ANNEX IList of equipment which might be used for internal repression as referred to in Article 3
The list below does not comprise the articles that have been specially designed or modified for military use.
Helmets providing ballistic protection, anti-riot helmets, anti-riot shields and ballistic shields and specially designed components therefor.
Specially designed fingerprint equipment.
Power controlled searchlights.
Construction equipment provided with ballistic protection.
Hunting knives.
Specially designed production equipment to make shotguns.
Ammunition hand-loading equipment.
Communications intercept devices.
Solid-state optical detectors.
Image-intensifier tubes.
Telescopic weapon sights.
Smooth-bore weapons and related ammunition, other than those specially designed for military use, and specially designed components therefor; except:
signal pistols,
air- and cartridge-powered guns designed as industrial tools or humane animal stunners.
Simulators for training in the use of firearms and specially designed or modified components and accessories therefor.
Bombs and grenades, other than those specially designed for military use, and specially designed components therefor.
Body armour, other than those manufactured to military standards or specifications, and specially designed components therefor.
All-wheel-drive utility vehicles capable of off-road use that have been manufactured or fitted with ballistic protection, and profiled armour for such vehicles.
Water cannon and specially designed or modified components therefor.
Vehicles equipped with a water cannon.
Vehicles specially designed or modified to be electrified to repel boarders and components therefor specially designed or modified for that purpose.
Acoustic devices represented by the manufacturer or supplier as suitable for riot-control purposes, and specially designed components therefor.
Leg-irons, gang-chains, shackles and electric-shock belts, specially designed for restraining human beings; except:
handcuffs for which the maximum overall dimension including chain does not exceed 240 mm when locked.
Portable devices designed or modified for the purpose of riot control or self-protection by the administration of an incapacitating substance (such as tear gas or pepper sprays), and specially designed components therefor.
Portable devices designed or modified for the purpose of riot control or self-protection by the administration of an electric shock (including electric-shock batons, electric-shock shields, stun guns and electric-shock dart guns (tasers)) and components therefor specially designed or modified for that purpose.
Electronic equipment capable of detecting concealed explosives and specially designed components therefor; except:
TV or X-ray inspection equipment.
Electronic jamming equipment specially designed to prevent the detonation by radio remote control of improvised devices and specially designed components therefor.
Equipment and devices specially designed to initiate explosions by electrical or non-electrical means, including firing sets, detonators, igniters, boosters and detonating cord, and specially designed components therefor; except:
those specially designed for a specific commercial use consisting of the actuation or operation by explosive means of other equipment or devices the function of which is not the creation of explosions (e.g. car air-bag inflators, electric-surge arresters or fire sprinkler actuators).
Equipment and devices designed for explosive ordnance disposal; except:
bomb blankets,
containers designed for folding objects known to be, or suspected of being improvised explosive devices.
Night vision and thermal imaging equipment and image intensifier tubes or solid-state sensors therefor.
Linear cutting explosive charges.
Explosives and related substances as follows:
nitrocellulose (containing more than 12,5 % nitrogen),
pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN),
picryl chloride,
tinitorphenylmethylnitramine (tetryl),
2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT).
Software specially designed and technology required for all listed items.
ANNEX IIList of competent authorities referred to in Articles 4, 7, 8, 9 and 12
Concerning freezing of funds, financing and financial assistance:
Service Public Fédéral des Finances
Administration de la Trésorerie
30 Avenue des Arts
B-1040 Bruxelles
Fax (32-2) 233 74 65
Federale Overheidsdienst Financiën
Administratie van de Thesaurie
Kunstlaan 30
B-1040 Brussel
Fax (32-2) 233 74 65
Concerning goods, technical assistance and other services:
Federal Authority in charge of sales, purchases and technical assistance by Belgian defence forces and security services, and of financial and technical services in relation to the production or delivery of weapons and military and paramilitary equipment:
Service Public Fédéral Économie, P.M.E., Classes Moyennes & Énergie
Direction générale du Potentiel économique
Service Licences
Rue de Louvain 44
1er étage
B-1000 Bruxelles
Tel. (32-2) 548 62 11
Fax (32-2) 548 65 70
Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, K.M.O., Middenstand & Energie
Algemene Directie van het Economisch Potentieel
Dienst vergunningen
Leuvenseweg 44
1ste verdieping
B-1000 Brussel
Tel. (32-2) 548 62 11
Fax (32-2) 548 65 70
Regional Authorities in charge of other export, import and transit licences for weapons, military and paramilitary equipment:
Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest/Région de Bruxelles-Capitale:
Directie Externe Betrekkingen/Direction des Relations extérieures
City Center
Kruidtuinlaan/Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 20
1035 Brussel/Bruxelles
Tel. (32-2) 800 37 59 (Cédric Bellemans)
Fax (32-2) 800 38 20
Région wallonne:
Direction Générale Économie et Emploi
Dir Gestion des Licences,
