CHAPTER IVU.K.Aid schemes

Section I U.K. Aid for processing

Subsection I U.K. Dried fodder
Article 86U.K.Eligible undertakings

1.Aid for processing in respect of the products of the dried fodder sector shall be granted to undertakings processing products of that sector falling into at least one of the following categories:

(a)processors who have concluded contracts with producers of fodder for drying. Where a contract is a special-order contract for processing of fodder delivered by a producer, it shall include a clause containing an obligation for the processing undertakings to pay the producer the aid received for the quantity processed under the contract;

(b)undertakings which have processed their own crop or, in the case of a group, that of its members;

(c)undertakings which have obtained their supplies from natural or legal persons having concluded contracts with producers of fodder for drying.

2.The aid provided for in paragraph 1 shall be paid in respect of dried fodder that has left the processing plant and meets the following requirements:

(a)its maximum moisture content is from 11 % to 14 % which may vary depending on the presentation of the product;

(b)its minimum total crude protein content in the dry matter is not less than:


15 % for the products referred to in point (a) and the second indent of point (b) of Part IV of Annex I;


45 % for the products referred to in the first indent of point (b) of Part IV of Annex I;

(c)it is of sound and fair merchantable quality.

Article 87U.K.Advance payment

1.Processing undertakings shall be entitled to an advance payment of EUR 19,8 per tonne, or EUR 26,4 per tonne if they have lodged a security of EUR 6,6 per tonne.

Member States shall make the necessary checks to verify entitlement to the aid. Once entitlement has been established the advance shall be paid.

However, the advance may be paid before entitlement has been established provided the processor lodges a security equal to the amount of the advance plus 10 %. This security shall also serve as security for the purposes of the first subparagraph. It shall be reduced to the level specified in the first subparagraph as soon as entitlement to aid has been established and shall be released in full when the balance of the aid is paid.

2.Before an advance can be paid the dried fodder must have left the processing undertaking.

3.Where an advance has been paid, the balance amounting to the difference between the amount of the advance and the total aid due to the processing undertaking shall be paid subject to application of Article 88(2).

4.Where the advance exceeds the total to which the processing undertaking is entitled following the application of Article 88(2), the processor shall reimburse the excess to the competent authority of the Member State on request.

Article 88U.K.Aid rate

1.The aid provided for in Article 86 shall be set at EUR 33/tonne.

2.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, where during a marketing year the volume of dried fodder for which aid is claimed exceeds the guaranteed maximum quantity set out in Article 89, the aid shall be reduced in each Member State in which production exceeds the guaranteed national quantity by reducing expenditure as a function of the percentage of the sum of the overruns represented by the overrun of that Member State.

The reduction shall be set by the Commission at a level ensuring that budget expenditure does not exceed that which would have been attained had the maximum guaranteed quantity not been exceeded.

Article 89U.K.Guaranteed quantity

A maximum guaranteed quantity per marketing year of 4 960 723 tonnes of dehydrated and/or sun-dried fodder for which the aid provided for in Article 86 may be granted is hereby established. That quantity shall be apportioned among the Member States concerned as national guaranteed quantities in accordance with point B of Annex XI.

Article 90U.K.Implementing rules

The Commission shall adopt the detailed rules for the implementation of this Subsection which may, in particular, include rules concerning:


declarations to be submitted by undertakings when applying for aid;


conditions to be complied with for the determination of the eligibility for the aid, in particular as regards the keeping of stock records and other supporting documents;


the granting of the aid provided for in this Subsection and the advance, as well as the release of the securities, provided for in Article 87(1);


the conditions and criteria to be fulfilled by the undertakings referred to in Article 86 and, in the case where undertakings obtain their supplies from natural or legal persons, rules concerning the guarantees to be provided by those persons;


the terms of approvals of buyers of fodder for drying, to be applied by the Member States;


the criteria for determining the requirements laid down in Article 86(2);


the criteria to be fulfilled for the conclusion of contracts and information which they shall contain;


the application of the maximum guaranteed quantity laid down in Article 89;


further requirements to those laid down in Article 86, in particular as regards carotene and fibre content.

[F1Subsection II U.K. Flax and hemp grown for fibre]
Article 91U.K.Eligibility

1.[F2Aid for processing the straw of long flax grown for fibre and the straw of short flax and hemp grown for fibre shall be granted for the 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 marketing years to authorised primary processors on the basis of the quantity of fibre actually obtained from straw for which a contract of sale has been concluded with a farmer.]

