A Member State which requests under Article 4(2) of the Basic regulation the updating of the Community list shall provide the following information to the Commission:
Member State making the request
Name and function of official contact
E-mail or telephone of official contact.
Carrier(s) and aircraft
Concerned carrier(s), including legal entity name (indicated on AOC or equivalent) trading name (if different), AOC number (if available), ICAO airline designation number (if known) and full contact details
Name(s) and full contact details of the authority or authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of the air carrier(s) concerned
Details of the aircraft type(s), State(s) of registry, registration number(s) and, if available, construction serial numbers of the aircraft affected.
Decision requested
Type of decision requested: imposition of operating ban, removal of an operating ban or modification of the conditions of an operating ban
Scope of the requested decision (specific carrier(s) or all carriers subject to a particular overseeing authority, specific aircraft or type(s) of aircraft).
Request for the imposition of an operating ban
Detailed description of the safety concern (eg inspection results) which led to the request for a total or partial ban (related in order to each of the relevant common criteria in the Annex to the basic Regulation)
Broad description of recommended condition(s) allowing the proposed ban to be cancelled/waived for use as the basis for preparing a corrective action plan in consultation with the authority or authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of the air carrier(s) concerned.
Request for the lifting of an operating ban or the modification of attached conditions
Date and details of agreed corrective action plan, if applicable
Evidence of subsequent compliance with the agreed corrective plan, if applicable
Explicit written endorsement by the authority or authorities with responsibility for regulatory oversight of the air carrier(s) concerned that the corrective action plan has been implemented.
Information on whether the Member State has made public its request.