chaussée de Louvain 14,
5000 Namur
Tel. 081/649751
Fax 081/649760
Vlaams Gewest:
Administratie Buitenlands Beleid
Cel Wapenexport
Boudewijnlaan 30
B-1000 Brussel
Tel. (32-2) 553 59 28
Fax (32-2) 553 60 37
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Licenční správa
Na Františku 32
110 15 Praha 1
Tel. +420 22406 2720
Fax +420 22422 1811
Ministerstvo financí
Finanční analytický útvar
P.O. Box 675
Jindřišská 14
111 21 Praha 1
Tel. + 420 25704 4501
Fax + 420 25704 4502
Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen
Dahlerups Pakhus
Langelinie Allé 17
DK-2100 København Ø
Tel. (45) 35 46 60 00
Fax (45) 35 46 60 01
Asiatisk Plads 2
DK-1448 København K
Tel. (45) 33 92 00 00
Fax (45) 32 54 05 33
Slotsholmsgade 10
DK-1216 København K
Tel. (45) 33 92 33 40
Fax (45) 33 93 35 10
Concerning freezing of funds, financing and financial assistance:
Deutsche Bundesbank
Servicezentrum Finanzsanktionen
D-80281 München
Tel. (49-89) 2889 3800
Fax (49-89) 350163 3800
Concerning goods, technical assistance and other services:
Bundesamt für Wirtschafts- und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA)
Frankfurter Straße 29—35
D-65760 Eschborn
Tel. (49-61) 96 908-0
Fax (49-61) 96 908-800
Eesti Välisministeerium
Islandi väljak 1
15049 Tallinn
Tel. +372 6 317 100
Fax +372 6 317 199
Sakala 4
15030 Tallinn
Tel. +372 6680500
Fax +372 6680501
A.Freezing of Assets
Ministry of Economy and Finance
General Directory of Economic Policy
Address: 5 Nikis Str., 101 80
Athens, Greece
Tel. + 30 210 3332786
Fax + 30 210 3332810
Υπουργείο Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών
Γενική Δ/νση Οικονομικής Πολιτικής
Δ/νση: Νίκης 5, ΑΘΗΝΑ 101 80
Τηλ. + 30 210 3332786
Φαξ + 30 210 3332810
B.Import — Export restrictions
Ministry of Economy and Finance
General Directorate for Policy Planning and Management
Address Kornaroy Str.,
GR-105 63 Athens
Tel. + 30 210 3286401-3
Fax + 30 210 3286404
Υπουργείο Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών
Γενική Δ/νση(49-61) Σχεδιασμού και Διαχείρισης Πολιτικής
Δ/νση: Κορνάρου 1, Τ.Κ. 105 63
Αθήνα — Ελλάς
Τηλ. + 30 210 3286401-3
Φαξ + 30 210 3286404
Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo
Secretaría General de Comercio Exterior
Paseo de la Castellana, 162
E-28046 Madrid
Tel. (34) 913 49 38 60
Fax (34) 914 57 28 63
Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda
Dirección General del Tesoro y Política Financiera
Subdirección General de Inspección y Control De Movimientos de Capitales
Paseo del Prado, 6
E-28014 Madrid
Tel. (34) 91 209 95 11
Fax (34) 91 209 96 56
Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie
Direction générale des douanes et des droits indirects
Cellule embargo — Bureau E2
Tel. (33) 1 44 74 48 93
Fax (33) 1 44 74 48 97
Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie
Direction du Trésor et de la politique économique
Service des affaires multilatérales et de développement
Sous-direction Multicom
139, rue du Bercy
75572 Paris Cedex 12
Tel. (33) 1 44 87 72 85
Fax (33) 1 53 18 96 55
Ministère des Affaires étrangères
Direction de la coopération européenne
Sous-direction des relations extérieures de la Communauté
Tel. (33) 1 43 17 44 52
Fax (33) 1 43 17 56 95
Direction générale des affaires politiques et de sécurité
Service de la Politique Étrangère et de Sécurité Commune
Tel. (33) 1 43 17 45 16
Fax (33) 1 43 17 45 84
Central Bank of Ireland
Financial Markets Department
PO Box 559
Dame Street
Dublin 2
Tel. (353) 1 671 66 66
Fax (353) 1 671 65 61
Department of Foreign Affairs
Bilateral Economic Relations Division
80 St. Stephen's Green
Dublin 2
Tel. (353) 1 408 21 53
Fax (353) 1 408 20 03
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Export Licensing Unit
Block C
Earlsfort Centre
Lower Hatch St.
Dublin 2
Tel. (353) 1 631 25 34
Fax (353) 1 631 25 62
Ministero degli Affari Esteri
Piazzale della Farnesina, 1
I-00194 Roma
D.G.A.U. — Ufficio II
Tel. (39) 06 3691 3820
Fax (39) 06 3691 5161
Tel. (39) 06 3691 3605
Fax (39) 06 3691 8815
Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze
Dipartimento del Tesoro
Comitato di Sicurezza Finanziaria
Via XX Settembre, 97
I-00187 Roma
Tel. (39) 06 4761 3942
Fax (39) 06 4761 3032
Ministero delle Attività Produttive
Direzione Generale Politica Commerciale
Viale Boston, 35
I-00144 Roma
Tel. (39) 06 59931
Fax (39) 06 5964 7531
Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών
Λεωφ. Προεδρικού Μεγάρου
1447 Λευκωσία
Τηλ: +357-22-300600
Φαξ: +357-22-661881
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Presidential Palace Avenue
1447 Nicosia
Tel. +357-22-300600
Fax +357-22-661881
Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija
Brīvības iela 36
Rīga, LV 1395
Tel. (371) 7016201
Fax (371) 7828121
Noziedzīgi iegūto līdzekļu legalizācijas novēršanas dienests
Kalpaka bulvārī 6,
Rīgā, LV 1081
Tel. + 7044 431
Fax + 7044 549
Saugumo policijos departamentas
Užsienio reikalų ministerija
J.Tumo-Vaižganto 2
LT-01511 Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 236 25 16
Fax +370 5 231 30 90
Ministère des Affaires Étrangères
Direction des relations économiques internationales
6, rue de la Congrégation
L-1352 Luxembourg
Tel. (352) 478 23 46
Fax (352) 22 20 48
Ministère des Finances
3, rue de la Congrégation
L-1352 Luxembourg
Tel. (352) 478-2712
Fax (352) 47 52 41
Article 4
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Transport – Hungarian Trade
Licencing Office
Margit krt. 85.
H-1024 Budapest
Postbox: 1537 Pf.: 345
Tel. +36-1-336-7300
Gazdasági és Közlekedési Minisztérium – Kereskedelmi Engedélyezési Hivatal
Margit krt. 85.
H-1024 Budapest
Postafiók: 1537 Pf.: 345
Tel. +36-1-336-7300
Article 7
Hungarian National Police
Teve u. 4–6.
H-1139 Budapest
Tel./Fax +36-1-443-5554
Országos Rendőrfőkapitányság
1139 Budapest, Teve u. 4–6.
Tel./Fax +36-1-443-5554
Article 8
Ministry of Finance
József nádor tér. 2–4.
