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Article 183U.K.Promotional levy in the milk and milk products sector

Without prejudice to the application of Articles 87, 88 and 89 of the Treaty as provided for in Article 180 of this Regulation, a Member State may impose a promotional levy on its milk producers in respect of marketed quantities of milk or milk equivalent in order to finance the measures on promoting consumption in the Community, expanding the markets for milk and milk products and improving quality.

Article 184U.K.Reporting in respect of certain sectors

The Commission shall present a report:


to the Council before 30 September 2008 on the dried fodder sector, on the basis of an evaluation of the provisions contained in this Regulation, dealing in particular with the development of areas of leguminous and other green fodder, the production of dried fodder and the savings of fossil fuels achieved. The report shall be accompanied, if necessary, by appropriate proposals;


every three years and for the first time by 31 December 2010 to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the measures concerning the apiculture sector set out in Section VI of Chapter IV of Title I of Part II;


before 31 December 2009 to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of the derogation provided for in Article 182(4) in respect of the German Alcohol Monopoly, including an evaluation of the aids granted in the framework of that Monopoly, together with any appropriate proposals[F1;]


[F2to the European Parliament and the Council by 31 December 2013 on the implementation of the provisions set out in Section IVa of Chapter IV of Title I of Part II and Chapter II of Title II of Part II as regards producer organisations, operational funds and operational programmes in the fruit and vegetables sector [F3;] ]


[F4before 31 August 2012 to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of the School Fruit Scheme provided for in Article 103ga, accompanied, if necessary, by appropriate proposals. The report shall in particular address the issues of the extent to which the scheme has promoted the establishment of well functioning School Fruit Schemes in Member States and the impact of the Scheme on the improvement of children’s eating habits;]


[F5before 31 December 2010 and 31 December 2012 to the European Parliament and Council regarding the evolution of the market situation and the consequent conditions for smoothly phasing out the milk quota system, accompanied if necessary by appropriate proposals. Furthermore, a report will study the consequences for producers of cheeses with a protected designation of origin in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 [F6;] ]


[F7to the European Parliament and the Council by 31 December 2011 on the implementation of the promotion measures in the wine sector referred to in Article 103p;


by the end of 2012 concerning the wine sector, in particular taking into account the experience gained with the implementation of the reform.]

Textual Amendments

Article 185U.K.Registration of contracts in the hops sector

1.Any contract to supply hops produced within the Community concluded between a producer or producer organisation on the one hand and a buyer on the other shall be registered by the bodies designated for that purpose by each producer Member State concerned.

2.Contracts relating to the supply of specific quantities at agreed prices for a period covering one or more harvests and concluded before 1 August of the year of the first harvest concerned shall be known as ‘contracts concluded in advance’. They shall be registered separately.

3.The data on which registration is based may be used only for the purposes of this Regulation.

4.The Commission shall lay down the detailed rules concerning the registration of contracts to supply hops.

[F7Article 185a U.K. Vineyard register and inventory

1. Member States shall maintain a vineyard register which contains updated information on the production potential.

2. Member States in which the total area planted with vines of wine grape varieties classifiable according to Article 120a(2) is less than 500 hectares shall not be subject to the obligation laid down in paragraph 1.

3. Member States, which provide for the measure restructuring and conversion of vineyards in their support programmes in accordance with Article 103q, shall, on the basis of the vineyard register, submit to the Commission by 1 March each year an updated inventory of their production potential.

4. Detailed rules concerning the vineyard register and the inventory shall be adopted by the Commission, in particular with regard to their use concerning monitoring and control of the production potential and concerning the measurement of areas.

Any time after 1 January 2016 , the Commission may decide that paragraphs 1 to 3 no longer apply.

Article 185b U.K. Compulsory declarations in the wine sector

1. Producers of grapes for wine making and producers of must and wine shall declare to the competent national authorities each year the quantities produced from the last harvest.

2. Member States may require merchants of grapes for wine making to declare each year the quantities marketed from the last harvest.

3. Producers of must and wine, and merchants other than retailers, shall declare to the competent national authorities each year their stocks of must and wine, whether from the harvest of the current year or from the harvest of preceding years. Must and wine imported from third countries shall be stated separately.

4. Detailed rules for the application of this Article may be adopted by the Commission and may, in particular, include rules on penalties to be applied in case of non-compliance with the communication requirements.

Article 185c U.K. Accompanying documents and register in the wine sector

1. The products of the wine sector shall be put into circulation within the Community only with an officially authorised accompanying document.

2. Natural or legal persons or groups of persons who hold products covered by the wine sector in the exercise of their trade, in particular producers, bottlers and processors, as well as merchants to be determined by the Commission, shall keep inwards and outwards registers in respect of those products.

3. Detailed rules for the application of this Article may be adopted by the Commission.

Article 185d U.K. Designation of responsible national authorities for the wine sector

1. Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Regulation concerning the determination of competent national authorities, Member States shall designate one or more authorities which shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with Community rules in the wine sector. In particular, Member States shall designate the laboratories authorised to carry out official analyses in the wine sector. The designated laboratories shall meet the general criteria for the operation of testing laboratories set out in ISO/IEC 17025.