However, in cases where farmers retain ownership of the straw which they are having processed under contract by an authorised primary processor and prove that they have placed the fibres obtained on the market, the aid shall be granted to the farmers.

In cases where the authorised primary processor and the farmer are one and the same person, the contract of sale shall be replaced by a commitment by the party concerned to carry out the processing itself.

[F12. For the purposes of this Subsection, authorised primary processor shall mean a natural or legal person or a group of natural or legal persons, irrespective of its legal status under national law, or that of its members, that has been authorised by the competent authority of the Member State in the territory of which are located its facilities for producing flax or hemp fibre.]

Article 92U.K.Aid rate

[F11. The amount of processing aid provided for in Article 91 shall be fixed:

(a) for long flax fibre:

[F2(b) at EUR 90 per tonne for the 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 marketing years for short flax and hemp fibre containing not more than 7,5 % impurities and shives.]

However, the Member State may, with reference to traditional outlets, also decide to grant aid:

(a) for short flax fibre containing a percentage of impurities and shives of between 7,5 % and 15 %;

(b) for hemp fibre containing a percentage of impurities and shives of between 7,5 % and 25 %.

In the cases provided for in the second subparagraph, the Member State shall grant the aid in respect of a quantity which amounts to not more than the quantity produced, on the basis of 7,5 % of impurities and shives.]

2.The quantities of fibre eligible for aid shall be limited on the basis of the areas which were the subject of one of the contracts or commitments referred to in Article 91.

The limits referred to in the first subparagraph shall be fixed by the Member States so as to comply with the national guaranteed quantities referred to in Article 94.

Article 93U.K.Advance payment

At the request of authorised primary processors, an advance shall be paid on the aid referred to in Article 91 on the basis of the quantity of fibre obtained.

Article 94U.K.Guaranteed quantity

[F21. A maximum guaranteed quantity of 80 878 tonnes for each of the 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 marketing years shall be established for long flax fibre in respect of which aid may be granted. That quantity shall be apportioned among certain Member States as national guaranteed quantities in accordance with point A.I. of Annex XI.]

[F21 a . A maximum guaranteed quantity of 147 265  tonnes for each of the 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 marketing years shall be established for short flax fibre and hemp fibre in respect of which aid may be granted. That quantity shall be apportioned as national guaranteed quantities among certain Member States in accordance with point A.II. of Annex XI.]

2.In cases where the fibre obtained in one Member State originates from straw produced in another Member State, the quantities of fibre concerned shall be offset against the national guaranteed quantity of the Member State in which the straw was harvested. The aid shall be paid by the Member State against whose national guaranteed quantity such an offset is made.

[F33. Each Member State may transfer part of its national guaranteed quantity as referred to in paragraph 1 to its national guaranteed quantity as referred to in paragraph 1a and vice versa .

Transfers as referred to in the first subparagraph shall be carried out on the basis of an equivalence of one tonne of long flax fibre to 2,2 tonnes of short flax fibre and hemp fibre.

Processing aid shall be granted only in respect of the quantities referred to in paragraphs 1 and 1a, respectively, adjusted in accordance with the first two subparagraphs of this paragraph.]

[F3Article 94a U.K. Additional aid

During the 2008/2009 marketing year, additional aid shall be granted to the authorised primary processor in respect of areas under flax in zones I and II as described in point A.III. of Annex XI and the straw production of which has been the subject of:


a sale/purchase contract or a commitment as referred to in Article 91(1); and


aid for processing into long fibre.

The amount of additional aid shall be EUR 120 per hectare in zone I and EUR 50 per hectare in zone II.]

Article 95U.K.Implementing rules

The Commission shall adopt the detailed rules for the implementation of this Subsection which may, in particular, include rules concerning:


the conditions for authorisation of primary processors referred to in Article 91;


the conditions to be met by approved primary processors as regards the contracts of sale and commitments referred to in Article 91(1);


the requirements to be complied with by farmers in the case referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 91(1);


the criteria to be met by long flax fibre;


the conditions for the grant of aid and the advance payment, and in particular proof of the processing of straw;


the conditions to be met for fixing the limits referred to in Article 92(2).