H-1051 Budapest
Postbox: 1369 Pf.: 481
Tel. +36-1-318-2066, +36-1-327-2100
Fax +36-1-318-2570, +36-1-327-2749
1051 Budapest, József nádor tér 2–4.
Postafiók: 1369 Pf.: 481
Tel. +36-1-318-2066, +36-1-327-2100
Fax +36-1-318-2570, +36-1-327-2749
Bord ta' Sorveljanza dwar is-Sanzjonijiet
Direttorat ta' l-Affarijiet Multilaterali
Ministeru ta' l-Affarijiet Barranin
Palazzo Parisio
Triq il-Merkanti
Valletta CMR 02
Tel. +356 21 24 28 53
Fax +356 21 25 15 20
Belastingdienst/Douane Noord
Centrale Dienst In- en Uitvoer
Engelse Kamp 2
Postbus 30003
9700 RD Groningen
Tel. 050-523 2600
Fax 050-523 2183
Ministerie van Financiën
Directie Financiële Markten/Afdeling Integriteit
Postbus 20201
NL-2500 EE Den Haag
Tel. (31-70) 342 8997
Fax (31-70) 342 7984
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
Abteilung C/2/2
Stubenring 1
A-1010 Wien
Tel. (43-1) 711 00
Fax (43-1) 711 00-8386
Österreichische Nationalbank
Otto Wagner Platz 3,
A-1090 Wien
Tel. (01-4042043 1) 404 20-0
Fax (43 1) 404 20-73 99
Bundesministerium für Inneres
Josef Holaubek Platz 1
A-1090 Wien
Tel. (43 1) 313 45-0
Fax (43 1) 313 45-85290
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych
Departament Prawno – Traktatowy
Al. J. CH. Szucha 23
PL-00-580 Warszawa
Tel. (48 22) 523 93 48
Fax (48 22) 523 91 29
Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros
Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Multilaterais
Largo do Rilvas
P-1350-179 Lisboa
Tel. (351) 21 394 60 72
Fax (351) 21 394 60 73
Ministério das Finanças
Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Europeus e Relações Internacionais
Avenida Infante D. Henrique, n.o 1, C 2.o
P-1100 Lisboa
Tel. (351) 21 882 32 40/47
Fax (351) 21 882 32 49
Bank of Slovenia
Slovenska 35
1505 Ljubljana
Tel. +386 (1) 471 90 00
Fax +386 (1) 251 55 16
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
Prešernova 25
1000 Ljubljana
Tel. +386 (1) 478 20 00
Fax +386 (1) 478 23 47
Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR
Mierová 19
827 15 Bratislava 212
Tel. 00421 2 4854 1111
Fax 00421 2 4333 782
Ministerstvo financií SR
Štefanovičova 5
P. O. BOX 82
817 82 Bratislava
Tel. 00421 2 5958 1111
Fax 00421 2 5249 3048
PL/PB 176
FIN-00161 Helsinki/Helsingfors
Tel. (358) 9 16 05 59 00
Fax (358) 9 16 05 57 07
Eteläinen Makasiinikatu 8
PL/PB 31
FIN-00131 Helsinki/Helsingfors
Tel. (358) 9 16 08 81 28
Fax (358) 9 16 08 81 11
Article 4
Inspektionen för strategiska produkter
Box 70252
SE-107 22 Stockholm
Tel. (46-8) 406 31 00
Fax (46-8) 20 31 00
Article 7
SE-103 51 Stockholm
Tel. (46-8) 786 90 00
Fax (46-8) 411 27 89
Article 8
Box 6750
SE-113 85 Stockholm
Tel. (46-8) 787 80 00
Fax (46-8) 24 13 35
Article 9
Rättssekretariatet för EU-frågor
SE-103 39 Stockholm
Tel. (46-8) 405 10 00
Fax (46-8) 723 11 76
Sanctions Licensing Unit
Export Control Organisation
Department of Trade and Industry
4 Abbey Orchard Street
London SW1P 2HT
United Kingdom
Tel. (44-207) 215-0594
Fax (44-207) 215-0593
HM Treasury
Financial Systems and International Standards
1, Horse Guards Road
London SW1A 2HQ
United Kingdom
Tel. (44-207) 270-5977
Fax (44-207) 270-5430
Bank of England
Financial Sanctions Unit
Threadneedle Street
London EC2R 8AH
United Kingdom
Tel. (44-207) 601 4607
Fax (44-207) 601 4309
For Gibraltar:
Ernest Montado
Chief Secretary
Government Secretariat
No 6 Convent Place
Tel. (350) 75707
Fax (350) 5875700
Commission of the European Communities
Directorate-General for External Relations
Directorate A. Crisis Platform and Policy Coordination in CFSP
Unit A.2. Crisis management and conflict prevention
CHAR 12/108
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. (32-2) 299 1176/295 5585
Fax (32-2) 299 08 73
List of persons referred to in Articles 6, 7 and 12
Table Notes:
Aliases or variations in spelling are denoted by ‘a.k.a.’
Name (first name, last name, gender; poss. aliases) | Identifying information (function/title, date and place of birth (d.o.b. & p.o.b), passport/id number, spouse or son/daughter of …) | |
A1a | Senior General Than Shwe | Chairman, d.o.b. 2.2.1933 |
A1b | Kyaing Kyaing | Wife of Senior General Than Shwe |
A1c | Thandar Shwe | Daughter of Senior General Than Shwe |
A1d | Khin Pyone Shwe | Daughter of Senior General Than Shwe |
A1e | Aye Aye Thit Shwe | Daughter of Senior General Than Shwe |
A1f | Tun Naing Shwe a.k.a. Tun Tun Naing | Son of Senior General Than Shwe |
A1g | Khin Thanda | Wife of Tun Naing Shwe |
A1h | Kyaing San Shwe | Son of Senior General Than Shwe |
A1i | Dr Khin Win Sein | Wife of Kyaing San Shwe |
A1j | Thant Zaw Shwe a.k.a. Maung Maung | Son of Senior General Than Shwe |
A1k | Dewar Shwe | Daughter of Senior General Than Shwe |
A1l | Kyi Kyi Shwe | Daughter of Senior General Than Shwe |
A2a | Vice-Senior General Maung Aye | Vice-Chairman, d.o.b. 25.12.1937 |
A2b | Mya Mya San | Wife of Vice-Senior General Maung Aye |
A2c | Nandar Aye | Daughter of Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, spouse of Major Pye Aung (D17d) |
