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Official controls shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004. The following general provisions shall apply without prejudice to the provisions in Regulation (EC) No 882/2004.

A.1.Purpose and scopeU.K.

Samples intended for official control of the levels of mycotoxins content in foodstuffs shall be taken according to the methods set out in this Annex. Aggregate samples thus obtained shall be considered as representative of the lots. Compliance with maximum limits laid down in Regulation (EC) No 466/2001 shall be established on the basis of the levels determined in the laboratory samples.


For the purpose of this Annex, the following definitions shall apply:


‘lot’ means an identifiable quantity of a food commodity delivered at one time and determined by the official to have common characteristics, such as origin, variety, type of packing, packer, consignor or markings;


‘sublot’ means a designated part of a large lot in order to apply the sampling method on that designated part; each sublot must be physically separate and identifiable;


‘incremental sample’ means a quantity of material taken from a single place in the lot or sublot;


‘aggregate sample’ means the combined total of all the incremental samples taken from the lot or sublot;


‘laboratory sample’ means a sample intended for the laboratory.

A.3.General provisionsU.K.


Sampling shall be performed by an authorised person as designated by the Member State.

A.3.2.Material to be sampledU.K.

Each lot which is to be examined shall be sampled separately. In accordance with the specific sampling provisions for the different mycotoxins, large lots shall be subdivided into sublots to be sampled separately.

A.3.3.Precautions to be takenU.K.

In the course of sampling and preparation of the samples, precautions shall be taken to avoid any changes, which would affect:

Also, all measures necessary to ensure the safety of the persons taking the samples shall be taken.

A.3.4.Incremental samplesU.K.

As far as possible incremental samples shall be taken at various places distributed throughout the lot or sublot. Departure from such procedure shall be recorded in the record provided for under part A.3.8. of this Annex I.

A.3.5.Preparation of the aggregate sampleU.K.

The aggregate sample shall be made up by combining the incremental samples.

A.3.6.Replicate samplesU.K.

The replicate samples for enforcement, trade (defence) and reference (referee) purposes shall be taken from the homogenised aggregate sample, unless such procedure conflicts with Member States’ rules as regards the rights of the food business operator.

A.3.7.Packaging and transmission of samplesU.K.

Each sample shall be placed in a clean, inert container offering adequate protection from contamination and against damage in transit. All necessary precautions shall be taken to avoid any change in composition of the sample, which might arise during transportation or storage.

A.3.8.Sealing and labelling of samplesU.K.

Each sample taken for official use shall be sealed at the place of sampling and identified following the rules of the Member State.

A record shall be kept of each sampling, permitting each lot to be identified unambiguously and giving the date and place of sampling together with any additional information likely to be of assistance to the analyst.

A.4.Different types of lotsU.K.

Food commodities may be traded in bulk, containers, or individual packings, such as sacks, bags, retail packings. The method of sampling may be applied to all the different forms in which the commodities are put on the market.

Without prejudice to the specific provisions set out in other parts of this Annex, the following formula may be used as a guide for the sampling of lots traded in individual packs, such as sacks, bags, retail packings.


This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for aflatoxin B1, total aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and Fusarium-toxins in cereals and cereal products.

B.1.Weight of the incremental sampleU.K.

The weight of the incremental sample shall be about 100 grams, unless otherwise defined in this part B of Annex I.

In the case of lots in retail packings, the weight of the incremental sample shall depend on the weight of the retail pack.

In the case of retail packs of more than 100 grams, this will result in aggregate samples weighing more than 10 kg. If the weight of a single retail pack is much more than 100 grams, then 100 grams shall be taken from each individual retail pack as an incremental sample. This can be done either when the sample is taken or in the laboratory. However, in cases where such method of sampling would lead to unacceptable commercial consequences resulting from damage to the lot (because of packaging forms, means of transport, etc.), then an alternative method of sampling can be applied. For example, in case where a valuable product is marketed in retail packs of 500 grams or 1 kg, the aggregate sample can be obtained by the aggregation of a number of incremental samples that is smaller than the number indicated in Tables 1 and 2, on the condition that the weight of the aggregate sample is equal to the required weight of the aggregate sample mentioned in Tables 1 and 2.

Where the retail pack is less than 100 grams and if the difference is not very large, one retail pack is to be considered as one incremental sample, resulting in an aggregate sample of less than 10 kg. If the weight of the retail pack is much less than 100 grams, one incremental sample consists of two or more retail packs, whereby the 100 grams are approximated as closely as possible.

B.2.General survey of the method of sampling for cereals and cereal productsU.K.

