain measures

Detailed description of the national implementation:

  • for the specific purposes of Article 39(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 the minimum requirements for fertilizer and plant protection products use and other relevant mandatory requirements; minimum requirements for fertilisers must include, inter alia, the Codes of Good Practice introduced under Directive 91/676/EEC for farms outside Nitrate Vulnerable Zones, and requirements concerning phosphorus pollution; minimum requirements for plant protection products must include, inter alia, requirements to have a licence to use the products and meet training obligations, requirements on safe storage, the checking of application machinery and rules on pesticide use close to water and other sensitive sites, as established by national legislation;

  • for the specific purposes of Article 40(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 other relevant mandatory requirements established by national legislation. handicap payments to farmers in mountain areasU.K.

The provisions of points 9.3.V.A(1) and 9.3.V.B(1), (2) and (3) and of the second indent of point 9.3.V.B. of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 817/2004 apply until 31 December 2009. However, the distinction between A and B, main features/other information respectively is invalidated. to farmers in areas with handicaps, other than mountain areasU.K.

Point applies. 2000 payments and payments linked to Directive 2000/60/ECU.K. paymentsU.K.
  • description and justification of the different types of commitments, based on their expected environmental impact in relation to environmental needs and priorities,

  • the description of the methodology and of the agronomic assumptions and parameters (including the description of the baseline requirements as stated in Article 39(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 which are relevant for each particular type of commitment) used as reference point for the calculations justifying: (a) additional costs, (b) income foregone resulting from the commitment made and (c) level of the transaction costs; where relevant, this methodology shall take into account aid granted under Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003; where appropriate, the conversion method used for other units in accordance with Article 27(9) of this Regulation,

  • amounts of support,

  • the measures, objectives and criteria applied in case of the selection of beneficiaries by calls for tender in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 39(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005,

  • the list of local breeds in danger of being lost to farming and the number of breeding females concerned. That number must be certified by a duly recognised technical body — or breeder’s organisation/association — which must register and keep up-to-date the herd or flock book for the breed. Evidence that the body concerned possesses the necessary skills and knowledge to identify animals of the breeds in danger,

  • for plant genetic resources under threat of genetic erosion, evidence of genetic erosion based upon scientific results and indicators for the occurrence of landraces/primitive (local) varieties, their population diversity and the prevailing agricultural practices at local level,

  • for conservation of genetic resources in agriculture (Article 39(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005): types of beneficiaries, of operations and details on eligible costs. welfare paymentsU.K.
  • description and justification of the different types of commitments, in at least one of the areas identified in Article 27(7) of this Regulation, based on their expected impact,

  • description of the methodology and of the agronomic/zoo-technical assumptions and parameters (including the description of the baseline requirements as stated in Article 40(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 which are relevant for each particular type of commitment) used as reference point for the calculations justifying: (a) additional costs and income foregone resulting from the commitment made; (b) level of the transaction costs,

  • amounts of support. for non-productive investmentsU.K.
  • definition of operations to be supported,

  • description of the link to commitments provided for in Article 36(a)(iv) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 or other agri-environmental objectives,

  • description of the public amenity values of a Natura 2000 area or other high nature value area to be enhanced. targeting the sustainable use of forestry landU.K.

Common to all measures:

  • linkage of proposed measures with national/sub-national forest programmes or equivalent instruments and with the Community Forestry Strategy,

  • reference to the forest protection plans for areas classified as high or medium risk for forest fires and the elements ensuring conformity of proposed measures with these protection plans. afforestation of agricultural landU.K.
  • definition of ‘agricultural land’,

  • definition of ‘farmer’,

  • provisions and criteria for the selection of the areas to be afforested ensuring that the planned measures are suited to local conditions and compatible with the environmental requirements, particularly biodiversity, in accordance with Article 50(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 and Article 34(2) of this Regulation,

  • description of the methodology for the calculation of establishment and maintenance cost as well as income foregone to be compensated. Where relevant for the latter, this methodology shall take into account aid granted under Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003,

  • aid intensity for establishment support, amounts and duration of annual premiums contributing to covering maintenance costs and loss of income. establishment of agroforestry systems on agricultural landU.K.
  • definition of agroforestry systems to be supported,