A3a | General Thura Shwe Mann | Chief of Staff, Coordinator of Special Operations (Army, Navy and Air) d.o.b. 11.7.1947 |
A3b | Khin Lay Thet | Wife of General Thura Shwe Mann d.o.b. 19.6.1947 |
A3c | Aung Thet Mann | Son of General Thura Shwe Mann, Ayeya Shwe War Company d.o.b. 19.6.1977 ppt no — CM102233 |
A3d | Toe Naing Mann | Son of Shwe Mann d.o.b. 29.6.1978 |
A3e | Zay Zin Latt | Wife of Toe Naing Mann; daughter of Khin Shwe (ref J5a) d.o.b. 24.3.1981 |
A4a | Gen Soe Win | Prime Minister since 19.10.2004, born 1946 |
A4b | Than Than Nwe | Wife of -Gen Soe Win |
A5a | Lt-Gen Thein Sein | Secretary 1 (since 19.10.2004) & Adjutant General |
A5b | Khin Khin Win | Wife of Lt-Gen Thein Sein |
A6a | Lt-Gen (Thiha Thura) Tin Aung Myint Oo | (Thiha Thura is a title) Quartermaster-General |
A6b | Khin Saw Hnin | Wife of Lt-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo |
A7a | Lt-Gen Kyaw Win | Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 2 (Kayah State) |
A7b | San San Yee a.k.a. San San Yi | Wife of Lt-Gen Kyaw Win |
A7c | Nyi Nyi Aung | Son of Lt-Gen Kyaw Win |
A7d | San Thida Win | Wife of Nyi Nyi Aung |
A7e | Min Nay Kyaw Win | Son of Lt-Gen Kyaw Win |
A7f | Dr Phone Myint Htun | Son of Lt-Gen Kyaw Win |
A7g | San Sabai Win | Wife of Dr Phone Myint Htun |
A8a | Lt-Gen Tin Aye | Chief of Military Ordnance, Head of UMEH |
A8b | Kyi Kyi Ohn | Wife of Lt-Gen Tin Aye |
A8c | Zaw Min Aye | Son of Lt-Gen Tin Aye |
A9a | Lt-Gen Ye Myint | Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 1 (Kachin, Chin, Sagaing, Magwe, Mandalay) |
A9b | Tin Lin Myint | Wife of Lt-Gen Ye Myint, d.o.b. 25.1.1947 |
A9c | Theingi Ye Myint | Daughter of Lt-Gen Ye Myint |
A9d | Aung Zaw Ye Myint | Son of Lt-Gen Ye Myint, Yetagun Construction Co |
A9e | Kay Khaing Ye Myint | Daughter of Lt-Gen Ye Myint |
A10a | Lt-Gen Aung Htwe | Chief of Armed Forces Training |
A10b | Khin Hnin Wai | Wife of Lt-Gen Aung Htwe |
A11a | Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than | Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 3 (Pegu, Rangoon, Irrawaddy, Arakan) |
A11b | Marlar Tint | Wife of Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than |
A12a | Lt-Gen Maung Bo | Chief of Bureau of Special Operations 4 (Karen, Mon, Tenasserim) |
A12b | Khin Lay Myint | Wife of Lt-Gen Maung Bo |
A12c | Kyaw Swa Myint | Son of Lt-Gen Maung Bo. Businessman |
A13a | Lt-Gen Myint Swe | Chief of Military Affairs Security |
A13b | Khin Thet Htay | Wife of Lt-Gen Myint Swe |
Name | Identifying information (inc. command) | |
B1a | Brig-Gen Hla Htay Win | Rangoon |
B1b | Mar Mar Wai | Wife Brig-Gen Hla Htay Win |
B2a | Maj-Gen Ye Myint | Eastern (Shan State (South)) |
B2b | Myat Ngwe | Wife of Maj-Gen Ye Myint |
B3a | Maj-Gen Thar Aye a.k.a. Tha Aye | North Western (Sagaing Division) |
B3b | Wai Wai Khaing a.k.a. Wei Wei Khaing | Wife of Maj-Gen Thar Aye |
B4a | Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe | Coastal (Tanintharyi Division) |
B4b | Tin Tin Nwe | Wife of Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe |
B4c | Ei Thet Thet Swe | Daughter of Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe |
B4d | Kaung Kyaw Swe | Son of Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe |
B5a | Maj-Gen Myint Hlaing | North Eastern (Shan State(North)) |
B5b | Khin Thant Sin | Wife of Maj-Gen Myint Hlaing |
B5c | Hnin Nandar Hlaing | Daughter of Maj-Gen Myint Hlaing |
B5d | Cadet Thant Sin Hlaing | Son of Maj-Gen Myint Hlaing |
B6a | Maj-Gen Khin Zaw | Central (Mandalay Division) |
B6b | Khin Pyone Win | Wife of Maj-Gen Khin Zaw |
B6c | Kyi Tha Khin Zaw | Son of Maj-Gen Khin Zaw |
B6d | Su Khin Zaw | Daughter of Maj-Gen Khin Zaw |
B7a | Maj-Gen Khin Maung Myint | Western (Rakhine State) |
B7b | Win Win Nu | Wife of Maj-Gen Khin Maung Myint |
B8a | Maj-Gen Thura Myint Aung | South Western (Irrawaddy Division) |
B8b | Than Than Nwe | Wife of Maj-Gen Thura Myint Aung |
B9a | Maj-Gen Ohn Myint | North (Kachin State) |
B9b | Nu Nu Swe | Wife of Maj-Gen Ohn Myint |
B10a | Maj-Gen Ko Ko | South (Pegu Division) |
B10b | Sao Nwan Khun Sum | Wife of Maj-Gen Ko Ko |
B11a | Maj-Gen Soe Naing | South Eastern (Mon State) |
B11b | Tin Tin Latt | Wife of Maj-Gen Soe Naing |
B11c | Wut Yi Oo | Daughter of Maj-Gen Soe Naing |
B11d | Captain Htun Zaw Win | Husband of Wut Yi Oo (B11c) |
B11e | Yin Thu Aye | Daughter of Maj-Gen Soe Naing |
B11f | Yi Phone Zaw | Son of Maj-Gen Soe Naing |
B12a | Maj-Gen Min Aung Hlaing | Triangle (Shan State (East)) |
Name | Identifying information (inc. command) | |
C1a | Brig-Gen Wai Lwin | Yangon |
C1b | Swe Swe Oo | Wife of Brig-Gen Wai Lwin |
C1c | Wai Phyo | Son of Brig-Gen Wai Lwin |
C1d | Lwin Yamin | Daughter of Brig-Gen Wai Lwin |
C2a | Brig-Gen Nay Win | Central |
C2b | Nan Aye Mya | Wife of Brig-Gen Nay Win |
C3a | Brig-Gen Tin Maung Ohn | North-Western |
C4a | Brig-Gen San Tun | Northern |
C4b | Tin Sein | Wife of Brig-Gen San Tun |
C5a | Brig-Gen Hla Myint | North-Eastern |
C5b | Su Su Hlaing | Wife of Brig-Gen Hla Myint |
C6 | Brig-Gen Wai Lin | Triangle |