Table 1

Subdivision of lots into sublots depending on product and lot weight


Depending on the lot weight — see Table 2.

CommodityLot weight (tonnes)Weight or number of sublotsNumber of incremental samplesAggregate sample weight (kg)
Cereals and cereal products≥ 1 500500 tonnes10010
> 300 and < 1 5003 sublots10010
≥ 50 and ≤ 300100 tonnes10010
< 503-100a1-10

B.3.Method of sampling for cereals and cereal products for lots ≥ 50 tonnesU.K.

B.4.Method of sampling for cereals and cereal products for lots < 50 tonnesU.K.

For lots of cereals and cereal products less than 50 tonnes, the sampling plan shall be used with 10 to 100 incremental samples, depending on the lot weight, resulting in an aggregate sample of 1 to 10 kg. For very small lots (≤ 0,5 tonnes) a lower number of incremental samples may be taken, but the aggregate sample combining all incremental samples shall be also in that case at least 1 kg.

The figures in Table 2 may be used to determine the number of incremental samples to be taken.

Table 2

Number of incremental samples to be taken depending on the weight of the lot of cereals and cereal products

Lot weight (tonnes)Number of incremental samplesAggregate sample weight(kg)
≤ 0,0531
> 0,05-≤ 0,551
> 0,5-≤ 1101
> 1-≤ 3202
> 3-≤ 10404
> 10-≤ 20606
> 20-≤ 5010010

B.5.Sampling at retail stageU.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage must be done where possible in accordance with the provisions set out in this part B of Annex I.

Where that is not possible, an alternative method of sampling at retail stage may be applied provided that it ensures that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented. In any case, the aggregate sample shall be at least 1 kg(4).

B.6.Acceptance of a lot or sublotU.K.


This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for:

C.1.Weight of the incremental sampleU.K.

The weight of the incremental sample shall be about 100 grams, unless otherwise defined in this part C of Annex I.

In the case of lots in retail packings, the weight of the incremental sample depends on the weight of the retail packing.

In the case of retail packs of more than 100 grams, this will result in aggregate samples weighing more than 10 kg. If the weight of a single retail pack is much more than 100 grams, then 100 grams shall be taken from each individual retail pack as an incremental sample. This can be done either when the sample is taken or in the laboratory. However, in cases where such method of sampling would lead to unacceptable commercial consequences resulting from damage to the lot (because of packaging forms, means of transport, etc.) then an alternative method of sampling can be applied. For example, in case where a valuable product is marketed in retail packs of 500 grams or 1 kg, the aggregate sample can be obtained by the aggregation of a number of incremental samples that is smaller than the number indicated in Tables 1 and 2, on the condition that the weight of the aggregate sample corresponds to the required weight of the aggregate sample mentioned in Tables 1 and 2.

Where the retail pack is less than 100 grams and if the difference is not very large, one retail pack shall be considered as one incremental sample, resulting in an aggregate sample of less than 10 kg. If the weight of the retail pack is much less than 100 grams, one incremental sample shall consist of two or more retail packs, whereby the 100 grams are approximated as closely as possible.

C.2.General survey of the method of sampling dried fruit, with the exception of figsU.K.

Table 1

Subdivision of lots into sublots depending on product and lot weight


Depending on the lot weight — see Table 2 of this part of this Annex.

CommodityLot weight (tonnes)Weight or number of sublotsNumber of incremental samplesAggregate sample weight (kg)
Dried fruit≥ 1515-30 tonnes10010
< 1510-100a1-10

C.3.Method of sampling for dried fruit (lots ≥ 15 tonnes), with the exception of figsU.K.

C.4.Method of sampling for dried fruit (lots < 15 tonnes), with the exception of figsU.K.

For dried fruit lots, with the exception of figs, under 15 tonnes the sampling plan shall be used with 10 to 100 incremental samples, depending on the lot weight, resulting in an aggregate sample of 1 to 10 kg.

The figures in the following table can be used to determine the number of incremental samples to be taken.

Table 2

Number of incremental samples to be taken depending on the weight of the lot of dried fruit

Lot weight (tonnes)Number of incremental samplesAggregate sample weight (kg)
≤ 0,1101
> 0,1-≤ 0,2151,5
> 0,2-≤ 0,5202
> 0,5-≤ 1,0303
> 1,0-≤ 2,0404
> 2,0-≤ 5,0606
> 5,0-≤ 10,0808
> 10,0-≤ 15,010010

C.5.Sampling at retail stageU.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage shall be done where possible in accordance with the provisions set out in this part of Annex I.

