[F1ANNEX IIIU.K. Conditions for exemption from the exit ban (referred to in Articles 7(2)(a) and 8(1)(a))

C. Ova and embryos of animals U.K.

3. Where the ova and embryos referred to in points 1 and 2 are intended for [F2trade, the following additional wording must be added to the relevant corresponding health certificates]: U.K.

Embryos/ova obtained from donor animals which comply with … (point 1; point 2(a), point 2(b), point 2(c) or point 2(d), indicate as appropriate) of Annex III.C to Regulation (EC) No 1266/2007 .

Point 2(a) of Annex B to Directive 89/556/EEC shall not apply to ova and embryos collected from donor animals kept in holdings subject to veterinary prohibition or quarantine measures pertaining to bluetongue.]