C7a | Brig-Gen Win Myint | Eastern |
C8a | Col Zaw Min | South-Eastern |
C9a | Brig-Gen Hone Ngaing/Hon Ngai | Coastal |
C10a | Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni | Southern |
C10b | Nan Myint Sein | Wife of Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni |
C11a | Brig-Gen Tint Swe | South-Western |
C11b | Khin Thaung | Wife of Brig-Gen Tint Swe |
C11c | Ye Min a.k.a. Ye Kyaw Swar Swe | Son of Brig-Gen Tint Swe |
C11d | Su Mon Swe | Wife of Ye Min |
C12a | Brig Gen Tin Hlaing | Western |
Name | Identifying information (inc. Ministry) | |
D3a | Maj-Gen Htay Oo | Agriculture and Irrigation since 18.9.2004 (previously Cooperatives since 25.8.2003) |
D3b | Ni Ni Win | Wife of Maj-Gen Htay Oo |
D3c | Thein Zaw Nyo | Cadet. son of Maj-Gen Htay Oo |
D4a | Brig-Gen Tin Naing Thein | Commerce (since 18.9.2004), Previously Dep. Minister of Forestry |
D4b | Aye Aye | Wife of Brig-Gen Tin Naing Thein |
D5a | Maj-Gen Saw Tun | Construction d.o.b. 8.5.1935 |
D5b | Myint Myint Ko | Wife of Maj-Gen Saw Tun d.o.b. 11.1.1945 |
D5c | Me Me Tun | Daughter of Maj-Gen Saw Tun d.o.b. 26.10.1967 Passport 415194 |
D5d | Maung Maung Lwin | Husband of Me Me Tun d.o.b. 2.1.1969 |
D6a | Col Zaw Min | Cooperatives since 18.9.2004, previously Chairman Magwe PDC |
D6b | Khin Mi Mi | Wife of Col Zaw Min |
D7a | Maj-Gen Kyi Aung | Culture |
D7b | Khin Khin Lay | Wife of Maj-Gen Kyi Aung |
D8a | Dr. Chan Nyein | Education. Previously E29a Deputy Minister of Science & Technology |
D8b | Sandar Aung | Wife of Dr. Chan Nyein (prev E29b) |
D9a | Maj-Gen Tin Htut | Electric Power |
D9b | Tin Tin Nyunt | Wife of Maj-Gen Tin Htut |
D10a | Brig-Gen Lun Thi | Energy |
D10b | Khin Mar Aye | Wife of Brig-Gen Lun Thi |
D10c | Mya Sein Aye | Daughter of Brig-Gen Lun Thi |
D10d | Zin Maung Lun | Son of Brig-Gen Lun Thi |
D10e | Zar Chi Ko | Wife of Zin Maung Lun |
D11a | Maj-Gen Hla Tun | Finance & Revenue |
D11b | Khin Than Win | Wife of Maj-Gen Hla Tun |
D12a | Nyan Win | Foreign Affairs since 18.9.2004, formerly Deputy Chief of Armed Forces Training, d.o.b. 22.1.1953 |
D12b | Myint Myint Soe | Wife of Nyan Win |
D13a | Brig-Gen Thein Aung | Forestry |
D13b | Khin Htay Myint | Wife of Brig-Gen Thein Aung |
D14a | Prof. Dr. Kyaw Myint | Health |
D14b | Nilar Thaw | Wife of Prof. Dr. Kyaw Myint |
D15a | Maj-Gen Maung Oo | Home Affairs |
D15b | Nyunt Nyunt Oo | Wife of Maj-Gen Maung Oo |
D16a | Maj-Gen Sein Htwa | Ministry of Immigration & Population, as well as Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief & Resettlement |
D16b | Khin Aye | Wife of Maj-Gen Sein Htwa |
D17a | Aung Thaung | Industry 1 |
D17b | Khin Khin Yi | Wife of Aung Thaung |
D17c | Major Moe Aung | Son of Aung Thaung |
D17d | Dr Aye Khaing Nyunt | Wife of Major Moe Aung |
D17e | Nay Aung | Son of Aung Thaung, businessman, Managing Director, Aung Yee Phyoe Co. Ltd |
D17f | Khin Moe Nyunt | Wife of Nay Aung |
D17g | Captain Pyi Aung a.k.a. Pye Aung | Son of Aung Thaung (married to A2c) |
D17h | Khin Ngu Yi Phyo | Daughter of Aung Thaung |
D17i | Dr Thu Nanda Aung | Daughter of Aung Thaung |
D17j | Aye Myat Po Aung | Daughter of Aung Thaung |
D18a | Maj-Gen Saw Lwin | Industry 2 |
D18b | Moe Moe Myint | Wife of Maj-Gen Saw Lwin |
D19a | Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan | Information |
D19b | Kyi Kyi Win | Wife of Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan |
D20a | Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein | Livestock & Fisheries |
D20b | Myint Myint Aye | Wife of Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein |
D20c | Min Thein | Son of Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein |
D21a | Brig-Gen Ohn Myint | Mines |
D21b | San San | Wife of Brig-Gen Ohn Myint |
D21c | Thet Naing Oo | Son of Brig-Gen Ohn Myint |
D21d | Min Thet Oo | Son of Brig-Gen Ohn Myint |
D22a | Soe Tha | National Planning & Economic Development |
D22b | Kyu Kyu Win | Wife of Soe Tha |
D22c | Kyaw Myat Soe | Son of Soe Tha |
D22d | Wei Wei Lay | Wife of Kyaw Myat Soe |
D23a | Col Thein Nyunt | Progress of Border Areas & National Races & Development Affairs, possibly Mayor of Naypyidaw (Pyinmana) |
D23b | Kyin Khaing | Wife of Col Thein Nyunt |
D24a | Maj-Gen Aung Min | Rail Transportation |
D24b | Wai Wai Thar a.k.a. Wai Wai Tha | Wife of Maj-Gen Aung Min |
D25a | Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung | Religious Affairs |
D25b | Aung Kyaw Soe | Son of Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung |
D25c | Su Su Sandi | Wife of Aung Kyaw Soe |
D25d | Zin Myint Maung | Daughter of Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung |
D26a | Thaung | Science & Technology Concurrently Labour (since 5.11.2004) |
D26b | May Kyi Sein | Wife of Thaung |
D27a | Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint | Sports |
D27b | Aye Aye | Wife of Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint |
D27c | Nay Linn | Son of Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint |
