Instructions and explanations
1.Full name and address of the actual (re-)exporter, not of an agent. In the case of a personal ownership certificate, the full name and address of the legal owner.
2.The period of validity of an export permit or re-export certificate shall not exceed six months and of an import permit 12 months. The period of validity of a Personal Ownership Certificate shall not exceed three years. After its last day of validity, this document is void and the original and all copies must be returned by the holder to the issuing management authority without undue delay. An import permit is not valid where the corresponding CITES document from the (re-)exporting country was used for (re-)export after its last day of validity or if the date of introduction into the Community is more than six months from its date of issue.
3.Full name and address of the actual importer, not of an agent. To be left blank in the case of a personal ownership certificate.
5.To be left blank in the case of a personal ownership certificate.
6.For live specimens of Annex A species other than captive bred or artificially propagated specimens, the issuing authority may prescribe the location at which they are to be kept by including details thereof in this box. Any movement, except for urgent veterinary treatment and provided the specimens are returned directly to their authorised location, then requires prior authorisation from the competent management authority.
8.Description must be as precise as possible and include a three-letter code in accordance with Annex VII to Regulation (EC) No 865/2006 [laying down detailed rules concerning the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein].
9/10.Use the units of quantity and/or net mass in accordance with those contained in Annex VII to Regulation (EC) No 865/2006.
11.Enter the number of the CITES Appendix (I, II or III) in which the species is listed at the date of issue of the permit/certificate.
12.Enter the letter of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 (A, B or C) in which the species is listed at the date of issue of the permit/certificate.
13.Use one of the following codes to indicate the source:
Specimens taken from the wild
Specimens originating from a ranching operation
Annex A animals bred in captivity for commercial purposes and Annex A plants artificially propagated for commercial purposes in accordance with Chapter XIII of Regulation (EC) No 865/2006, as well as parts and derivatives thereof
Annex A plants artificially propagated for non-commercial purposes and Annexes B and C plants artificially propagated in accordance with Chapter XIII of Regulation (EC) No 865/2006, as well as parts and derivatives thereof
Annex A animals bred in captivity for non-commercial purposes and Annexes B and C animals bred in captivity in accordance with Chapter XIII of Regulation (EC) No 865/2006, as well as parts and derivatives thereof
Animals born in captivity, but for which the criteria of Chapter XIII of Regulation (EC) No 865/2006 are not met, as well as parts and derivatives thereof
Confiscated or seized specimens()
Source unknown (must be justified)
14.Use one of the following codes to indicate the purpose for which the specimens are to be (re-)exported/imported:
Breeding in captivity or artificial propagation
Law enforcement/judicial/forensic
Medical (including bio-medical research)
Reintroduction or introduction into the wild
Circuses and travelling exhibitions
15 to 17.The country of origin is the country where the specimens were taken from the wild, born and bred in captivity or artificially propagated. Where this is a third country, boxes 16 and 17 must contain details of the relevant permit. Where specimens originating in a Member State of the Community are exported from another, only the name of the Member State of origin must be mentioned in box 15.
18 to 20.The country of last re-export is, in the case of a re-export certificate, the re-exporting third country from which the specimens were imported before being re-exported from the Community. In the case of an import permit, it is the re-exporting third country from which the specimens are to be imported. Boxes 19 and 20 must contain details of the relevant re-export certificate.
21.The scientific name must be in accordance with the standard references for nomenclature referred to in Annex VIII to Regulation (EC) No 865/2006.
23 to 25.For official use only.
26.The importer/(re)exporter or his agent must, where appropriate, indicate the number of the bill of lading or air waybill.
27.To be completed by the customs office of introduction into the Community or that of (re-)export as appropriate. In the case of introduction, the original (form 1) must be returned to the management authority of the Member State concerned and the copy for the holder (form 2) to the importer In the case of (re-)export, the copy for return by customs to the issuing authority (form 3) must be returned to the management authority of the Member State concerned and the original (form 1) and the copy for the holder (form 2) to the (re‐)exporter.