[F4Subsection III U.K. Potato starch
Article 95a U.K. Potato starch premium

1. A premium of EUR 22,25 per tonne of starch produced shall be paid for the 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 marketing years to potato starch manufacturers for the quantity of potato starch up to the quota limit referred to in Article 84 a (2), provided that they have paid to potato producers a minimum price for all the potatoes necessary to produce starch up to that quota limit.

2. The minimum price of potatoes intended for the manufacture of potato starch shall be set at EUR 178,31 per tonne for the marketing years concerned.

This price applies to the quantity of potatoes, delivered to the factory, which is needed to make one tonne of starch.

The minimum price shall be adjusted according to the starch content of the potatoes.

3. The Commission shall adopt the detailed rules for the implementation of this Subsection.]

Section II U.K. Production refund

F5Article 96U.K. [F5Production refund for starch]

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Article 97U.K.Production refund in the sugar sector

1.A production refund may be granted on the products of the sugar-sector listed in points (b) to (e) of Part III of Annex I if surplus sugar or imported sugar, surplus isoglucose or surplus inulin syrup is not available at a price corresponding to the world price for the manufacturing of the products referred to in Article 62(2)(b) and (c).

2.The production refund referred to in paragraph 1 shall be fixed taking into account in particular the costs arising from the use of imported sugar which the industry would have to bear in the event of supply on the world market and the price of the surplus sugar available on the Community market or the reference price if there is no surplus sugar.

Article 98U.K.Conditions for granting

The Commission shall adopt the conditions for the granting of the production refunds referred to in this Section, as well as the amount of such refunds and, as regards the production refund for sugar provided for in Article 97, the eligible quantities.

Section III U.K. Aids in the milk and milk products sector

[F2Article 99 U.K. Aid for skimmed milk and skimmed milk powder for use as feedingstuffs

1. When surpluses of milk products build up or are likely to occur, creating or likely to create a serious imbalance in the market, the Commission may decide that aid shall be granted for Community-produced skimmed milk and skimmed-milk powder intended for use as feedingstuffs, according to conditions and product standards to be determined by the Commission. The aid may be fixed in advance or by means of tendering procedures.

For the purposes of this Article, buttermilk and buttermilk powder shall be regarded as skimmed milk and skimmed-milk powder.

2. Aid amounts shall be fixed by the Commission taking into account the reference price fixed in point (e)(ii) of Article 8(1) for skimmed-milk powder, and the development of the market situation as regards skimmed milk and skimmed-milk powder.

Article 100 U.K. Aid for skimmed milk processed into casein and caseinates

1. When surpluses of milk products build up or are likely to occur, creating or likely to create a serious imbalance in the market, the Commission may decide that aid shall be granted for Community-produced skimmed milk processed into casein and caseinates, according to conditions and product standards of such milk and the casein or caseinates produced from it to be determined by the Commission. The aid may be fixed in advance or by means of tendering procedures.

2. Aid shall be fixed by the Commission taking into account the development of the market situation for skimmed-milk powder and the reference price for skimmed-milk powder, fixed in point (e)(ii) of Article 8(1).

The aid may vary, according to whether the skimmed milk is processed into casein or caseinates and according to the quality of those products.]

F5Article 101U.K. [F5Aid for the purchase of cream, butter and concentrated butter at reduced prices]

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Article 102U.K.Aid for the supply of milk products to pupils

1.Under conditions to be determined by the Commission, Community aid shall be granted for supplying to pupils in educational establishments certain processed milk products to be determined by the Commission falling within CN codes 0401, 0403, 0404 90 and 0406 or CN code 2202 90.

[F22. Member States may, in addition to Community aid, grant national aid for supplying the products referred to in paragraph 1 to pupils in educational establishments. Member States may finance their national aid by means of a levy on the dairy sector or by any other contribution from the dairy sector.]

[F63. The Community aid shall be EUR 18,15/100 kg for all milk.

The amounts of aid for other eligible milk products shall be determined taking into account the milk components of the product concerned.]

4.The aid referred to in paragraph 1 shall be granted on a maximum quantity of 0,25 litre of milk equivalent per pupil and per day.

Section IV U.K. Aids in the olive oil and table olives sector

Article 103U.K.Aids to operator organisations

[F21. The Community shall finance three-year work programmes to be drawn up by the operator organisations referred to in Article 125 in one or more of the following areas.]