D28a | Brig-Gen Thein Zaw | Minister of Telecommunications, Post & Telegraphs and Minister of Hotels & Tourism |
D28b | Mu Mu Win | Wife of Brig-Gen Thein Zaw |
D29a | Maj-Gen Thein Swe | Transport, since 18.9.2004 (previously PM's Office since 25.8.2003) |
D29b | Mya Theingi | Wife of Maj-Gen Thein Swe |
Name | Identifying information (inc. Ministry) | |
E1a | Ohn Myint | Agriculture & Irrigation |
E1b | Thet War | Wife of Ohn Myint |
E2a | Brig-Gen Aung Tun | Commerce |
E3a | Brig-Gen Myint Thein | Construction |
E3b | Mya Than | Wife of Brig-Gen Myint Thein |
E4a | Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung | Culture |
E4b | Myint Myint Wai a.k.a. Khin Myint Wai | Wife of Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung |
E5a | Brig-Gen Khin Maung Win | Defence |
E7a | Myo Nyunt | Education |
E7b | Marlar Thein | Wife of Myo Nyunt |
E8a | Brig-Gen Aung Myo Min | Education |
E8b | Thazin Nwe | Wife of Brig-Gen Aung Myo Min |
E9a | Myo Myint | Electric Power |
E9b | Tin Tin Myint | Wife of Myo Myint |
E10a | Brig-Gen Than Htay | Energy (since 25.8.2003) |
E10b | Soe Wut Yi | Wife of Brig-Gen Than Htay |
E11a | Col Hla Thein Swe | Finance & Revenue |
E11b | Thida Win | Wife of Col Hla Thein Swe |
E12a | Kyaw Thu | Foreign Affairs, d.o.b. 15.8.1949 |
E12b | Lei Lei Kyi | Wife of Kyaw Thu |
E13a | Maung Myint | Foreign Affairs since 18.9.04 |
E13b | Dr Khin Mya Win | Wife of Maung Myint |
E14a | Prof. Dr. Mya Oo | Health, d.o.b. 25.1.1940 |
E14b | Tin Tin Mya | Wife of Prof. Dr. Mya Oo |
E14c | Dr. Tun Tun Oo | Son of Prof. Dr. Mya Oo, d.o.b. 26.7.1965 |
E14d | Dr. Mya Thuzar | Daughter of Prof. Dr. Mya Oo, d.o.b. 23.9.1971 |
E14e | Mya Thidar | Daughter of Prof. Dr. Mya Oo, d.o.b. 10.6.1973 |
E14f | Mya Nandar | Daughter of Prof. Dr. Mya Oo, d.o.b. 29.5.1976 |
E15a | Brig-Gen Phone Swe | Home Affairs (since 25.8.2003) |
E15b | San San Wai | Wife of Brig-Gen Phone Swe |
E16a | Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu | Hotels & Tourism |
E16b | Khin Swe Myint | Wife of Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu |
E17a | Maung Aung | Immigration & Population |
E17b | Hmwe Hmwe | Wife of Maung Aung |
E18a | Brig-Gen Thein Tun | Industry 1 |
E19a | Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw | Industry 2 |
E19b | Mi Mi Wai | Wife of Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw |
E20a | Brig-Gen Aung Thein | Information |
E20b | Tin Tin Nwe | Wife of Brig-Gen Aung Thein |
E21a | Thein Sein | Information, USDA CEC member |
E21b | Khin Khin Wai | Wife of Thein Sein |
E21c | Thein Aung Thaw | Son of Thein Sein |
E21d | Su Su Cho | Wife of Thein Aung Thaw |
E22a | Brig-Gen Win Sein | Labour |
E22b | Wai Wai Linn | Wife of Brig-Gen Win Sein |
E23a | Myint Thein | Mines |
E23b | Khin May San | Wife of Myint Thein |
E24a | Col Tin Ngwe | Progress of Border Areas & National Races & Development Affairs |
E24b | Khin Mya Chit | Wife of Col Tin Ngwe |
E25a | Brig-Gen Than Tun | Progress of Border Areas & National Races & Development Affairs |
E25b | May Than Tun | Daughter of Brig-Gen Than Tun, d.o.b. 25.6.1970 |
E25c | Ye Htun Myat | Wife of May Than Tun |
E26a | Thura Thaung Lwin | (Thura is a title), Rail Transportation |
E26b | Dr Yi Yi Htwe | Wife of Thura Thaung Lwin |
E27a | Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko | (Thura is a title), Religious Affairs, USDA CEC member |
E27b | Myint Myint Yee a.k.a. Yi Yi Myint | Wife of Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko |
E28a | Kyaw Soe | Science and Technology |
E29a | Col Thurein Zaw | National Planning and Economic Development |
E30a | Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint | Social Welfare, Relief & Resettlement |
E30b | Khin Nwe Nwe | Wife of Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint |
E31a | Pe Than | Both Min. of Transport and Min. of Rail Transportation |
E31b | Cho Cho Tun | Wife of Pe Than |
E32a | Col Nyan Tun Aung | Transport |
Name | Identifying information (inc. post held) | |
F1a | Capt. (Retd.) Htay Aung | Director General at Hotels & Tourism Directorate (Managing Director, Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Services until August 2004) |
F2 | Tin Maung Shwe | Deputy Director General, Hotels and Tourism Directorate |
F3 | Soe Thein | Managing Director, Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services since October 2004 (previously General Manager) |
F4 | Khin Maung Soe | General Manager |
F5 | Tint Swe | General Manager |
F6 | Lt-Col Yan Naing | General Manager, Ministry of Hotels & Tourism |
F7 | Nyunt Nyunt Than | Director for Tourism Promotion, Ministry of Hotels & Tourism |
G. SENIOR MILITARY OFFICERS (Brigadier-General and above) | ||
Name | Identifying information (inc. function) | |
G1a | Maj-Gen Hla Shwe | Deputy Adjutant General |
G3a | Maj-Gen Soe Maung | Judge Advocate General |
G4a | Brig-Gen Thein Htaik a.k.a. Hteik | Inspector General |
G5a | Maj-Gen Saw Hla | Provost Marshal |
G6a | Maj-Gen Khin Maung Tun | Vice Quarter Master General |
