CHAPTER IVAid schemes

Section IAid for processing

Subsection IDried fodder

Article 86Eligible undertakings


Aid for processing in respect of the products of the dried fodder sector shall be granted to undertakings processing products of that sector falling into at least one of the following categories:


processors who have concluded contracts with producers of fodder for drying. Where a contract is a special-order contract for processing of fodder delivered by a producer, it shall include a clause containing an obligation for the processing undertakings to pay the producer the aid received for the quantity processed under the contract;


undertakings which have processed their own crop or, in the case of a group, that of its members;


undertakings which have obtained their supplies from natural or legal persons having concluded contracts with producers of fodder for drying.


The aid provided for in paragraph 1 shall be paid in respect of dried fodder that has left the processing plant and meets the following requirements:


its maximum moisture content is from 11 % to 14 % which may vary depending on the presentation of the product;


its minimum total crude protein content in the dry matter is not less than:

  1. (i)

    15 % for the products referred to in point (a) and the second indent of point (b) of Part IV of Annex I;

  2. (ii)

    45 % for the products referred to in the first indent of point (b) of Part IV of Annex I;


it is of sound and fair merchantable quality.