[F41a. The Community financing per year of the work programmes shall be:

(a) EUR 11 098 000 for Greece,

(b) EUR 576 000 for France, and

(c) EUR 35 991 000 for Italy.]

2.The maximum Community funding for the work programmes referred to in paragraph 1 shall be equal to the part of the amounts withheld by the Member States. This funding shall concern the eligible cost with a maximum of:

(a)100 % for activities in the areas referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1;

(b)100 % for fixed assets investments and 75 % for other activities in the area referred to in point (c) of paragraph 1;

(c)75 % for the work programmes carried out in at least three third countries or non-producing Member States by approved operator organisations from at least two producer Member States in the areas referred to in points (d) and (e) of paragraph 1, and 50 % for the other activities in these areas.

Complementary financing shall be ensured by the Member State up to 50 % of the costs not covered by the Community funding.

The Commission shall establish the detailed rules for the application of this Article and in particular the procedures for the approval of the work programmes by the Member States and the types of activities eligible under such programmes.

3.Without prejudice to any specific provisions which may be adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 194, Member States shall verify that the conditions for granting Community funding are met. To that end, they shall carry out an audit of work programmes and a control plan involving a sample determined on the basis of a risk analysis and comprising at least 30 % per year of producer organisations and all the other operators' organisations in receipt of Community funding under this Article.

[F7Section IVa U.K. AIDS in the fruit and vegetables sector

Subsection I U.K. Producer groups
Article 103a U.K. Aid to producer groups

1. During the transitional period allowed pursuant to Article 125e, Member States may grant to producer groups in the fruit and vegetables sector which have been formed in view of being recognised as a producer organisation:

(a) aid to encourage their formation and facilitate their administrative operation;

(b) aid, provided either directly or through credit institutions, to cover part of the investments required to attain recognition and set out in the recognition plan referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 125e(1).

2. The aid referred to in paragraph 1 shall be reimbursed by the Community in accordance with rules to be adopted by the Commission on the financing of such measures, including the thresholds and ceilings and the degree of Community financing.

3. The aid referred to in paragraph 1(a) shall be determined for each producer group on the basis of its marketed production and shall amount, for the first, second, third, fourth and fifth years, to:

(a) 10 %, 10 %, 8 %, 6 % and 4 % respectively of the value of marketed production in the Member States which acceded to the European Union on 1 May 2004 or thereafter; and

(b) 5 %, 5 %, 4 %, 3 % and 2 %, respectively of the value of marketed production in the outermost regions of the Community as referred to in Article 299(2) of the Treaty or in the smaller Aegean Islands as referred to in Article 1(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1405/2006 of 18 September 2006 laying down specific measures for agriculture in favour of the smaller Aegean Islands (1) .

Those percentage rates may be reduced in relation to the value of marketed production which exceeds a threshold. A ceiling may be applied to the aid payable in any given year to a producer group.

Subsection II U.K. Operational funds and operational programmes
Article 103b U.K. Operational funds

1. Producer organisations in the fruit and vegetables sector may set up an operational fund. The fund shall be financed by:

(a) financial contributions of members or of the producer organisation itself;

(b) Community financial assistance which may be granted to producer organisations.

2. Operational funds shall be used only to finance operational programmes approved by Member States in accordance with Article 103g.

Article 103c U.K. Operational programmes

1. Operational programmes in the fruit and vegetables sector shall have two or more of the objectives referred to in Article 122(c) or of the following objectives:

(a) planning of production;

(b) improvement of product quality;

(c) boosting products’ commercial value;

(d) promotion of the products, whether in a fresh or processed form;

(e) environmental measures and methods of production respecting the environment, including organic farming;

(f) crisis prevention and management.

2. Crisis prevention and management shall be related to avoiding and dealing with crises on the fruit and vegetable markets and shall cover in this context:

(a) market withdrawal;

(b) green harvesting or non-harvesting of fruit and vegetables;

(c) promotion and communication;

(d) training measures;

(e) harvest insurance;

(f) support for the administrative costs of setting up mutual funds.

Crisis prevention and management measures, including any repayment of capital and interest as referred to in the third subparagraph, shall not comprise more than one-third of the expenditure under the operational programme.

In order to finance crisis prevention and management measures, producer organisations may take out loans on commercial terms. In this case, the repayment of the capital and interest on those loans may form part of the operational programme and so may be eligible for Community financial assistance under Article 103d. Any specific action under crisis prevention and management shall be financed either by such loans, or directly, but not both.