  • forestry use,

  • agricultural use,

  • densities of planting,

  • description of the methodology for the calculation of the establishment cost,

  • aid intensities for establishment support. afforestation of non-agricultural landU.K.
  • provisions and criteria for the designation of areas to be afforested,

  • provisions ensuring that the planned measures are suited to local conditions and compatible with the environmental requirements, particularly biodiversity,

  • description of the methodology for the calculation of establishment and maintenance costs,

  • aid intensities for establishment support. 2000 PaymentsU.K.
  • the areas designated to implement Directives 79/409/EEC and 92/43/EEC as well as the obligations for forest owners resulting from the corresponding national/regional management provisions,

  • description of the methodology for the calculations justifying costs incurred and income foregone resulting from the restrictions on the use of forests and other wooded land due to implementation of Directives 79/409/EEC and 92/43/EEC in the area concerned,

  • amount of support. paymentsU.K.
  • justification for the commitments, based on their expected environmental impact in relation to environmental needs and priorities,

  • description of the methodology and of the assumptions and parameters used as reference point for the calculations justifying additional costs and income foregone resulting from the commitment given,

  • amount of support. forestry potential and introducing prevention actionsU.K.
  • nature of the actions to be implemented and prevention plans. for non-productive investmentsU.K.
  • definition of operations to be supported,

  • description of the link to commitments provided for in Article 36(b)(v) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 or other environmental objective,

  • description of the public amenity values to be enhanced.

5.3.3.Axis 3: Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economyU.K. to diversify the rural economyU.K. into non-agricultural activitiesU.K.
  • domains of diversification covered,

  • aid intensities. for the creation and development of micro-enterprisesU.K.
  • types of beneficiary enterprises,

  • description of the type of operations,

  • aid intensities. of tourism activitiesU.K.
  • description of the type of operations covered, referred to in Article 55 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005,

  • aid intensities. to improve the quality of life in rural areasU.K. services for the economy and rural populationU.K.
  • types of services supported,

  • types of cost covered. renewal and developmentU.K.
  • types of actions supported,

  • types of cost covered. and upgrading of the rural heritageU.K.
  • description of the type of operations covered, referred to in Article 57 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005. Training and information U.K.
  • field(s) covered by the training and information,

  • type of economic actors beneficiary of actions envisaged. Skill acquisition, animation and implementation U.K.
  • skill acquisition and animation: description of the type of operation covered,

  • public-private partnerships under Article 59(e) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 other than those referred to in Article 62(1)(b) of that Regulation that will implement local development strategies: description of the type (partners represented, percentage of private partners represented, decision-making power), indicative estimate of the number of the public-private partnerships and area and population covered; indication of Axis 3 measures implemented by these public-private partnerships; provision ensuring that the running costs of these partnerships fit within the ceiling of 15 % of the public expenditure of their local development strategy.

5.3.4.Axis 4: Implementation of the Leader approachU.K. development strategiesU.K.
  • procedure and timetable for selecting the local action groups, including objective selection criteria and planned indicative number of local action groups and planned percentage of rural territories covered by local development strategies,

  • justification for selection of areas whose population falls outside the limits set out in Article 37(3),

  • procedure for the selection of operations by the local action groups,

  • description of the financial circuits applicable for local action groups. and transnational cooperationU.K.
  • Procedure, timetable and objective criteria to select inter-territorial and transnational cooperation projects. the local action group, acquiring skills and animating the territoryU.K.
[F15.3.5. Complements to direct payments U.K.
  • Community contribution for each of the years 2007, 2008 and 2009.

  • Designation of paying agency.]

6.A financing plan, comprising two tablesU.K.

(Article 16(d) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

[F36.1. Annual EAFRD contribution (in euro) U.K.

For Member States comprising convergence regions and other regions.


For Member States applying voluntary modulation pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 378/2007.]

Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Convergence regions a
Amounts resulting from voluntary modulation b
6.2.Financial plan by axis (in EUR total period)(7) U.K.
AxisPublic contribution
Total publicEAFRD contribution rate(%)EAFRD amount
Axis 1
Axis 2
Axis 3
Axis 4
Technical Assistance
[F16.2 a. Financial plans by axis for Bulgaria and Romania (in EUR total period) U.K.
Axis Public contribution
Total public EAFRD contribution rate (%) EAFRD amount
Axis 1
Axis 2
Axis 3
Axis 4
Technical Assistance
Complements to direct payments
Total ]

NB: Transitional expenditure according to the first indent of point 5.2 of this Annex shall be integrated in the tables in points 6.1, 6.2 and point 7. For the identification of such expenditure Member States shall use the correlation table in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1320/2006.[F1For Bulgaria and Romania the correlation table in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 248/2007 shall be used for the identification of such expenditures.] U.K.

