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Please note that the date you requested in the address for this web page is not an actual date upon which a change occurred to this item of legislation. You are being shown the legislation from , which is the first date before then upon which a change was made.
Section ‘K. CYPRUS’ is replaced by the following:
Benefits in kind:
Υπουργείο Υγείας, Λευκωσία (Ministry of Health, Nicosia).
Cash benefits:
Υπηρεσίες Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων, Υπουργείο Εργασίας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων, Λευκωσία (Department of Social Insurance Services, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, Nicosia).
Family benefits:
Υπηρεσία Χορηγιών και Επιδομάτων, Υπουργείο Οικονομικών, Λευκωσία (Grants and Benefits Service, Ministry of Finance, Nicosia).’;
Section ‘L. LATVIA’ is replaced by the following:
For all contingencies, except health care in kind:
Valsts sociālās apdrošināšanas aģentūra, Rīga (State Social Insurance Agency, Riga).
Health care in kind:
Veselības obligātās apdrošināšanas valsts aģentūra, Rīga (State Compulsory Health Insurance Agency, Riga).’;
Section ‘O. HUNGARY’ is amended as follows:
point 6 is replaced by the following:
Family benefits:
Cash benefits:
Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury);
Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár (National Health Insurance Fund).
Maternity benefit and maternity allowance:
Országos Egészségbiztosítási Pénztár (National Health Insurance Fund).’;
Section ‘Q. NETHERLANDS’ is amended as follows:
point 1 is replaced by the following:
Sickness, maternity, invalidity, accidents at work, occupational diseases and unemployment:
benefits in kind:
College voor zorgverzekeringen (Care Insurance Board) Diemen;
cash benefits:
Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen, Amsterdam (Employee Insurance Administration Institution, Amsterdam);
health care allowance:
Belastingdienst Toeslagen, Utrecht.’;
Section ‘R. AUSTRIA’ is amended as follows:
point 3 is replaced by the following:
Family benefits
Family benefits with the exception of Kinderbetreuungsgeld (childcare allowance):
Bundesministerium für soziale Sicherheit, Generationen und Konsumentenschutz (Federal Ministry for Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection), Vienna;
Kinderbetreuungsgeld (childcare allowance):
Niederösterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse (Lower Austria Health Insurance Fund) — competent centre for childcare allowance.’;
Section ‘V. SLOVAKIA’ is amended as follows:
point 2 is replaced by the following:
Benefits in kind:
Úrad pre dohľ ad nad zdravotnou starostlivosť ou (Health Care Supervision Authority), Bratislava’;
Section ‘W. FINLAND’ is replaced by the following:
Sickness and maternity insurance, national pensions, family benefits, unemployment benefits and employment pensions:
Kansaneläkelaitos — Folkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki.
Employment pensions:
Eläketurvakeskus/Pensionsskyddscentralen, Helsinki.
Accidents at work and occupational diseases:
Tapaturmavakuutuslaitosten Liitto — Olycksfallsförsäkringsanstalternas Förbund (Federation of Accident Insurance Institutions), Helsinki.’