3. Member States shall provide that:

(a) operational programmes include two or more environmental actions; or

(b) at least 10 % of the expenditure under operational programmes covers environmental actions.

Environmental actions shall respect the requirements for agri-environment payments set out in the first subparagraph of Article 39(3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) (2) .

Where at least 80 % of the producer members of a producer organisation are subject to one or more identical agri-environment commitments under that provision then each one of those commitments shall count as an environmental action as referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph.

Support for the environmental actions referred to in the first subparagraph shall cover additional costs and income foregone resulting from the action.

4. Paragraph 3 shall only apply in Bulgaria and Romania from 1 January 2011 .

5. Investments which increase environmental pressure shall only be permitted in situations where effective safeguards to protect the environment from these pressures are in place.

Article 103d U.K. Community financial assistance

1. The Community financial assistance shall be equal to the amount of the financial contributions referred to in Article 103b(1)(a) as actually paid but limited to 50 % of the actual expenditure incurred.

2. The Community financial assistance shall be capped at 4,1 % of the value of the marketed production of each producer organisation.

However, that percentage may be increased to 4,6 % of the value of the marketed production provided that the amount in excess of 4,1 % of the value of the marketed production is used solely for crisis prevention and management measures.

3. At the request of a producer organisation, the percentage provided for in paragraph 1 shall be 60 % for an operational programme or part of an operational programme where it meets at least one of the following conditions:

(a) it is submitted by several Community producer organisations operating in different Member States on transnational schemes;

(b) it is submitted by one or more producer organisations engaged in schemes operated on an interbranch basis;

(c) it covers solely specific support for the production of organic products covered until 31 December 2008 , by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 of 24 June 1991 on organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs (3) and, from 1 January 2009 , by Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products (4) ;

(d) it is submitted by a producer organisation in one of the Member States which acceded to the European Union on 1 May 2004 or thereafter for measures running no later than the end of 2013;

(e) it is the first to be submitted by a recognised producer organisation which has merged with another recognised producer organisation;

(f) it is the first to be submitted by a recognised association of producer organisations;

(g) it is submitted by producer organisations in Member States where producer organisations market less than 20 % of fruit and vegetables production;

(h) it is submitted by a producer organisation in one of the outermost regions of the Community;

(i) it covers solely specific support for actions to promote the consumption of fruit and vegetables targeted at children in educational establishments.

4. The percentage provided for in paragraph 1 shall be 100 % in the case of market withdrawals of fruit and vegetables which shall not exceed 5 % of the volume of marketed production of each producer organisation and which are disposed of by way of:

(a) free distribution to charitable organisations and foundations, approved to that effect by the Member States, for use in their activities to assist persons whose right to public assistance is recognised in national law, in particular because they lack the necessary means of subsistence;

(b) free distribution to penal institutions, schools and public education institutions and to children’s holiday camps as well as to hospitals and old people’s homes designated by the Member States, which shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the quantities thus distributed are additional to the quantities normally bought in by such establishments.

Article 103e U.K. National financial assistance

1. In regions of the Member States where the degree of organisation of producers in the fruit and vegetables sector is particularly low, Member States may be authorised by the Commission, on a duly substantiated request, to pay producer organisations national financial assistance equal to a maximum of 80 % of the financial contributions referred to in Article 103b(1)(a). This assistance shall be additional to the operational fund. In regions of Member States where producer organisations market less than 15 % of the value of fruit and vegetable production and whose fruit and vegetable production represents at least 15 % of their total agricultural output, the assistance referred to in the first subparagraph may be reimbursed by the Community at the request of the Member State concerned.

F52.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Article 103f U.K. National framework and national strategy for operational programmes

1. Member States shall establish a national framework for drawing up the general conditions relating to the actions referred to in Article 103c(3). This framework shall provide in particular that such actions shall meet the appropriate requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 including those in its Article 5 on complementarity, consistency and conformity.

Member States shall submit their proposed framework to the Commission which may require modifications within three months if it finds that the proposal does not enable the attainment of the objectives set out in Article 174 of the Treaty and in the sixth Community environment action programme (5) . Investments on individual holdings supported by operational programmes shall also respect those objectives.

