Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 (repealed)Show full title

Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 of 20 February 2006 on the common organisation of the markets in the sugar sector (repealed)

CHAPTER 3Out-of-quota production

Article 12Scope

The sugar, isoglucose or inulin syrup produced during a marketing year in excess of the quota referred to in Article 7 may be:


used for the processing of certain products as referred to in Article 13;


carried forward to the quota production of the next marketing year, in accordance with Article 14,


used for the specific supply regime for the outermost regions, in accordance with Title II of Regulation (EC) No 247/2006;



exported within the quantitative limit fixed in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 39(2) respecting the commitments resulting from agreements concluded under Article 300 of the Treaty.

Other quantities shall be subject to the surplus amount referred to in Article 15.

Article 13Industrial sugar

1.Industrial sugar, industrial isoglucose or industrial inulin syrup shall be reserved for the production of one of the products referred to in paragraph 2 when:

(a)it has been subject to a delivery contract concluded before the end of the marketing year between a producer and a user which have both been granted approval under Article 17;


(b)it has been delivered to the user by 30 November of the following marketing year at the latest.

2.In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 39(2) the Commission shall draw up a list of products for the production of which industrial sugar, industrial isoglucose or industrial inulin syrup is used.

The list shall in particular include:

(a)bioethanol, alcohol, rum, live yeast and quantities of syrups for spreading and those to be processed into ‘Rinse appelstroop’;

(b)certain industrial products without sugar content but the processing of which uses sugar, isoglucose or inulin syrup;

(c)certain products of the chemical or pharmaceutical industry which contain sugar, isoglucose or inulin syrup.

3.A production refund may be granted on the products listed in Article 1(1)(b) to (e) if surplus sugar or imported sugar, surplus isoglucose or surplus inulin syrup is not available at a price corresponding to the world price for the manufacturing of products referred to in paragraph 2(b) and (c) of this Article.

The production refund shall be fixed taking into account in particular the costs arising from the use of imported sugar which the industry would have to bear in the event of supply on the world market and the price of the surplus sugar available on the Community market or the reference price if there is no surplus sugar.

Article 14Carry forward of surplus sugar

1.Each undertaking may decide to carry forward all or part of its production in excess of its sugar quota, its isoglucose quota or its inulin syrup quota to be treated as part of the next marketing year's production. Without prejudice to paragraph 3, that decision shall be irrevocable.

2.Undertakings which take the decision referred to in paragraph 1 shall:

(a)inform the Member State concerned before a date to be determined by this Member State:

  • (a)between 1 February and 30 June of the current marketing year for quantities of cane sugar being carried forward,

  • between 1 February and 15 April of the current marketing year for others quantities of sugar or inulin syrup being carried forward;

(b)undertake to store such quantities at their own expense until the end of the current marketing year.

3.If an undertaking's definitive production in the marketing year concerned was less than the estimate made when the decision in accordance with paragraph 1 was taken, the quantity carried forward may be adjusted retroactively by 31 October of the following marketing year at the latest.

4.The quantities carried forward shall be deemed to be the first quantities produced under the quota of the following marketing year.

Article 15Surplus amount

1.A surplus amount shall be levied on quantities of:

(a)surplus sugar, surplus isoglucose and surplus inulin syrup produced during any marketing year, except quantities carried forward to the quota production of the following marketing year and stored in accordance with Article 14 or quantities referred to in Article 12(c) and (d);

(b)industrial sugar, industrial isoglucose and industrial inulin syrup for which no proof has been supplied, by a date to be determined, that it has been processed in one of the products referred to in Article 13(2);

(c)sugar, isoglucose and inulin syrup withdrawn from the market in accordance with Article 19 and for which the obligations provided for in Article 19(3) are not met.

2.The surplus amount shall be fixed in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 39(2) at a sufficiently high level in order to avoid the accumulation of quantities referred to in paragraph 1.

3.The surplus amount paid in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be charged by the Member State to the undertakings on its territory according to the quantities of production referred to in paragraph 1 that have been established for the undertakings for the marketing year concerned.