7.Indicative breakdown by Rural Development Measure (in EUR, total period)U.K.


In order to verify compliance with Article 17 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 the distribution key between axes resulting from the local development strategies will be applied to the total allocation of axis 4.

Measure/AxisPublic expenditurePrivate expenditureTotal Cost
Measure 111
Measure 112
Measure 121
Measure 1 …
Total Axis 1
Measure 211
Measure 212
Measure 221
Measure 2 …
Total Axis 2
Measure 311
Measure 312
Measure 321
Measure 3 …
Total Axis 3

Local development strategies:

— 411


— 412

Environment/land management

— 413

Quality of life/diversification




Running costs, skills acquisition, animation

Total Axis 4a
Total axes 1, 2, 3 and 4

Technical Assistance

of which amount for the national rural network (where relevant):


running costs


action plan

Grand total

The consolidated financial table and the indicative initial measure table must follow the structure of the tables in points 6.1, 6.2 and point 7 and the order of the following list:

The different measures are codified as follows:


vocational training, information actions, including diffusion of scientific knowledge and innovative practices for persons engaged in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors;


setting up of young farmers;


early retirement of farmers and farm workers;


use by farmers and forest holders of advisory services;


setting up of farm management, farm relief and farm advisory services, as well as forestry advisory services;


farm modernisation;


improving the economic value of the forest;


adding value to agricultural and forestry products;


cooperation for development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural and food sector;


improving and developing infrastructure related to the development and adaptation of agriculture and forestry;


restoring agricultural production potential damaged by natural disasters and introducing appropriate prevention actions;


helping farmers to adapt to demanding standards based on Community legislation;


supporting farmers who participate in food quality schemes;


supporting producer groups for information and promotion activities for products under food quality schemes;


supporting semi-subsistence farms undergoing restructuring;


setting up of producer groups;


provision of farm advisory and extension services in Bulgaria and Romania;]


natural handicap payments to farmers in mountain areas;


payments to farmers in areas with handicaps, other than mountain areas;


Natura 2000 payments and payments linked to Directive 2000/60/EC;


agri-environmental payments;


animal welfare payments;


support for non-productive investments;


first afforestation of agricultural land;


first establishment of agroforestry systems on agricultural land;


first afforestation of non-agricultural land;


Natura 2000 payments;


forest environment payments;


restoring forestry potential and introducing prevention actions;


support for non-productive investments;


diversification into non-agricultural activities;


support for the creation and development of micro-enterprises;


encouragement of tourism activities;


basic services for the economy and rural population;


village renewal and development;


conservation and upgrading of the rural heritage;


training and information for economic actors operating in the fields covered by Axis 3;


skills acquisition and animation with a view to preparing and implementing a local development strategy;


local development strategies;




environment/land management;


quality of life/diversification;


transnational and inter-regional cooperation;


running the local action group, skills acquisition, animation;


technical assistance[F2;]


complementary direct payments in Bulgaria and Romania.]

[F17a. Indicative breakdown by Rural Development Measure for Bulgaria and Romania (in EUR, total period) U.K.


In order to verify compliance with Article 17 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 the distribution key between axes resulting from the local development strategies will be applied to the total allocation of Axis 4.]

Measure/Axis Public expenditure Private expenditure Total cost
Measure 111
Measure 112
Measure 121
Measure 1…
Total Axis 1
Measure 211
Measure 212
Measure 221
Measure 2 …
Total Axis 2
Measure 311
Measure 312
Measure 321
Measure 3…
Total Axis 3

Local development strategies:




Environment/land management


Quality of life/diversification




Running costs, skills acquisition, animation

Total Axis 4 a

Technical Assistance

of which amount for the national rural network (where relevant):


running costs


action plan


Complements to direct payments

Grand total

8.Where applicable, a table on additional national financing per axis, distinguishing the measures concerned as identified in Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005U.K.