Where that is not possible, another alternative method of sampling at retail stage may be used provided that it ensures that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented. In any case, the aggregate sample shall be at least 1 kg(5).

C.6.Specific sampling provisions for dried fruit with the exception of dried figs traded in vacuum packsU.K.

For lots equal to or more than 15 tonnes at least 25 incremental samples resulting in a 10 kg aggregate sample shall be taken and for lots less than 15 tonnes, 25 % of the number of incremental samples mentioned in Table 2 shall be taken resulting in an aggregate sample of which the weight corresponds to the weight of the sampled lot (see Table 2).

C.7.Acceptance of a lot or sublotU.K.


This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for aflatoxin B1 and total aflatoxins in dried figs, groundnuts and nuts.

[F1D.1. Method of sampling for dried figs U.K.

This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for aflatoxin B1 and total aflatoxins in dried figs.

D.1.1. Weight of the incremental sample U.K.

The weight of the incremental sample shall be about 300 grams, unless otherwise defined in part D.1 of Annex I.

In the case of lots in retail packings, the weight of the incremental sample depends on the weight of the retail packing.

In the case of retail packs of more than 300 grams, this will result in aggregate samples weighing more than 30 kg. If the weight of a single retail pack is much more than 300 grams, then 300 grams shall be taken from each individual retail pack as an incremental sample. This can be done either when the sample is taken or in the laboratory. However, in cases where such method of sampling would lead to unacceptable commercial consequences resulting from damage to the lot (because of packaging forms, means of transport, etc.), then an alternative method of sampling can be applied. For example, in case where a valuable product is marketed in retail packs of 500 grams or 1 kg, the aggregate sample can be obtained by the aggregation of a number of incremental samples that is smaller than the number indicated in tables 1, 2 and 3, on the condition that the weight of the aggregate sample corresponds to the required weight of the aggregate sample mentioned in tables 1, 2 and 3.

Where the retail pack is less than 300 grams and if the difference is not very large, one retail pack shall be considered as one incremental sample, resulting in an aggregate sample of less than 30 kg. If the weight of the retail pack is much less than 300 grams, one incremental sample shall consist of two or more retail packs, whereby the 300 grams are approximated as closely as possible.

D.1.2. General survey of the method of sampling for dried figs U.K.
Table 1

Subdivision of lots into sublots depending on product and lot weight


Depending on the lot weight — see table 2 of this part D.1 of this Annex.

Commodity Lot weight (tonne) Weight or number of sublots No incremental samples Aggregate sample weight (kg)
Dried figs ≥ 15 15-30 tonnes 100 30
< 15 10-100 a ≤ 30
D.1.3. Method of sampling for dried figs (lots ≥ 15 tonnes) U.K.
D.1.4. Method of sampling for dried figs (lots < 15 tonnes) U.K.

The number of incremental samples to be taken depends on the weight of the lot, with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 100.

The figures in the following table 2 may be used to determine the number of incremental samples to be taken and the subsequent division of the aggregate sample.

Table 2

Number of incremental samples to be taken depending on the weight of the lot and number of subdivisions of the aggregate sample

Lot weight (tonnes) No of incremental samples Aggregate sample Weight (kg) (in case of retail packings, weight of aggregate sample can diverge — see point D.1.1) No of laboratory samples from aggregate sample
≤ 0,1 10 3 1 (no division)
> 0,1 – ≤ 0,2 15 4,5 1 (no division)
> 0,2 – ≤ 0,5 20 6 1 (no division)
> 0,5 – ≤ 1,0 30 9 (- < 12 kg) 1 (no division)
> 1,0 – ≤ 2,0 40 12 2
> 2,0 – ≤ 5,0 60 18 (- < 24 kg) 2
> 5,0 – ≤ 10,0 80 24 3
> 10,0 – ≤ 15,0 100 30 3
D.1.5. Method of sampling for derived products and compound foods U.K.
D.1.5.1. Derived products with very small particle weight (homogeneous distribution of aflatoxin contamination) U.K.
D.1.5.2. Other derived products with a relatively large particle size (heterogeneous distribution of aflatoxin contamination) U.K.

Method of sampling and acceptance as for dried figs (D.1.3 and D.1.4).

D.1.6. Sampling at retail stage U.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage shall be done where possible in accordance with the provisions set out in this part of Annex I.

Where that is not possible, other effective methods of sampling at retail stage may be used provided that they ensure that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented. In any case, the aggregate sample shall be at least 1 kg (6) .

D.1.7. Specific method of sampling of dried figs and derived products traded in vacuum packs U.K.
D.1.7.1. Dried figs U.K.