2. Member States shall establish a national strategy for sustainable operational programmes in the fruit and vegetable market. Such a strategy shall provide for the following elements:

(a) an analysis of the situation in terms of strengths and weaknesses and the potential for development;

(b) justification of the priorities chosen;

(c) the objectives of operational programmes and instruments, performance indicators;

(d) assessment of operational programmes;

(e) reporting obligations for producer organisations.

The national strategy shall also integrate the national framework referred to in paragraph 1.

3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to Member States which have no recognised producer organisations.

Article 103g U.K. Approval of operational programmes

1. Draft operational programmes shall be submitted to the competent national authorities, who shall approve or reject them or request their modification in line with the provisions of this subsection.

2. Producer organisations shall communicate to the Member State the estimated amount of the operational fund for each year and shall submit appropriate reasons therefore based on operational programme estimates, expenditure for the current year and possibly expenditure for previous years and, if necessary, on estimated production quantities for the next year.

3. The Member State shall notify the producer organisation or association of producer organisations of the estimated amount of Community financial assistance in line with the limits set out in Article 103d.

4. Community financial assistance payments shall be made on the basis of expenditure incurred for the schemes covered by the operational programme. Advances may be made in respect of the same schemes subject to the provision of a guarantee or security.

5. The producer organisation shall notify the Member State of the final amount of expenditure for the previous year, accompanied by the necessary supporting documents, so that it may receive the balance of the Community financial assistance.

6. Operational programmes and their financing by producers and producer organisations on the one hand and by Community funds on the other shall have a minimum duration of three and a maximum duration of five years.

[F8Subsection IIa U.K. School Fruit Scheme
Article 103ga U.K. Aid for the supply of fruit and vegetable, processed fruit and vegetable and banana products to children

1. Under conditions to be determined by the Commission, from the 2009-2010 school year onwards, Community aid shall be granted for:

(a) the supply to children in educational establishments, including nurseries, other pre-school establishments, primary and secondary schools, of products of the fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables, and bananas sectors; and

(b) certain related costs of logistics and distribution, equipment, communication, monitoring and evaluation.

2. Member States, at national or regional level, wishing to participate in the scheme shall draw up a prior strategy for its implementation containing, in particular, the budget of their scheme including: the Community and national contributions, the duration, the target group, the eligible products and the involvement of relevant stakeholders. They shall also provide for the accompanying measures necessary to make the scheme effective.

3. When drawing up their strategies, Member States shall draw up a list of products of the fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables, and bananas sectors that will be eligible under their respective schemes. This list, however, shall not include products excluded by a measure adopted by the Commission under Article 103h(f). They shall choose their products on the basis of objective criteria which may include seasonality, availability of produce or environmental concerns. In this connection, Member States may give preference to products of Community origin.

4. The Community aid referred to in paragraph 1 shall neither:

(a) exceed EUR 90 million per school year; nor

(b) exceed 50 % of the costs of supply and related costs referred to in paragraph 1, or 75 % of such costs in the regions eligible under the Convergence Objective in accordance with Article 5(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund (6) , and in the outermost regions referred to in Article 299(2) of the Treaty; nor

(c) cover costs other than the costs of supply and related costs referred to in paragraph 1.

5. The Community aid referred to in paragraph 1 shall be allocated to each Member State on the basis of objective criteria based on their proportion of six to ten year old children. However, Member States participating in the scheme shall each receive at least EUR 175 000 of Community aid. Member States participating in the scheme shall apply every year for Community aid on the basis of their strategy. Following the requests of the Member States, the Commission shall decide on definitive allocations, within the appropriations available in the budget.

6. Community aid referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be used to replace funding for any existing national school fruit schemes or other school distribution schemes that include fruit. However, if a Member State already has a scheme in place that would be eligible for Community aid under this Article and intends to extend it or make it more effective, including as regards the target group of the scheme, its duration or eligible products, Community aid may be granted provided that the limits of paragraph 4(b) are abided by as regards the proportion of Community aid to the total national contribution. In this case, the Member State shall indicate in its strategy how it intends to extend its scheme or make it more effective.

7. Member States may, in addition to Community aid, grant national aid for the supply of products and related costs referred to in paragraph 1. These costs may also be covered by contributions from the private sector. Member States may also grant national aid for financing the accompanying measures referred to in paragraph 2.

8. The Community School Fruit Scheme shall be without prejudice to any separate national school fruit schemes which are compatible with Community law.