Additional national financing (Article 16(f) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

(In Euro, total period)
Axis 1
Measure 111
Total Axis 1
Axis 2
Measure 211
Total Axis 2
Axis 3
Measure 311
Total Axis 3
Axis 4
Measure 411
Total Axis 4
Total Axis 1, Axis 2, Axis 3, Axis 4

9.The elements needed for the appraisal under competition rules and, when applicable, the list of aid schemes authorised under Articles 87, 88 and 89 of the Treaty to be used for the implementation of the programmesU.K.

(Article 16(g) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

Elements under points A and B for state aid rules and procedures must be valid over the entire life cycle of the programme and cover both the initial submission and subsequent changes thereof.

A.For measures and operations falling within the scope of Article 36 of the Treaty, either:U.K.
  • indicate whether support will be granted in respect of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1860/2004(8) on de minimis support in the agriculture sector; or

  • provide the registration number and the reference to the Commission exemption Regulation adopted on the basis of Council Regulation (EC) No 994/98(9) under which the measure was introduced; or

  • provide the case number and reference number under which the measure has been declared compatible with the Treaty by the Commission; or

  • submit the relevant information sheet annexed to Commission Regulation (EC) No 794/2004(10).

[F4B. For the measures pursuant to Articles 25, 27 (for the latter only for additional national funding referred to in Article 89 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005), 43 to 49 and 52 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 and operations under the measures pursuant to Articles 21, 24, 28, 29 and 30 of that Regulation which fall outside the scope of Article 36 of the Treaty, either: U.K.
  • indicate whether support will be granted in respect of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1998/2006 (11) ; or

  • list the registration number and the reference to the Commission exemption Regulation adopted on the basis of Regulation (EC) No 994/98 under which the measure was introduced; or

  • provide the case number and reference number under which the measure has been declared compatible with the Treaty by the Commission; or

  • indicate for what other reasons the aid scheme concerned shall constitute existing aid within the meaning of Article 1(b) of Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 including existing aid measures within the meaning of the Accession Treaties.]

Those measures must be provided in the format of State aid table, as set out below:

C.Format of State aid table, to be attached to each rural development programmeU.K.

To indicate respectively:

  • For the measures covered by a de minimis Regulation: ‘Any aid granted under this measure will be in conformity with the de minimis Regulation (EC) No […]’,

  • For approved aid schemes: reference to Commission State aid approval decision, including State aid number and references of approval letter,

  • For Block Exempted aid: reference to the individual Block Exemption Regulation and the registration number,

  • For other existing aid measures:


    in the case of the Member States that acceded to the Community on 1 May 2004 and on 1 January 2007‘the new Member States’]: (1) ‘none’ for pre-1995 aid; (2) reference to the measure's number on the Accession Treaty list, (3) reference to the ‘interim procedure’ no objections letter,


    for other cases of existing aid: please indicate the applicable relevant justification.

Measure codeName of the aid schemeIndication of lawfulness of the schemeaDuration of aid scheme

The State aid table shall be accompanied by a commitment from the Member State that any cases of application of the schemes enumerated in point B for which individual notifications are required under State aid rules or under conditions and commitments laid down in the respective State aid approval decision, will be notified individually pursuant to Article 88(3) of the Treaty.

10.Information on the complementarity with the measures financed by the other Common Agricultural Policy instruments, through Cohesion policy as well as by the European Fisheries FundU.K.

(Article 5, Article 16(h) and Article 60 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

10.1.Appraisal of and means for the complementarity with:U.K.
  • activities, policies and priorities of the Community, in particular with the objectives of Economic and Social cohesion and those of the European Fisheries Fund,

  • measures financed by the EAGF or other instruments in the sectors listed in Annex I to this Regulation.

10.2.In relation with Axes 1, 2 and 3 measures:U.K.
  • Demarcation criteria for the measures which target operations also eligible under another Community support instrument, in particular structural funds and the European Fisheries Fund.

10.3.In relation with Axis 4 measures:U.K.
  • Demarcation criteria for the local development strategies falling within Axis 4 in relation to local development strategies implemented by ‘Groups’ under the European Fisheries Fund and for cooperation in relation to the Cooperation Objective under the Structural Funds.

10.4.Where relevant, information on the complementarity with other Community financial instruments shall be supplied.U.K.

11.Designation of competent authorities and bodies responsibleU.K.