For lots equal to or more than 15 tonnes at least 50 incremental samples resulting in a 30 kg aggregate sample shall be taken and for lots of less than 15 tonnes, 50 % of the number of incremental samples mentioned in table 2 shall be taken resulting in an aggregate sample of which the weight corresponds to the weight of the sampled lot (see table 2).

D.1.7.2. Products derived from dried figs with small particle size U.K.

For lots equal to or more than 50 tonnes at least 25 incremental samples resulting in a 10 kg aggregate sample shall be taken and for lots less than 50 tonnes, 25 % of the number of incremental samples mentioned in table 3 shall be taken resulting in an aggregate sample of which the weight corresponds to the weight of the sampled lot (see table 3).

D.1.8. Acceptance of a lot or sublot U.K.

For dried figs subjected to a sorting or other physical treatment:

For dried figs intended for direct human consumption:

In cases where the aggregate sample is 12 kg or less:

D.2. Method of sampling for groundnuts (peanuts), other oilseeds, apricot kernels and tree nuts U.K.

This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for aflatoxin B1 and total aflatoxins in groundnuts (peanuts), other oilseeds, apricot kernels and tree nuts.

D.2.1. Weight of the incremental sample U.K.

The weight of the incremental sample shall be about 200 grams, unless otherwise defined in part D.2 of Annex I.

In the case of lots in retail packings, the weight of the incremental sample depends on the weight of the retail packing.

In the case of retail packs of more than 200 grams, this will result in aggregate samples weighing more than 20 kg. If the weight of a single retail pack is much more than 200 grams, then 200 grams shall be taken from each individual retail pack as an incremental sample. This can be done either when the sample is taken or in the laboratory. However, in cases where such method of sampling would lead to unacceptable commercial consequences resulting from damage to the lot (because of packaging forms, means of transport, etc.), then an alternative method of sampling can be applied. For example, in case where a valuable product is marketed in retail packs of 500 grams or 1 kg, the aggregate sample can be obtained by the aggregation of a number of incremental samples that is smaller than the number indicated in tables 1, 2 and 3, on the condition that the weight of the aggregate sample corresponds to the required weight of the aggregate sample mentioned in tables 1, 2 and 3.

Where the retail pack is less than 200 grams and if the difference is not very large, one retail pack shall be considered as one incremental sample, resulting in an aggregate sample of less than 20 kg. If the weight of the retail pack is much less than 200 grams, one incremental sample shall consist of two or more retail packs, whereby the 200 grams are approximated as closely as possible.

D.2.2. General survey of the method of sampling for groundnuts (peanuts), other oilseeds, apricot kernels and tree nuts U.K.
Table 1

Subdivision of lots into sublots depending on product and lot weight


Depending on the lot weight — see table 2 of this part D.2 of this Annex.

Commodity Lot weight (tonne) Weight or number of sublots No incremental samples Aggregate sample weight (kg)
Groundnuts (peanuts), other oilseeds, apricot kernels and tree nuts ≥ 500 100 tonnes 100 20
> 125 and < 500 5 sublots 100 20
≥ 15 and ≤ 125 25 tonnes 100 20
< 15 10-100 a ≤ 20
D.2.3. Method of sampling for groundnuts (peanuts), other oilseeds, apricot kernels and tree nuts (lots ≥ 15 tonnes) U.K.
D.2.4. Method of sampling for groundnuts (peanuts), other oilseeds, apricot kernels and tree nuts (lots < 15 tonnes) U.K.

The number of incremental samples to be taken depends on the weight of the lot, with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 100.

The figures in the following table 2 may be used to determine the number of incremental samples to be taken and the subsequent division of the aggregate sample.

Table 2

Number of incremental samples to be taken depending on the weight of the lot and number of subdivisions of the aggregate sample

Lot weight (tonnes) No of incremental samples Aggregate sample Weight (kg) (in case of retail packings, weight of aggregate sample can diverge — see point D.2.1) No of laboratory samples from aggregate sample
≤ 0,1 10 2 1 (no division)
> 0,1 – ≤ 0,2 15 3 1 (no division)
> 0,2 – ≤ 0,5 20 4 1 (no division)
> 0,5 – ≤ 1,0 30 6 1 (no division)
> 1,0 – ≤ 2,0 40 8 (- < 12 kg) 1 (no division)
> 2,0 – ≤ 5,0 60 12 2
> 5,0 – ≤ 10,0 80 16 2
> 10,0 – ≤ 15,0 100 20 2
D.2.5. Method of sampling for derived products, with the exception of vegetable oil, and compound foods U.K.
D.2.5.1. Derived products (other than vegetable oil) with small particle size, i.e. flour, peanut butter (homogeneous distribution of aflatoxin contamination) U.K.
D.2.5.2. Derived products with a relatively large particle size (heterogeneous distribution of aflatoxin contamination) U.K.

