Article 49
Interest rate subsidies for loans may be co-financed by the EAFRD pursuant to Article 71(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005. When proposing interest rate subsidies, Member States shall indicate in their programmes the method of calculation of the interest rate subsidy to be used.
Member States may establish a system of capitalisation of the remaining annual instalments of the interest rate subsidy at any time during the period of the loan. Any remaining annual instalment after the final date for payments shall be capitalised and paid out by 31 December 2015 at the latest. For the purposes of claims for payment made to the Commission, the amounts paid out to the intermediary financial institution undertaking the payment of the discounted value of the subsidy shall be considered as expenditure actually incurred.
For the purposes of the second paragraph, an agreement is needed between the Member States’ paying agency and the intermediary financial institution undertaking the payment of the discounted value of the subsidy. Member States shall indicate in the programme the calculation method and future value hypotheses to be used in calculating the capitalised value of outstanding interest rate subsidy as well as the arrangements for continuing transmitting the aid to the beneficiaries.
Member States shall remain responsible for the management of the payment of the discounted value of the subsidy for the entire loan period to the financial intermediary and for any recovery of amounts unduly paid in accordance with Article 33 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005(1).