9. The Community may also finance, under Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005, information, monitoring and evaluation measures relating to the School Fruit Scheme, including raising public awareness of it, and related networking measures.

[F8Subsection III U.K. Procedural provisions]
Article 103h U.K. Implementing rules

The Commission shall establish the detailed rules for the application of this section, in particular:


rules on financing of the measures referred to in Article 103a, including the thresholds and ceilings for aid and the degree of Community co-financing of the aid;


the proportion of and rules on the reimbursement of the measures referred to in Article 103e(1);


rules on investments on individual holdings;


the dates for the communications and notifications referred to in Article 103g;


[F8provisions concerning the School Fruit Scheme referred to in Article 103ga, including: a list of products or ingredients that should be excluded from the School Fruit Scheme, the definitive allocation of aid between Member States, financial and budgetary management, and the related costs, the strategies of the Member States, accompanying measures and information, monitoring and evaluation and networking measures.] ] ]

Section V U.K. Community Tobacco Fund

Article 104U.K.Tobacco Fund

1.A Community Tobacco Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) shall be set up to finance measures in the following areas:

(a)improving public awareness of the harmful effects of all forms of tobacco consumption, in particular through information and education, support for the collection of data to establish tobacco consumption patterns and to conduct epidemiological studies on nicotinism in the Community, and a study on preventing nicotinism;

(b)specific measures to help tobacco growers to switch to other crops or other economic activities that create employment and studies of the possibilities for tobacco growers to do so.

2.The Fund shall be financed:

(a)for the 2002 harvest by a deduction of 2 % and for the 2003, 2004 and 2005 harvests, of 3 % of the premium provided for in Title I of Regulation (EEC) No 2075/92 as applicable until and including the 2005 harvest for the financing of any kind of measures provided for in paragraph 1;

[F10(b) for the calendar years 2006 to 2009, in accordance with Article 110m of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003.]

3.Detailed rules for the application of this Article shall be adopted by the Commission.

Section VI U.K. Special provisions for the apiculture sector

Article 105U.K.Scope

1.With a view to improving general conditions for the production and marketing of apiculture products, Member States may draw up a national programme for a period of three years (hereinafter referred to as the ‘apiculture programme’).

[F22. Member States may pay specific national aids for the protection of apiaries disadvantaged by structural or natural conditions or under economic development programmes, except for those allocated for production or trade. These aids shall be notified to the Commission by Member States together with the communication of the apiculture programme in accordance with Article 109.]

Article 106U.K.Measures eligible for aid

The measures which may be included in the apiculture programme shall be the following:


technical assistance to beekeepers and groupings of beekeepers;


control of varroasis;


rationalisation of transhumance;


measures to support laboratories carrying out analyses of the physico-chemical properties of honey;


measures to support the restocking of hives in the Community;


cooperation with specialised bodies for the implementation of applied research programmes in the field of beekeeping and apiculture products.

Measures financed from the EAFRD in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005(7) shall be excluded from the apiculture programme.

Article 107U.K.Study of the production and marketing structure in the beekeeping sector

To be eligible for the part-financing provided for in Article 108(1), Member States shall carry out a study of the production and marketing structure in the beekeeping sector in their territory.

Article 108U.K.Financing

1.The Community shall provide part-financing for the apiculture programmes equivalent to 50 % of the expenditure borne by Member States.

2.Expenditure relating to the measures taken under the apiculture programmes shall be made by the Member States by 15 October each year.

Article 109U.K.Consultation

The apiculture programme shall be drawn up in close collaboration with the representative organisations and beekeeping cooperatives. It shall be submitted to the Commission for approval.

Article 110U.K.Implementing rules

The Commission shall establish the detailed rules for the application of this Section.

Section VII U.K. Aids in the silkworm sector

Article 111U.K.Aid to be granted to silkworm rearers

1.Aid shall be granted for silkworms falling within CN-code ex 0106 90 00 and for silkworm eggs falling within CN-code ex 0511 99 85 reared within the Community.

2.The aid shall be granted to silkworm rearers for each box of silkworm eggs used, on condition that the boxes contain a minimum quantity of eggs, to be determined, and that the worms have been successfully reared.

3.The aid per box of silkworm eggs used shall be EUR 133,26.

Article 112U.K.Implementing rules

Detailed rules for the application of this Section shall be adopted by the Commission which shall cover, in particular, the minimum quantity of eggs referred to in Article 111(2).