Method of sampling and acceptance as for groundnuts (peanuts), other oilseeds, apricot kernels and tree nuts (D.2.3 and D.2.4).

D.2.6. Sampling at retail stage U.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage shall be done where possible in accordance with the provisions set out in this part of Annex I.

Where that is not possible, other effective methods of sampling at retail stage may be used provided that they ensure that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented. In any case, the aggregate sample shall be at least 1 kg (1) .

D.2.7. Specific method of sampling for groundnuts (peanuts), other oilseeds, apricot kernels, tree nuts and derived products traded in vacuum packs U.K.
D.2.7.1. Pistachios, groundnuts (peanuts), Brazil nuts U.K.

For lots equal to or more than 15 tonnes at least 50 incremental samples resulting in a 20 kg aggregate sample shall be taken and for lots of less than 15 tonnes, 50 % of the number of incremental samples mentioned in table 2 shall be taken resulting in an aggregate sample of which the weight corresponds to the weight of the sampled lot (see table 2).

D.2.7.2. Apricot kernels, tree nuts other than pistachios and Brazil nuts, other oilseeds U.K.

For lots equal to or more than 15 tonnes at least 25 incremental samples resulting in a 20 kg aggregate sample shall be taken and for lots less than 15 tonnes, 25 % of the number of incremental samples mentioned in table 2 shall be taken resulting in an aggregate sample of which the weight corresponds to the weight of the sampled lot (see table 2).

D.2.7.3. Products derived from tree nuts, apricot kernels and groundnuts (peanuts) with small particle size U.K.

For lots equal to or more than 50 tonnes at least 25 incremental samples resulting in a 10 kg aggregate sample shall be taken and for lots less than 50 tonnes, 25 % of the number of incremental samples mentioned in table 3 shall be taken resulting in an aggregate sample of which the weight corresponds to the weight of the sampled lot (see table 3).

D.2.8. Acceptance of a lot or sublot U.K.

For groundnuts (peanuts), other oilseeds, apricot kernels and tree nuts subjected to a sorting or other physical treatment:

For groundnuts (peanuts), other oilseeds, apricot kernels and tree nuts intended for direct human consumption:

In cases where the aggregate sample is 12 kg or less:


[F1This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for ochratoxin A, aflatoxin B1 and total aflatoxins in spices.]

E.1.Weight of the incremental sampleU.K.

The weight of the incremental sample shall be about 100 grams, unless otherwise defined in this part E of Annex I.

In the case of lots in retail packings, the weight of the incremental sample depends on the weight of the retail packing.

In the case of retail packs of >100 grams, this will result in aggregate samples weighing more than 10 kg. If the weight of a single retail pack is >> 100 grams, then 100 grams shall be taken from each individual retail pack as an incremental sample. This can be done either when the sample is taken or in the laboratory. However, in cases where such method of sampling would lead to unacceptable commercial consequences resulting from damage to the lot (because of packaging forms, means of transport, etc.), then an alternative method of sampling can be applied. For example, in case where a valuable product is marketed in retail packs of 500 grams or 1 kg, the aggregate sample can be obtained by the aggregation of a number of incremental samples that is smaller than the number indicated in Tables 1 and 2, on the condition that the weight of the aggregate sample corresponds to the required weight of the aggregate sample mentioned in Tables 1 and 2.

Where the retail pack is less than 100 grams and if the difference is not very large, one retail pack shall be considered as one incremental sample, resulting in an aggregate sample of less than 10 kg. If the weight of the retail pack is much less than 100 grams, one incremental sample shall consist of two or more retail packs, whereby the 100 grams are approximated as closely as possible.

E.2.General survey of the method of sampling for spicesU.K.

Table 1

Subdivision of lots into sublots depending on product and lot weight


Depending on the lot weight — see Table 2 of this part of this Annex.

CommodityLot weight (tonnes)Weight or number of sublotsNumber of incremental samplesAggregate sample Weight (kg)
Spices≥ 1525 tonnes10010
< 155-100a0,5-10

E.3.Method of sampling for spices (lots ≥ 15 tonnes)U.K.

E.4.Method of sampling for spices (lots < 15 tonnes)U.K.

For lots of spices less than 15 tonnes the sampling plan shall be used with 5 to 100 incremental samples, depending on the lot weight, resulting in an aggregate sample of 0,5 to 10 kg.