2. Member States shall inform the Commission of the names and addresses of the authorities and laboratories referred to in paragraph 1. The Commission, without the assistance of the Committee referred to in Article 195(1), shall make this information public.]

Article 186U.K.Disturbances as regards internal market prices

The Commission may take the necessary measures in the case of the following situations, when those situations are likely to continue, thereby disturbing or threatening to disturb the markets:


with regard to the products of the sugar, hops, beef and veal and sheepmeat and goatmeat sectors, where the prices on the Community market for any of those products rise or fall significantly;


with regard to the products of the pigmeat, eggs and poultrymeat sectors and, with regard to olive oil, where the prices on the Community market for any of those products rise significantly.

Article 187U.K.Disturbances caused by quotations or prices on the world market

Where, with regard to the products of the cereals, rice, sugar and milk and milk products sectors, the quotations or prices on the world market of one or more products reach a level that disrupts or threatens to disrupt the availability of supply on the Community market and where that situation is likely to continue or to deteriorate, the Commission may take the necessary measures for the sector concerned. It may in particular suspend import duties in whole or in part for certain quantities.

Article 188U.K.Conditions for measures to be applied in cases of disturbances and implementing rules

1.The measures provided for in Articles 186 and 187 may be adopted:

(a)provided that any other measures available under this Regulation appear insufficient;

(b)having regard to the obligations arising from agreements concluded in accordance with Article 300(2) of the Treaty.

2.Detailed rules for the application of Articles 186 and 187 may be adopted by the Commission.

[F7Article 188a U.K. Reporting and evaluation in the wine sector

1. As concerns unlawful plantings planted after 31 August 1998 , referred to in Article 85a, Member States shall communicate to the Commission by 1 March each year the areas which were planted with vines without a corresponding planting right after 31 August 1998 , as well as the areas grubbed up in accordance with paragraph 1 of that Article.

2. As concerns the obligatory regularisation of unlawful plantings planted before 1 September 1998 referred to in Article 85b, Member States shall communicate to the Commission by 1 March of each of the relevant years:

(a) the areas planted with vines without a corresponding planting right before 1 September 1998 ;

(b) the areas regularised in accordance with paragraph 1 of that Article, the fees as provided for in that paragraph as well as the average value of the regional planting rights as provided for in paragraph 2 of that Article.

Member States shall, for the first time by 1 March 2010 , communicate to the Commission the areas grubbed up in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 85b(4).

The end of the transitional ban on new plantings on 31 December 2015 as provided for in Article 85g(1), shall not affect the obligations provided for in this paragraph.

3. As concerns aid applications in the context of the grubbing-up scheme set up in Subsection III of Section IVa of Chapter III of Title I of Part II, Member States shall notify the Commission by 1 March each year of the applications accepted, split by regions and by yield ranges, and the total amount of grubbing-up premiums paid by region.

For the preceding wine year, Member States shall notify the Commission by 1 December each year of:

(a) the areas grubbed up, split by regions and by yield ranges;

(b) the total amount of grubbing-up premiums paid by region.

4. As concerns exemptions from the eligibility for the participation in the grubbing-up scheme in accordance with Article 85u, Member States deciding to make use of the possibility provided for in paragraphs 4 to 6 of that Article shall communicate to the Commission by 1 August each year, concerning the grubbing-up measure to be implemented:

(a) the areas declared ineligible;

(b) the justification for ineligibility in accordance with Article 85u(4) and (5).

5. Member States shall submit to the Commission by 1 March each year, and for the first time by 1 March 2010 , a report on the implementation of the measures provided for in their support programmes referred to in Section IVb of Chapter IV of Title I of Part II during the previous financial year.

Those reports shall list and describe the measures for which Community assistance under the support programmes was granted and shall, in particular, provide details on the implementation of the promotion measures referred to in Article 103p.

6. Member States shall, by 1 March 2011 and, a second time, by 1 March 2014 , submit to the Commission an evaluation of the costs and benefits of the support programmes as well as an indication of how to increase their efficiency.

7. Detailed rules for the application of this Article shall be adopted by the Commission.]

Article 189U.K.Communications in the ethyl alcohol sector

1.As regards the products of the ethyl alcohol sector, the Member States shall communicate to the Commission the following information:

(a)the production of ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin expressed as hectolitres of pure alcohol, broken down by alcohol-producing product used;

(b)the volume of ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin disposed of, expressed as hectolitres of pure alcohol, broken down by sector of destination;

(c)the stocks of ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin available in the Member State at the end of the previous year;

(d)forecast production for the current year.

Rules for communicating this information and, in particular, the frequency of communication and the definition of the sectors of destination shall be adopted by the Commission.

2.On the basis of the information referred to in paragraph 1 and of any other information available, the Commission without the assistance of the Committee referred to in Article 195(1), shall draw up a Community balance for the market in ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin for the previous year and an estimated balance for the current year.

The Community balance shall also contain information on ethyl alcohol of non-agricultural origin. The precise content and means of collecting such information shall be laid down by the Commission.

For the purposes of this paragraph, ‘ethyl alcohol of non-agricultural origin’ shall mean products falling within CN codes 2207, 2208 90 91 and 2208 90 99 not obtained from a specific agricultural product listed in Annex I to the Treaty.

3.The Commission shall notify the Member States of the balances referred to in paragraph 2.