1.In the area of additional data collection, the Commission may carry out studies and pilot projects. The spheres of activity which may be eligible for Community financial measures shall include:
(a)methodological studies and projects aimed at optimising and standardising methods of collecting data defined in Article 9;
(b)exploratory data collection projects in particular in the areas of aquaculture, the relationship of fisheries and aquaculture with the environment and the capacity of fishing and aquaculture industries to create jobs;
(c)economic and bio-economic analyses and simulations connected with decisions planned under the CFP, including recovery and management plans and the evaluation of the impact of the CFP;
(d)selectivity of fisheries including the selectivity linked to the design of fishing gears and fisheries techniques and examination of the relationships between catch capacity, fishing effort and mortality in each fishery;
(e)improving the enforcement of the CFP, particularly in terms of cost-effectiveness;
(f)evaluating and managing the links between fishing activities and aquaculture and aquatic ecosystems.
2.The financing of all studies and pilot projects carried out pursuant to paragraph 1 may not exceed 15 % of the annual appropriations authorised for the actions financed under Article 9 and this Article.