Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (repealed)Show full title

Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and on specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation) (repealed)

Article 23U.K.Skimmed milk powder

Without prejudice to the fixing of the intervention price by means of a tendering procedure in the case referred to in the second paragraph of Article 16, the intervention price for skimmed milk powder shall be equal to the reference price.

However, if the actual protein content is less than the minimum protein content of 35,6 % by weight fixed in point (f) of Article 10 but not less than 31,4 % by weight of the non-fatty dry extract, the intervention price shall be equal to the reference price less 1,75 % for each percentage point by which the protein content is lower than 35,6 % by weight.