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ANNEX IU.K.Extract from Uniform Rules concerning the contract for international carriage of passengers and luggage by rail (CIV)

Appendix Ato the Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 May 1980, as modified by the Protocol for the modification of the Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail of 3 June 1999


Chapter IU.K.Common provisions
Article 12U.K.Acceptable articles and animals

1.The passenger may take with him articles which can be handled easily (hand luggage) and also live animals in accordance with the General Conditions of Carriage. Moreover, the passenger may take with him cumbersome articles in accordance with the special provisions, contained in the General Conditions of Carriage. Articles and animals likely to annoy or inconvenience passengers or cause damage shall not be allowed as hand luggage.

2.The passenger may consign articles and animals as registered luggage in accordance with the General Conditions of Carriage.

3.The carrier may allow the carriage of vehicles on the occasion of the carriage of passengers in accordance with special provisions, contained in the General Conditions of Carriage.

4.The carriage of dangerous goods as hand luggage, registered luggage as well as in or on vehicles which, in accordance with this Title are carried by rail, must comply with the Regulation concerning the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID).

Article 13U.K.Examination

1.When there is good reason to suspect a failure to observe the conditions of carriage, the carrier shall have the right to examine whether the articles (hand luggage, registered luggage, vehicles including their loading) and animals carried comply with the conditions of carriage, unless the laws and prescriptions of the State in which the examination would take place prohibit such examination. The passenger must be invited to attend the examination. If he does not appear or cannot be reached, the carrier must require the presence of two independent witnesses.

2.If it is established that the conditions of carriage have not been respected, the carrier can require the passenger to pay the costs arising from the examination.

Article 14U.K.Completion of administrative formalities

The passenger must comply with the formalities required by customs or other administrative authorities when, on being carried, he has articles (hand luggage, registered luggage, vehicles including their loading) or animals carried. He shall be present at the inspection of these articles save where otherwise provided by the laws and prescriptions of each State.

Chapter IIU.K.Hand luggage and animals
Article 15U.K.Supervision

It shall be the passenger’s responsibility to supervise the hand luggage and animals that he takes with him.

Chapter IIIU.K.Registered luggage
Article 16U.K.Consignment of registered luggage

1.The contractual obligations relating to the forwarding of registered luggage must be established by a luggage registration voucher issued to the passenger.

2.Subject to Article 22 the absence, irregularity or loss of the luggage registration voucher shall not affect the existence or the validity of the agreements concerning the forwarding of the registered luggage, which shall remain subject to these Uniform Rules.

3.The luggage registration voucher shall be prima facie evidence of the registration of the luggage and the conditions of its carriage.

4.Subject to evidence to the contrary, it shall be presumed that when the carrier took over the registered luggage it was apparently in a good condition, and that the number and the mass of the items of luggage corresponded to the entries on the luggage registration voucher.

Article 17U.K.Luggage registration voucher

1.The General Conditions of Carriage shall determine the form and content of the luggage registration voucher as well as the language and characters in which it is to be printed and made out. Article 7(5) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

2.The following, at least, must be entered on the luggage registration voucher:

(a)the carrier or carriers;

(b)a statement that the carriage is subject, notwithstanding any clause to the contrary, to these Uniform Rules; this may be indicated by the acronym CIV;

(c)any other statement necessary to prove the contractual obligations relating to the forwarding of the registered luggage and enabling the passenger to assert the rights resulting from the contract of carriage.

3.The passenger must ensure, on receipt of the luggage registration voucher, that it has been made out in accordance with his instructions.

Article 18U.K.Registration and carriage

1.Save where the General Conditions of Carriage otherwise provide, luggage shall be registered only on production of a ticket valid at least as far as the destination of the luggage. In other respects the registration of luggage shall be carried out in accordance with the prescriptions in force at the place of consignment.

2.When the General Conditions of Carriage provide that luggage may be accepted for carriage without production of a ticket, the provisions of these Uniform Rules determining the rights and obligations of the passenger in respect of his registered luggage shall apply mutatis mutandis to the consignor of registered luggage.

3.The carrier can forward the registered luggage by another train or by another mode of transport and by a different route from that taken by the passenger.

Article 19U.K.Payment of charges for the carriage of registered luggage

Subject to a contrary agreement between the passenger and the carrier, the charge for the carriage of registered luggage shall be payable on registration.

Article 20U.K.Marking of registered luggage

The passenger must indicate on each item of registered luggage in a clearly visible place, in a sufficiently durable and legible manner:


his name and address;


the place of destination.

Article 21U.K.Right to dispose of registered luggage

1.If circumstances permit and if customs requirements or the requirements of other administrative authorities are not thereby contravened, the passenger can request luggage to be handed back at the place of consignment on surrender of the luggage registration voucher and, if the General Conditions of Carriage so require, on production of the ticket.

2.The General Conditions of Carriage may contain other provisions concerning the right to dispose of registered luggage, in particular modifications of the place of destination and the possible financial consequences to be borne by the passenger.

Article 22U.K.Delivery

1.Registered luggage shall be delivered on surrender of the luggage registration voucher and, where appropriate, on payment of the amounts chargeable against the consignment.

The carrier shall be entitled, but not obliged, to examine whether the holder of the voucher is entitled to take delivery.

2.It shall be equivalent to delivery to the holder of the luggage registration voucher if, in accordance with the prescriptions in force at the place of destination:

(a)the luggage has been handed over to the customs or octroi authorities at their premises or warehouses, when these are not subject to the carrier’s supervision;

(b)live animals have been handed over to third parties.

3.The holder of the luggage registration voucher may require delivery of the luggage at the place of destination as soon as the agreed time and, where appropriate, the time necessary for the operations carried out by customs or other administrative authorities, has elapsed.

4.Failing surrender of the luggage registration voucher, the carrier shall only be obliged to deliver the luggage to the person proving his right thereto; if the proof offered appears insufficient, the carrier may require security to be given.

5.Luggage shall be delivered at the place of destination for which it has been registered.

6.The holder of a luggage registration voucher whose luggage has not been delivered may require the day and time to be endorsed on the voucher when he requested delivery in accordance with paragraph 3.

7.The person entitled may refuse to accept the luggage if the carrier does not comply with his request to carry out an examination of the registered luggage in order to establish alleged damage.

8.In all other respects delivery of luggage shall be carried out in accordance with the prescriptions in force at the place of destination.

Chapter IVU.K.Vehicles
Article 23U.K.Conditions of carriage

The special provisions governing the carriage of vehicles, contained in the General Conditions of Carriage, shall specify in particular the conditions governing acceptance for carriage, registration, loading and carriage, unloading and delivery as well as the obligations of the passenger.

Article 24U.K.Carriage voucher

1.The contractual obligations relating to the carriage of vehicles must be established by a carriage voucher issued to the passenger. The carriage voucher may be integrated into the passenger’s ticket.

2.The special provisions governing the carriage of vehicles, contained in the General Conditions of Carriage, shall determine the form and content of the carriage voucher as well as the language and the characters in which it is to be printed and made out. Article 7(5) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

3.The following, at least, must be entered on the carriage voucher:

(a)the carrier or carriers;

(b)a statement that the carriage is subject, notwithstanding any clause to the contrary, to these Uniform Rules; this may be indicated by the acronym CIV;

(c)any other statement necessary to prove the contractual obligations relating to the carriage of vehicles and enabling the passenger to assert the rights resulting from the contract of carriage.

4.The passenger must ensure, on receipt of the carriage voucher, that it has been made out in accordance with his instructions.

Article 25U.K.Applicable law

Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the provisions of Chapter III relating to the carriage of luggage shall apply to vehicles.