G7a | Maj-Gen Lun Maung | Auditor General |
G8a | Maj-Gen Nay Win | Military Assistant to the SPDC Chairman |
G9a | Maj-Gen Hsan Hsint | Military Appointments General; d.o.b. 1951 |
G9b | Khin Ma Lay | Wife of Maj-Gen Hsan Hsint |
G9c | Okkar San Sint | Son of Maj-Gen Hsan Hsint |
G10a | Maj-Gen Hla Aung Thein | Camp Commandant, Rangoon |
G10b | Amy Khaing | Wife of Hla Aung Thein |
G11a | Maj-Gen Win Myint | Deputy Chief of Armed Forces Training |
G12a | Maj-Gen Aung Kyi | Deputy Chief of Armed Forces Training |
G12b | Thet Thet Swe | Wife of Maj-Gen Aung Kyi |
G13a | Maj-Gen Moe Hein | Commandant, National Defence College |
G14a | Maj-Gen Khin Aung Myint | Director of Public Relations & Psychological Warfare, Board Member UMEHL |
G15a | Maj-Gen Thein Tun | Director of Signals; member of National Convention Convening Management Committee |
G16a | Maj-Gen Than Htay | Director of Supply & Transport |
G17a | Maj-Gen Khin Maung Tint | Director of Security Printing Works |
G18a | Maj-Gen Sein Lin | Director, MOD (Precise job not known. Formerly Director Ordnance |
G19a | Maj-Gen Kyi Win | Director of Artillery & Armour, Board member UMEHL |
G20a | Maj-Gen Tin Tun | Director Military Engineers |
G21a | Maj-Gen Aung Thein | Director Resettlement |
G22a | Maj-Gen Aye Myint | MOD |
G23a | Brig-Gen Myo Myint | Commandant Defence Services Records Office |
G24a | Brig-Gen Than Maung | Deputy Commandant of National Defence College |
G25a | Brig-Gen Win Myint | Rector DSTA |
G26a | Brig-Gen Than Sein | Commandant, Defence Services Hospital, Mingaladon, d.o.b. 1.2.1946, Bago |
G26b | Rosy Mya Than | Wife of Brig-Gen Than Sein |
G27a | Brig-Gen Win Than | Director of Procurement and Managing Director Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings (prev.Maj-Gen Win Hlaing, K1a) |
G28a | Brig-Gen Than Maung | Director of Peoples' Militia & Frontier Forces |
G29a | Brig-Gen Khin Naing Win | Director Defense Industries |
G30a | Brig-Gen Zaw Win | Commandant of Bahtoo Station (Shan State) and Principle of Combat Training School of Defence Services (Army) |
Navy | ||
G31a | Vice-Admiral Soe Thein | Commander-in-Chief (Navy) |
G31b | Khin Aye Kyin | Wife of Vice Admiral Soe Thein |
G31c | Yimon Aye | Daughter of Vice Admiral Soe Thein, d.o.b. 12.7.1980 |
G31d | Aye Chan | Son of Vice Admiral Soe Thein, d.o.b. 23.9.1973 |
G31e | Thida Aye | Daughter of Vice Admiral Soe Thein, d.o.b. 23.3.1979 |
G32a | Commodore Nyan Tun | Chief of Staff (Navy), Board member UMEHL |
G32b | Khin Aye Myint | Wife of Nyan Tun |
Airforce | ||
G33a | Lt-Gen Myat Hein | Commander-in-Chief (Air) |
G33b | Htwe Htwe Nyunt | Wife of Lt-Gen Myat Hein |
G34a | Brig-Gen Ye Chit Pe | Staff of Commander in Chief Air, Mingaladon |
G35a | Brig-Gen Khin Maung Tin | Commandant of Shande Air Training School, Meiktila |
G36a | Brig-Gen Zin Yaw | Chief of Staff (Air), Member of UMEHL Board |
Light Infantry Divisions (LID) (those of Brig-Gen rank) | ||
G39a | Brig-Gen Tin Tun Aung | 33 LID, Sagaing |
G41a | Brig-Gen Thet Oo | 55 LID, Kalaw/Aungban |
G42a | Brig-Gen Khin Zaw Oo | 66 LID, Pyay/Inma |
G43a | Brig-Gen Win Myint | 77 LID, Bago |
G44a | Brig-Gen Aung Than Htut | 88 LID, Magwe |
G45a | Brig-Gen Tin Oo Lwin | 99 LID, Meiktila |
Other Brigadier-Generals | ||
G47a | Brig-Gen Htein Win | Taikkyi Station |
G48a | Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye | Meiktila Station Commander |
G49a | Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye | Regional Operations Command-Kale, Sagaing Division |
G50a | Brig-Gen Khin Zaw Win | Khamaukgyi Station |
G51a | Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung | Southern MR, Toungoo Station Commander |
G52a | Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung | Military Operations Command-8, Dawei/Tavoy Station |
G53a | Brig-Gen Kyaw Oo Lwin | Regional Operations Command-Tanai |
G54a | N/K Successor to Brig-Gen Kyaw Thu | Phugyi Station |
G55a | Brig-Gen Maung Maung Shein | Kawkareik |
G56a | Brig-Gen Myint Hein | Military Operations Command-3, Mogaung Station, |
G57a | Brig-Gen Mya Win | Military Operations Command-10, Kyigone Station |
G58a | Brig-Gen Mya Win | Kalaw |
G59a | Brig-Gen Myo Lwin | Military Operations Command-7, Pekon Station |
G60a | Brig-Gen Myint Soe | Military Operations Command-5, Taungup Station |
G61a | Brig-Gen Myint Aye | Military Operations Command-9, Kyauktaw Station |
G62a | Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing | Military Operations Command-17, Mong Pan Station |
G63a | Brig-Gen Ohn Myint | Mon State USDA CEC member |
G64a | Brig-Gen Soe Nwe | Military Operations Command-21 Bhamo Station |
G65a | Brig-Gen Soe Oo | Military Operations Command-16, Hsenwi Station |
G66a | Brig-Gen Than Tun | Kyaukpadaung Station |
G67a | Brig-Gen Than Win | Regional Operations Command-Laukkai |
G68a | Brig-Gen Than Tun Aung | Regional Operations Command-Sittwe |
G69a | Brig-Gen Thaung Aye | Mongnaung Station |
G70a | Brig-Gen Thaung Htaik | Aungban station |
