Article 51Amendments to permits, notifications and certificates
1.Where a shipment, covered by a ‘copy for the holder’ (form 2) of an import permit, or a ‘copy for the importer’ (form 2) of an import notification, or a certificate, is split or where, for other reasons, the entries in those documents no longer reflect the actual situation, the management authority may take either of the following actions:
(a)it may make the necessary amendments to those documents in accordance with Article 4(2).
(b)it may issue one or more corresponding certificates for the purposes referred to in Articles 47 and 48.
For the purposes of point (b), the management authority must first establish the validity of the document to be replaced, where necessary in consultation with the management authority of another Member State.
2.Where certificates are issued to replace a ‘copy for the holder’ (form 2) of an import permit, or a ‘copy for the importer’ (form 2) of an import notification, or a previously issued certificate, that document shall be retained by the management authority issuing the certificate.
3.A permit, notification or certificate that has been lost, stolen or destroyed may be replaced only by the authority which issued it.
4.Where, for the purposes of paragraph 1, a management authority consults a management authority of another Member State, the latter shall respond within a period of one week.