The figures in the following Table can be used to determine the number of incremental samples to be taken.

Table 2

Number of incremental samples to be taken depending on the weight of the lot of spices

Lot weight (tonnes)Number of incremental samplesAggregate sample weight (kg)
≤ 0,0150,5
> 0,01-≤ 0,1101
> 0,1-≤ 0,2151,5
> 0,2-≤ 0,5202
> 0,5-≤ 1,0303
> 1,0-≤ 2,0404
> 2,0-≤ 5,0606
> 5,0-≤ 10,0808
> 10,0-≤ 15,010010

E.5.Sampling at retail stageU.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage shall be done where possible in accordance with the sampling provisions set out in this part of Annex I.

Where that is not possible, an alternative method of sampling at retail stage may be used provided that it ensures that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented. In any case, the aggregate sample shall be at least 0,5 kg(7).

E.6.Specific method of sampling for spices traded in vacuum packsU.K.

For lots equal to or more than 15 tonnes at least 25 incremental samples resulting in a 10 kg aggregate sample shall be taken and for lots less than 15 tonnes, 25 % of the number of incremental samples mentioned in Table 2 shall be taken resulting in an aggregate sample of which the weight corresponds to the weight of the sampled lot (see Table 2).

E.7.Acceptance of a lot or sublotU.K.


This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for aflatoxin M1 in milk and milk products and infant formulae and follow-on formulae, including infant milk and follow-on milk and dietary foods (milk and milk products) for special medical purposes intended specifically for infants.

F.1.Method of sampling for milk, milk products, infant formulae and follow-on formulae, including infant milk and follow-on milk.U.K.

The aggregate sample shall be at least 1 kg or 1 litre except where it is not possible e.g. when the sample consists of one bottle.

The minimum number of incremental samples to be taken from the lot shall be as given in Table 1. The number of incremental samples determined is function of the usual form in which the products concerned are commercialised. In the case of bulk liquid products the lot shall be thoroughly mixed insofar as possible and insofar it does not affect the quality of the product, by either manual or mechanical means immediately prior to sampling. In this case, a homogeneous distribution of aflatoxin M1 is assumed within a given lot. It is therefore sufficient to take three incremental samples from a lot to form the aggregate sample.

The incremental samples, which might frequently be a bottle or a package, shall be of similar weight. The weight of an incremental sample shall be at least 100 grams, resulting in an aggregate sample of at least about 1 kg or 1 litre. Departure from this method shall be recorded in the record provided for under part A.3.8 of Annex I.

Table 1

Minimum number of incremental samples to be taken from the lot

Form of commercialisationVolume or weight of lot (in litre or kg)Minimum number of incremental samples to be takenMinimum volume or weight of aggregate sample (in litre or kg)
Bottles/packages≤ 5031
Bottles/packages50 to 50051
Bottles/packages> 500101

F.2.Sampling at retail stageU.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage shall be done where possible in accordance with the provisions set out in this part of Annex I.

Where that is not possible, an alternative method of sampling at retail stage may be used provided that it ensures that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented(8).

F.3.Acceptance of a lot or sublotU.K.


This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for ochratoxin A in roasted coffee beans, ground roasted coffee, soluble coffee, liquorice root and liquorice extract.

G.1. Weight of the incremental sample U.K.

The weight of the incremental sample shall be about 100 grams, unless otherwise defined in this part G of Annex I.

In the case of lots in retail packings, the weight of the incremental sample shall depend on the weight of the retail packing.

In the case of retail packs of more than 100 grams, this will result in aggregate samples weighing more than 10 kg. If the weight of a single retail pack is much more than 100 grams, then 100 grams shall be taken from each individual retail pack as an incremental sample. This can be done either when the sample is taken or in the laboratory. However, in cases where such method of sampling would lead to unacceptable commercial consequences resulting from damage to the lot (because of packaging forms, means of transport, etc.), then an alternative method of sampling can be applied. For example, in case where a valuable product is marketed in retail packs of 500 grams or 1 kg, the aggregate sample can be obtained by the aggregation of a number of incremental samples that is smaller than the number indicated in tables 1 and 2, on the condition that the weight of the aggregate sample corresponds to the required weight of the aggregate sample mentioned in tables 1 and 2.

Where the retail pack is less than 100 grams and if the difference is not very large, one retail pack shall be considered as one incremental sample, resulting in an aggregate sample of less than 10 kg. If the weight of the retail pack is much less than 100 grams, one incremental sample shall consist of two or more retail packs, whereby the 100 grams are approximated as closely as possible.

