CHAPTER IIISystems of production limitation

Section IIIMilk

Subsection IIQuota allocation and management

Article 74Transfers of quotas together with land


Individual quotas shall be transferred with the holding to the producers taking it over when it is sold, leased, transferred by actual or anticipated inheritance or any other means involving comparable legal effects for the producers, in accordance with detailed rules to be determined by the Member States, taking account of the areas used for dairy production or other objective criteria and, where applicable, of any agreement between the parties. The part of the quota which, where applicable, has not been transferred with the holding shall be added to the national reserve.


Where quotas have been or are transferred in accordance with paragraph 1 by means of rural leases or by other means involving comparable legal effects, Member States may decide, on the basis of objective criteria and with the aim of ensuring that quotas are attributed solely to producers, that the quota shall not be transferred with the holding.


Where land is transferred to the public authorities and/or for use in the public interest, or where the transfer is carried out for non-agricultural purposes, Member States shall ensure that the necessary measures are taken to protect the legitimate interests of the parties, and in particular, that producers giving up such land are in a position to continue milk production if they so wish.


Where there is no agreement between the parties, in the case of tenancies due to expire without any possibility of renewal on similar terms, or in situations involving comparable legal effects, the individual quotas in question shall be transferred in whole or in part to the producer taking them over, in accordance with provisions adopted by the Member States, taking account of the legitimate interests of the parties.