Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (repealed)Show full title

Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation) (repealed)



from the 2009/2010 marketing year onwards

(in tonnes)
Member States or regions (1) Sugar (2) Isoglucose (3) Inulin syrup (4)
Belgium 676 235,0 114 580,2 0
Bulgaria 0 89 198,0
Czech Republic 372 459,3
Denmark 372 383,0
Germany 2 898 255,7 56 638,2
Ireland 0
Greece 158 702,0 0
Spain 498 480,2 53 810,2
France (metropolitan) 2 956 786,7 0
French overseas departments 480 244,5
Italy 508 379,0 32 492,5
Latvia 0
Lithuania 90 252,0
Hungary 105 420,0 220 265,8
Netherlands 804 888,0 0 0
Austria 351 027,4
Poland 1 405 608,1 42 861,4
Portugal (mainland) 0 12 500,0
Autonomous Region of the Azores 9 953,0
Romania 104 688,8 0
Slovenia 0
Slovakia 112 319,5 68 094,5
Finland 80 999,0 0
Sweden 293 186,0
United Kingdom 1 056 474,0 0
TOTAL 13 336 741,2 690 440,8 0]