Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (repealed)Show full title

Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation) (repealed)

B.Community scale for the classification of pig carcassesU.K.


‘carcass’ shall mean the body of a slaughtered pig, bled and eviscerated, whole or divided down the mid-line.


Carcasses shall be divided into classes according to their estimated lean-meat content and classified accordingly:


Member States may introduce, for pigs slaughtered in their territory, a separate class of 60 % or more of lean meat designated with the letter S.

ClassesLean meat as percentage of carcass weight
S60 or morea
E55 or more
U50 or more but less than 55
R45 or more but less than 50
O40 or more but less than 45
Pless than 40


Carcasses shall be presented without tongue, bristles, hooves, genital organs, flare fat, kidneys and diaphragm.

With regard to pigs slaughtered in their territory, the Member States may be authorised to provide for a different presentation of pig carcasses if one of the following conditions is fulfilled:


if normal commercial practice in their territory differs from the standard presentation defined in the first subparagraph,


if technical requirements warrant it,


if carcasses are dehided in a uniform manner.

IV.Lean-meat contentU.K.

1.The lean-meat content shall be assessed by means grading methods authorised by the Commission. Only statistically proven assessment methods based on the physical measurement of one or more anatomical parts of the pig carcass may be authorised. Authorisation of grading methods shall be subject to compliance with a maximum tolerance for statistical error in assessment.U.K.
2.However, the commercial value of the carcasses shall not be determined solely by their estimated lean-meat content.U.K.

V.Identification of carcassesU.K.

Unless otherwise provided for by the Commission, classified carcasses shall be identified by marking in accordance with the Community scale.