G71a | Brig-Gen Thein Hteik | Military Operations Command-13, Bokpyin Station |
G72a | Brig-Gen Thura Myint Thein | Namhsan Tactical Operations Command |
G73a | Brig-Gen Win Aung | Mong Hsat |
G74a | Brig-Gen Myo Tint | Officer on Special Duty Ministry of Transport |
G75a | Brig-Gen Thura Sein Thaung | Officer on Special Duty Ministry for Social Welfare |
G76a | Brig-Gen Phone Zaw Han | Mayor of Mandalay since Feb 2005, formerly commander of Kyaukme |
G77a | Brig-Gen Hla Min | Pegu West Division PDC chairman |
G78a | Brig-Gen Win Myint | Pyinmana Station |
Name | Identifying information (inc. function) | |
H1a | Maj-Gen Khin Yi | DG Myanmar Police Force |
H1b | Khin May Soe | Wife of Maj-Gen Khin Yi |
H2a | Zaw Win | Director General of the Prisons Dept. (Ministry of Home Affairs) since August 2004, previously Deputy DG Myanmar Police Force, and former Brig-Gen. Former military |
H3a | Aung Saw Win | Director General, Bureau of Special Investigation |
I. UNION SOLIDARITY AND DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (USDA) (senior USDA office-holders who have not been included elsewhere) | ||
Name | Identifying information (inc. function) | |
I1a | Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin | Mayor & Chairman of the Yangon City Development Committee (Secretary) |
I1b | Khin San Nwe | Wife of Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin |
I1b | Thidar Myo | Daughter of Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin |
I2a | Col Maung Par | Vice Mayor of YCDC (CEC Member) |
I2b | Khin Nyunt Myaing | Wife of Col Maung Par |
I2c | Naing Win Par | Son of Col Maung Par |
Name | Identifying information (inc. company) | |
J1a | Tay Za | Managing Director, Htoo Trading Co; d.o.b. 18.7.1964; Passport 306869 ID card MYGN 006415. Father U Myint Swe (6.11.1924) Mother Daw Ohn (12.8.1934) |
J1b | Thidar Zaw | Wife of Tay Za; d.o.b. 24.2.1964, ID card KMYT 006865 Passport 275107. Parents Zaw Nyunt (dec'd), Htoo (dec'd) |
J1c | Pye Phyo Tay Za | Son of Tay Za (J1a), d.o.b. 29.1.1987 |
J2a | Thiha | Brother of Tay Za (J1a), d.o.b. 24.6.1960 Director Htoo Trading. Distributor of London cigarettes (Myawadi Trading) |
J3a | Aung Ko Win a.k.a. Saya Kyaung | Kanbawza Bank |
J3b | Nan Than Htwe | Wife of Aung Ko Win |
J4a | Tun Myint Naing a.k.a. Steven Law | Asia World Co. |
J4b | (Ng) Seng Hong | Wife of Tun Myint Naing |
J5a | Khin Shwe | Zaykabar Co; d.o.b. 21.1.1952. See also A3e |
J5b | San San Kywe | Wife of Khin Shwe |
J5c | Zay Thiha | Son of Khin Shwe, d.o.b. 1.1.1977 |
J6a | Htay Myint | Yuzana Co., d.o.b. 6.2.1955 |
J6b | Aye Aye Maw | Wife of Htay Myint, d.o.b. 17.11.1957 |
J7a | Kyaw Win | Shwe Thanlwin Trading Co. |
J7b | Nan Mauk Loung Sai a.k.a. Nang Mauk Lao Hsai | Wife of Kyaw Win |
J8a | Ko Lay | Minister at the PM's Office until Feb 2004, Mayor of Rangoon until August 2003 |
J8b | Khin Khin | Wife of Ko Lay |
J8c | San Min | Son of Ko Lay |
J8d | Than Han | Son of Ko Lay |
J8e | Khin Thida | Daughter of Ko Lay |
J9a | Aung Phone | Former Minister for Forestry; d.o.b. 20.11.1939 Retd July 03 |
J9b | Khin Sitt Aye | Wife of Aung Phone, d.o.b. 14.9.1943 |
J9c | Sitt Thwe Aung a.k.a. Sit Thway Aung | Son of Aung Phone, d.o.b. 10.7.1977 |
J9d | Thin Zar Tun | Wife of Sitt Thwe Aung, d.o.b. 14.4.1978 |
J9e | Sitt Thaing Aung a.k.a. Sit Taing Aung | Son of Aung Phone, d.o.b. 13.11.1971 |
J10a | Maj-Gen (Retd) Nyunt Tin | Former Minister of Agriculture & Irrigation Retd September 2004 |
J10b | Khin Myo Oo | Wife of Maj-Gen (Retd) Nyunt Tin |
J10c | Kyaw Myo Nyunt | Son of Maj-Gen (Retd) Nyunt Tin |
J10d | Thu Thu Ei Han | Daughter of Maj-Gen (Retd)Nyunt Tin |
J11a | Khin Maung Thein | Former Minister for Finance & Revenue Retd 1.2.2003 |
J11b | Su Su Thein | Wife of Khin Maung Thein |
J11c | Daywar Thein | Son of Khin Maung Thein, d.o.b. 25.12.1960 |
J11d | Thawdar Thein | Daughter of Khin Maung Thein, d.o.b. 6.3.1958 |
J11e | Maung Maung Thein | Son of Khin Maung Thein, d.o.b. 23.10.1963 |
J11f | Khin Yadana Thein | Daughter of Khin Maung Thein, d.o.b. 6.5.1968 |
J11g | Marlar Thein | Daughter of Khin Maung Thein, d.o.b. 25.2.1965 |
J11h | Hnwe Thida Thein | Daughter of Khin Maung Thein, d.o.b. 28.7.1966 |
Name | Identifying information (inc. company) | |
K1a | Maj-Gen (Retd) Win Hlaing | Formerly MD, Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings, Myawaddy Bank |
K1b | Ma Ngeh | Daughter of Maj-Gen (Retd) Win Hlaing |
K1c | Zaw Win Naing | Managing Director of Kambawza Bank. Husband of Ma Ngeh (K1b), and nephew of Aung Ko Win (J3a) |
K1d | Win Htway Hlaing | Son of Maj-Gen (Retd) Win Hlaing, representative for KESCO company |
K2 | Col Ye Htut | Myanmar Economic Corporation |
K3 | Col Myint Aung | MD at Myawaddy Trading Co. |
K4 | Col Myo Myint | MD Bandoola Transportation Co. |
K5 | Col (Retd) Thant Zin | MD at Myanmar Land and Development |
K6 | Lt-Col (Retd) Maung Maung Aye | UMEHL, Chairman Myanmar Breweries |
K7 | Col Aung San | MD at Hsinmin Cement Plant Construction Project |