G.2. General survey of the method of sampling for roasted coffee, ground roasted coffee, soluble coffee, liquorice root and liquorice extract U.K.

Table 1

Subdivision of lots into sublots depending on product and lot weight


Depending on the lot weight — see table 2 of this part of this Annex.

Commodity Lot weight (ton) Weight or number of sublots No incremental samples Aggregate sample Weight (kg)
Roasted coffee beans, ground roasted coffee, soluble coffee, liquorice root and liquorice extract ≥ 15 15-30 tonnes 100 10
< 15 10-100 a 1-10

G.3. Method of sampling for roasted coffee beans, ground roasted coffee, soluble coffee liquorice root and liquorice extract (lots ≥ 15 tonnes) U.K.

G.4. Method of sampling for roasted coffee beans, ground roasted coffee, soluble coffee liquorice root and liquorice extract (lots < 15 tonnes) U.K.

For roasted coffee beans, ground roasted coffee, soluble coffee, liquorice root and liquorice extract under 15 tonnes the sampling plan shall be used with 10 to 100 incremental samples, depending on the lot weight, resulting in an aggregate sample of 1 to 10 kg.

The figures in the following table can be used to determine the number of incremental samples to be taken.

Table 2

Number of incremental samples to be taken depending on the weight of the lot of roasted coffee beans, ground roasted coffee, soluble coffee, liquorice root and liquorice extract

Lot weight (tonnes) No of incremental samples Aggregate sample weight (kg)
≤ 0,1 10 1
> 0,1 – ≤ 0,2 15 1,5
> 0,2 – ≤ 0,5 20 2
> 0,5 – ≤ 1,0 30 3
> 1,0 – ≤ 2,0 40 4
> 2,0 – ≤ 5,0 60 6
> 5,0 – ≤ 10,0 80 8
> 10,0 – ≤ 15,0 100 10

G.5. Method of sampling for roasted coffee beans, ground roasted coffee, soluble coffee, liquorice root and liquorice extract traded in vacuum packs U.K.

For lots equal to or more than 15 tonnes at least 25 incremental samples resulting in a 10 kg aggregate sample shall be taken and for lots less than 15 tonnes, 25 % of the number of incremental samples mentioned in table 2 shall be taken resulting in an aggregate sample of which the weight corresponds to the weight of the sampled lot (see table 2).

G.6. Sampling at retail stage U.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage shall be done where possible in accordance with the sampling provisions set out in this part of Annex I.

Where that is not possible, an alternative method of sampling at retail stage may be used provided that it ensures that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented. In any case, the aggregate sample shall be at least 1 kg (9) .

G.7. Acceptance of a lot or sublot U.K.


This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for

H.1.Method of samplingU.K.

The aggregate sample shall be at least one litre except where it is not possible e.g. when the sample consists of one bottle.

The minimum number of incremental samples to be taken from the lot shall be as given in Table 1. The number of incremental samples determined is function of the usual form in which the products concerned are commercialised. In the case of bulk liquid products the lot shall be thoroughly mixed insofar as possible and insofar it does not affect the quality of the product, by either manual or mechanical means immediately prior to sampling. In this case, a homogeneous distribution of ochratoxin A and patulin can be assumed within a given lot. It is therefore sufficient to take three incremental samples from a lot to form the aggregate sample.

The incremental samples, which might frequently be a bottle or a package, shall be of similar weight. The weight of an incremental sample shall be at least 100 grams, resulting in an aggregate sample of at least about 1 litre. Departure from this method shall be recorded in the record provided for under part A.3.8 of Annex I.

Table 1

Minimum number of incremental samples to be taken from the lot

Form of commercialisationVolume of lot (in litres)Minimum number of incremental samples to be takenMinimum volume of the aggregate sample (in litres)
Bulk (fruit juice, spirit drinks, cider, wine)31
Bottles/packages (fruit juice, spirit drinks, cider)≤ 5031
Bottles/packages (fruit juice, spirit drinks, cider)50 to 50051
Bottles/packages (fruit juice, spirit drinks, cider)> 500101
Bottles/packages wine≤ 5011
Bottles/packages wine50 to 50021
Bottles/packages wine> 50031

H.2.Sampling at retail stageU.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage shall be done where possible in accordance with the provisions set out in this part of Annex I(10).

Where that is not possible, an alternative method of sampling at retail stage may be used provided that it ensures that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented.

H.3.Acceptance of a lot or sublotU.K.


This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for patulin in solid apple products and apple juice and solid apple products for infants and young children.

I.1.Method of samplingU.K.

