Instructions and explanations
1.Enter full name and address of importer or authorised representative.
4.The country of origin is the country where the specimens were taken from the wild, born and bred in captivity or artificially propagated.
5.Only applies where the country from which the specimens are imported is not the country of origin.
6.Description must be as precise as possible.
9.The scientific name must be the name used in Annex C or D to Regulation (EC) No 338/97.
10.Enter III for species listed in Appendix III to CITES.
12.Enter the letter (C or D) of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 in which the species is listed.
13.The importer has to submit the signed original (form 1) and ‘copy for the importer’ (form 2), where appropriate together with CITES Appendix III documents from the (re‐)exporting country to the customs office of introduction into the Community.
14.The customs office shall send the stamped original (form 1) to the management authority of his country and return the stamped ‘copy for the importer’ (form 2) to the importer or his authorised representative.