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Council Regulation (EC) No 1386/2007

of 22 October 2007

laying down conservation and enforcement measures applicable in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (repealed)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 37 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament(1),


(1) The Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, hereinafter referred to as the NAFO Convention, was approved by the Council by Regulation (EEC) No 3179/78 of 28 December 1978 concerning the conclusion by the European Economic Community of the Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries(2) and entered into force on 1 January 1979.

(2) The NAFO Convention provides an appropriate framework for multilateral cooperation on the rational conservation and management of fishery resources in the Area defined by the Convention.

(3) At its 25th Annual Meeting, held in Halifax on 15-19 September 2003, NAFO substantially revised the Conservation and Enforcement Measures applicable to fishing vessels operating in Areas beyond the limits of the national jurisdiction of the Contracting Parties in the Convention Area.

(4) These measures also incorporate provisions to promote compliance by Non-Contracting Party vessels with the conservation and enforcement measures in order to ensure full respect for conservation and management measures adopted by NAFO.

(5) The measures provide for control measures applicable to vessels flying the flag of the Contracting Parties and operating in the NAFO Area, and arrangements for inspections at sea and in port, which include inspection and surveillance procedures and infringement procedures which must be implemented by the Contracting Parties.

(6) The measures also provide for the mandatory inspection of Non-Contracting Party vessels where they enter the ports of the Contracting Parties voluntarily and a prohibition on the landing and transhipment of catches if, during such inspection, it is established that they have been taken in breach of the conservation measures adopted by NAFO.

(7) Under Articles 11 and 12 of the NAFO Convention, these measures enter into force on 1 January 2004 and become binding on the Contracting Parties; the Community should apply these measures.

(8) Most of those provisions have been transposed into Community law by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1956/88 of 9 June 1988 adopting provisions for the application of the scheme of joint international inspection adopted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation(3), by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2868/88 of 16 September 1988 laying down detailed rules for the application of the Scheme of Joint International Inspection adopted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation(4), by Council Regulation (EEC) No 189/92 of 27 January 1992 adopting provisions for the application of certain control measures adopted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation(5), by Council Regulation (EC) No 3680/93 of 20 December 1993 laying down certain conservation and management measures for fishery resources in the Regulatory Area as defined in the Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries(6), by Council Regulation (EC) No 3069/95 of 21 December 1995 establishing a European Community observer scheme applicable to Community fishing vessels operating in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO)(7) and by Council Regulation (EC) No 1262/2000 of 8 June 2000 laying down certain control measures in respect of vessels flying the flag of non-Contracting Parties to the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO)(8).

(9) With a view to effectively implementing the reviewed conservation and enforcement measures adopted by the NAFO, those Regulations should be repealed and replaced by one Regulation bringing together and completing all provisions relating to fishing activities arising from the Community's obligations as a Contracting Party to the Convention.

(10) Certain measures adopted by NAFO have also been implemented into Community Law via the yearly TAC and quota Regulation, most recently in Council Regulation (EC) No 51/2006 of 22 December 2005 fixing for 2006 the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Community waters and, for Community vessels, in waters where catch limitations are required(9). Provisions of that kind which are not of a temporary nature should be transferred into the new Regulation.

(11) Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries Policy(10) was adopted in 2002. Under that Regulation, Member States are to control the activities carried out by vessels flying their flag outside Community waters.

(12) Article 2(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 of 12 October 1993 establishing a control system applicable to the Common Fisheries Policy(11) provides that each Member State must ensure that the activities of its vessels outside the Community fishery zone are subject to proper monitoring and, where such Community obligations exist, to inspections and surveillance, in order to ensure compliance with Community rules applicable in those waters; provision should therefore be made that Member States whose vessels are authorised to fish in the NAFO Regulatory Area assign inspectors to NAFO to undertake monitoring and surveillance, together with adequate resources for inspection.

(13) In order to ensure the monitoring of fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area, it is necessary that Member States cooperate with one another and with the Commission when applying these measures.

(14) It is the responsibility of Member States to ensure that their inspectors are required to comply with the inspection procedures laid down by NAFO.

(15) In order to ensure that additional conservation and enforcement measures adopted by NAFO which become obligatory for the Community can be implemented within the timeframe set out in the NAFO Convention, the Council may amend this Regulation by qualified majority on a proposal of the Commission,



Article 1U.K.Subject matter

This Regulation lays down the rules for the application by the Community of the Conservation and Enforcement Measures established by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO).

Article 2U.K.Scope

1.The provisions in Chapters II to V of this Regulation apply to all commercial fishing activities conducted by Community fishing vessels fishing for species covered by the NAFO Convention in the NAFO Regulatory Area.

2.Conservation and management measures pertaining to the taking of fish, in particular concerning mesh size, size limits, closed Areas and seasons do not apply to research vessels active in the NAFO Regulatory Area.

Article 3U.K.Definitions

For the purposes of this Regulation:


‘Fishing vessel’ means any vessel which is or has been engaged in fishing activities, including fish processing vessels and vessels engaged in transhipment or any other activity in preparation for or related to fishing, including experimental or exploratory fishing.


‘Research vessel’ means any permanent research vessel or vessel normally engaged in fishing activities or fisheries support activity employed or chartered for fishery research, which has been duly notified.


