Article 26Sugar disposal
As regards sugar bought-in under public intervention, paying agencies may sell it only at a price which is higher than the reference price fixed for the marketing year in which the sale takes place.
However, the Commission may decide that paying agencies:
may sell the sugar at a price equal to or lower than the reference price referred to in the first paragraph if the sugar is intended:
for use as animal feed, or
for export, either without further processing or after processing into products listed in Annex I to the Treaty or into goods listed in Part III of Annex XX to this Regulation.
are to make unprocessed sugar held by them available, for human consumption on the internal market of the Community, to charitable organisations — recognised by the Member State concerned or by the Commission in cases where a Member State has not recognised any such organisation — at a price which is lower than the current reference price or free of charge for distribution as part of individual emergency aid operations.