Article 1

Regulation (EC) No 2076/2002 is amended as follows:


In Article 2 the following paragraph 4 is added:

4.By way of derogation from paragraph 3, for the authorisations of plant protection products containing substances listed in column A of Annex II, Bulgaria may maintain in force authorisations for plant protection products containing those substances for the uses listed in column C until 30 June 2009 provided that:

(a)the continued use is only accepted so far as it has no harmful effects on human or animal health and no unacceptable influence on the environment;

(b)such plant protection products remaining on the market are relabelled in order to match the restricted use conditions;

(c)all appropriate risk mitigation measures are imposed to reduce any possible risks;

(d)alternatives for such uses are being seriously sought.

Bulgaria shall inform the Commission about the measures taken in application of this paragraph, and in particular about the actions taken pursuant to points (a) to (d), by 31 December of each year.


In Article 3 the following point (c) is added:


for the uses for which the authorisation is to be withdrawn by 30 June 2009, shall expire not later than 31 December 2009.


Annex II is amended as follows:


The heading is replaced by the following:

List of authorisations referred to in Article 2(3) and 2(4).


In the line referring to bensultap, under column B the word ‘Bulgaria’ is added and under column C the words ‘Sunflower, beet, potatoes and alfalfa’ are added.


in the line referring to prometryne, under column B the word ‘Bulgaria’ is added and under column C the words ‘Sunflower, cotton and Umbelliferae’ are added.


in the line referring to terbufos, under column B the word ‘Bulgaria’ is added and under column C the words ‘Limited to professional users with appropriate protective equipment. Soil treatment of potatoes, tobacco, cotton and beet.’ are added.