G.3.Method of sampling for roasted coffee beans, ground roasted coffee, soluble coffee (lots ≥ 15 tonnes)
On condition that the sublot can be separated physically, each lot shall be subdivided into sublots following Table 1. Taking into account that the weight of the lot is not always an exact multiple of the weight of the sublots, the weight of the sublot may vary from the mentioned weight by a maximum of 20 %.
Each sublot shall be sampled separately.
Number of incremental samples: 100.
Weight of the aggregate sample = 10 kg.
If it is not possible to carry out the method of sampling described above because of the unacceptable commercial consequences resulting from damage to the lot (because of packaging forms, means of transport, etc.) an alternative method of sampling may be applied provided that it is as representative as possible and is fully described and documented.
A guidance document for competent authorities for the control of compliance with EU legislation on aflatoxins is available at http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/food/chemicalsafety/contaminants/aflatoxin_guidance_en.pdf The guidance document provides additional practical information but the information contained in the guidance document is subordinate to the provisions in this Regulation.