Commission regulation (EC) No 865/2006Show full title

Commission regulation (EC) No 865/2006 of 4 May 2006 laying down detailed rules concerning the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein

Article 14Validity of documents from third countries

In the case of the introduction of specimens into the Community, the requisite documents from third countries shall be considered valid only where they have been issued for export or re-export from that country and used for that purpose prior to their last day of validity and are used for introduction of specimens into the Community no later than six months from their date of issue.

However, certificates of origin for specimens of species listed in Annex C to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 may be used for the introduction of specimens into the Community until 12 months from their date of issue and travelling exhibition certificates and personal ownership certificates may be used for the introduction of specimens into the Community and for the purpose of applying for respective certificates in accordance with Articles 30 and 37 of this Regulation until three years from their date of issue.