(Article 16(i)(i) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

  • Designation by the Member State of all the authorities provided for in Article 74(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 and for information a summary description of their management and control structure.

12.A description of the monitoring and evaluation systems, as well as the envisaged composition of the Monitoring CommitteeU.K.

(Article 16 (i)(ii) and Article 77 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

12.1.A description of the monitoring and evaluation systemsU.K.

These will be constructed on the basis of the common list of output, result, baseline and impact indicators of the rural development programme, included in the CMEF in Annex VIII and the other elements referred to in Article 62(3). Each rural development programme shall specify additional indicators reflecting national and/or regional needs, conditions and objectives specific to the programme area. The data gathered for the indicators could be inspired from standards developed by the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) or Community projects such as the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES).

12.2.The envisaged composition of the Monitoring CommitteeU.K.

13.Provisions to ensure that the programme is publicisedU.K.

(Article 76 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

Describe the communication plan and the elements included in Article 58 of this Regulation and Annex VI thereto:

13.1.Actions foreseen to inform potential beneficiaries, professional organisations, the economic, social and environmental partners, bodies involved in promoting equality between men and women and the non-governmental organisations, of the possibilities offered by the programme and the rules for gaining access to programme funding.U.K.
13.2.Actions foreseen to inform the beneficiaries of the Community contribution.U.K.
13.3.Actions to inform the general public about the role played by the Community in the programmes and the results thereof.U.K.

14.The designation of the partners consulted and the results of the consultationU.K.

(Article 6 and Article 16(j) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

14.1.The designation of the partners consultedU.K.

List of the consulted competent regional, local authorities and other public authorities, the economic and social partners and any other appropriate body representing civil society, non-governmental organisations, including environmental organisations, and bodies responsible for promoting equality between men and women.

14.2.The results of the consultationU.K.

Supply a summary of the results of consultations including the dates of consultation and the time given to comment and contribute to the programme preparation and indicate the extent to which the views and advice received have been taken into account.

15.Equality between men and women and non-discriminationU.K.

(Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

15.1.Describe how equality between men and women will be promoted at the various stages of programme implementation (design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation).U.K.
15.2.Describe how any discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual orientation is prevented during the various stages of programme implementation.U.K.

16.Technical assistance operationsU.K.

(Article 66(2) and Article 68 of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005)

16.1.Description of the preparation, management, monitoring, evaluation, information and control activities of programme assistance financed by technical assistance.U.K.
16.2.National rural networkU.K.
  • list of organisations and administrations involved in rural development which will form part of the national rural network;

  • procedure and timetable for establishing the national rural network;

  • summary description of the main categories of activity to be undertaken by the national rural network. These activities will form the basis of the action plan to be drawn up by the managing authority and supported under Article 68(2)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005;

  • amount reserved for establishing and operating the national rural network and implementing the action plan as referred to in Article 68(2)(a) and (b) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005. Within this amount a distinction must be made between the part covering the structure needed to run the network and the one covering the action plan. The programme must contain provisions ensuring that the part of the amount under that point (a) shall not unduly increase over time.


Where, in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 66(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005, Member States with regional programmes submit for approval a specific programme for the establishment and the operation of national rural networks, those programmes must include the following elements:


list of organisations and administrations involved in rural development which will form part of the national rural network;


procedure and timetable for establishing the national rural network;


summary description of the main categories of activity to be undertaken by the national rural network. These activities will form the basis of the action plan to be drawn up by the managing authority and supported under Article 68(2)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005;


amount reserved for establishing and operating the national rural network and implementing the action plan as referred to in Article 68(2)(a) and (b) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 and the annual breakdown of the EAFRD contribution which must be compatible with Article 69(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005;


a financial table for the whole programming period of the following format (EUR current prices):


designation of competent authorities and bodies responsible;


description of the monitoring and evaluation system, as well as the envisaged composition of the Monitoring Committee.


Details for Directive 2000/60/EC will be issued at a later stage.


[F3In so far as the rural development programmes cover different types of regions and the EAFRD co-financing rates are differentiated, table 6,2 needs to be repeated for each type of region and for the amounts resulting from voluntary modulation: Convergence Objective regions, Outermost regions and smaller Aegean Islands, other regions, amounts resulting from voluntary modulation.]