The aggregate sample shall be at least 1 kg, except where it is not possible e.g. when sampling a single package.

The minimum number of incremental samples to be taken from the lot shall be as given in Table 1. In the case of liquid products the lot shall be thoroughly mixed insofar as possible by either manual or mechanical means immediately prior to sampling. In this case, a homogeneous distribution of patulin can be assumed within a given lot. It is therefore sufficient to take three incremental samples from a lot to form the aggregate sample.

The incremental samples shall be of similar weight. The weight of an incremental sample shall be at least 100 grams, resulting in an aggregate sample of at least 1 kg. Departure from this method shall be recorded in the record provided for under part A.3.8 of Annex I.

Table 1

Minimum number of incremental samples to be taken from the lot

Weight of lot (in kg)Minimum number of incremental samples to be takenAggregate sample weight(kg)
< 5031
50 to 50051
> 500101

If the lot consists of individual packages, then the number of packages, which shall be taken to form the aggregate sample, is given in Table 2.

Table 2

Number of packages (incremental samples) which shall be taken to form the aggregate sample if the lot consists of individual packages

Number of packages or units in the lotNumber of packages or units to be takenAggregate sample weight(kg)
1 to 251 package or unit1
26 to 100about 5 %, at least two packages or units1
> 100about 5 %, at maximum 10 packages or units1

I.2.Sampling at retail stageU.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage shall be done where possible in accordance with the sampling provisions set out in this part of the Annex.

Where that is not possible, an alternative method of sampling at retail stage may be used provided that it ensures that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented(11).

I.3.Acceptance of a lot or sublotU.K.


This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established:

J.1.Method of samplingU.K.

J.2.Sampling at retail stageU.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage shall be done where possible in accordance with the provisions set out in this part of Annex I.

Where that is not possible, an alternative method of sampling at retail stage may be used provided that it ensures that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented(12).

J.3.Acceptance of a lot or sublotU.K.


This method of sampling is of application for the official control of the maximum levels established for mycotoxins, in particular aflatoxin B1, aflatoxin total and zearalenone, in vegetable oils.

K.1. Method of sampling for vegetable oils U.K.

K.2. Method of sampling for vegetable oils at retail stage U.K.

Sampling of foodstuffs at the retail stage shall be done where possible in accordance with the provisions set out in this part of Annex I.

Where that is not possible, other effective methods of sampling at retail stage may be used provided that they ensure that the aggregate sample is sufficiently representative of the sampled lot and is fully described and documented. In any case, the aggregate sample shall be at least 1 kg (13) .

K.3. Acceptance of a lot or sublot U.K.


OJ L 77, 16.3.2001, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 199/2006 (OJ L 32, 4.2.2006, p. 34).


A guidance document for competent authorities for the control of compliance with EU legislation on aflatoxins is available at http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/food/chemicalsafety/contaminants/aflatoxin_guidance_en.pdf The guidance document provides additional practical information but the information contained in the guidance document is subordinate to the provisions in this Regulation.


Guidance for sampling such lots will be provided in a guidance document available from 1 July 2006 onwards on following website: http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/food/chemicalsafety/contaminants/index_en.htm


In case the portion to be sampled is so small that it is impossible to obtain an aggregate sample of 1 kg, the aggregate sample weight might be less than 1 kg.


In case the portion to be sampled is so small that it is impossible to obtain an aggregate sample of 1 kg, the aggregate sample weight might be less than 1 kg.


[F1In case the portion to be sampled is so small that it is impossible to obtain an aggregate sample of 1 kg, the aggregate sample weight might be less than 1 kg.]


In case the portion to be sampled is so small that it is impossible to obtain an aggregate sample of 0,5 kg, the aggregate sample weight might be less than 0,5 kg.


In case the portion to be sampled is so small that it is impossible to obtain an aggregate sample of 1 kg, the aggregate sample weight might be less than 1 kg.


[F1In case the portion to be sampled is so small that it is impossible to obtain an aggregate sample of 1 kg, the aggregate sample weight might be less than 1 kg.]


In case the portion to be sampled is so small that it is impossible to obtain an aggregate sample of 1 litre, the aggregate sample volume might be less than 1 litre.


In case the portion to be sampled is so small that it is impossible to obtain an aggregate sample of 1 kg, the aggregate sample weight might be less than 1 kg.


In case the portion to be sampled is so small that it is impossible to obtain an aggregate sample of 1 kg, the aggregate sample weight might be less than 1 kg.


[F2In case the portion to be sampled is so small that it is impossible to obtain an aggregate sample of 1 kg, the aggregate sample weight might be less than 1 kg.]