‘Fishing activities’ means fishing, fish processing operations, the transhipment of fish or fish products, and any other activity in preparation for or related to fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area.


‘Inspector’ means an inspector of the fishery control services of the NAFO Contracting Parties assigned to the Joint Inspection and Surveillance Scheme of NAFO.


‘Fishing trip’ means the time beginning when a vessel enters the NAFO Regulatory Area and ending when the vessel leaves the Regulatory Area and all catch on board from the Regulatory Area is unloaded or transhipped.


‘Non-Contracting Party vessel’ means a vessel which has been sighted or by other means identified and reported as having engaged in fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area and


which flies the flag of a State which is not a Contracting Party to the NAFO Convention; or


for which there are reasonable grounds for suspecting it to be without nationality.


‘IUU fishing’ means illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area.


‘IUU vessel’ means any Non-Contracting Party vessel engaged in illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area.


‘IUU list’ means the list containing the particulars of vessels which have been found by NAFO to have engaged in IUU fishing.


‘NAFO Regulatory Area’ means the Area defined in Article I of the Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (NAFO Convention).


‘Sub-Area’ means a Sub-Area as defined in Annex III to the NAFO Convention.


‘Division’ means a division as defined in Annex III to the NAFO Convention.


‘Other quota’ means a quota which Community vessels share with vessels flying the flag of other Contracting Parties of NAFO.


‘NAFO Scheme’ means the Joint Inspection and Surveillance Scheme adopted by the NAFO.


‘Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO’ means Conservation and Enforcement Measures adopted by the Fisheries Commission and the General Council of NAFO.


‘Fishing logbook’ means the logbook referred to in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2807/83(12), in which fishing operations and catches are recorded.


‘Production logbook’ means the logbook in which the fish in product form is recorded.


‘Capacity plan’ means the drawing or description indicating the storage capacity in cubic meters of all holds and other storage places on board a fishing vessel.


‘Stowage plan’ means the drawing that shows the location where fish is stowed in the holds or other storage places on board a fishing vessel.


[F1 Transhipment means the transfer, over the side, of any quantity of fisheries resources or products thereof retained on board, from one fishing vessel to another.]


Article 4U.K.By-catch retained on board

1.Fishing vessels shall limit their by-catch to a maximum of 2 500 kg or 10 %, whichever is the greater, for each species regulated by NAFO for which no quota has been allocated to the Community.

2.In cases where a ban on fishing is in force or an ‘Others’ quota has been fully utilised, the by-catch of the species concerned may not exceed 1 250 kg or 5 %, whichever is the greater.

3.The percentages in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be calculated as the percentage, by weight, for each species of the total catch retained on board. Catches of shrimp shall not be included in the calculation of by-catch levels of ground fish species.

Article 5U.K.By-catch in any one haul

1.If the percentages of by-catches in any one haul exceed the percentages laid down in Article 4(1) and (2) the vessel shall immediately move a minimum of 10 nautical miles from any position of the previous tow and throughout the next tow keep a minimum distance of 10 nautical miles from any position of the previous tow. If after moving, the next haul exceeds these by-catch limits the vessel shall leave the Division and not return for at least 60 hours.

2.Should total by-catches of all ground fish species subject to quota in any haul in the shrimp fishery exceed 5 % by weight in Division 3M or 2,5 % by weight in Division 3L, the vessel shall move a minimum of 10 nautical miles from any position of the previous tow and throughout the next tow keep a minimum distance of 10 nautical miles from any position of the previous tow. If after moving, the next haul exceeds these by-catch limits the vessel shall leave the Division and not return for at least 60 hours.

3.The percentage of by-catch authorised in any one haul shall be calculated as the percentage, by weight, for each species of the total catch in that haul.

Article 6U.K.Directed fishery and by-catch

1.Masters of Community vessels shall not conduct directed fisheries for species for which by-catch limits apply. A directed fishery for a species shall be considered to have been conducted when that species comprises the largest percentage by weight of the total catch in any one haul.

2.However, when a vessel is conducting a directed fishery for skate with a legal mesh size appropriate for that fishery, the first time that, in a haul, catches of species for which by-catch limits comprise the largest percentage, by weight of the total catch, they shall be considered as incidental. In this event the vessel shall immediately change position in accordance with Article 5(1) and (2).

3.Following an absence from a Division of at least 60 hours in accordance with the provisions of Article 5(1) and (2), masters of Community vessels shall undertake a trial tow the duration of which shall not exceed three hours. By way of derogation from paragraph 1 of this Article, if in a haul from such a trial tow catches of species for which by-catch limits apply comprise the largest percentage, by weight of the total catch, it shall not be considered as a directed fishery. In this event the vessel shall immediately change position in accordance with Article 5(1) and (2).

Article 7U.K.Mesh sizes

1.The use of trawl net having in any section thereof net meshes of dimensions less than 130 mm shall be prohibited for directed fishing of the groundfish species referred to in Annex I except for fishing for Sebastes mentella as referred to in paragraph 3. That mesh size may be reduced to a minimum of 60 mm for direct fishing of short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus). For direct fishing of skates (Rajidae) this mesh size shall be increased to minimum of 280 mm in the codend and 220 mm in all other parts of the trawl.

2.Vessels fishing for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) shall use nets with a minimum mesh size of 40 mm.

3.Vessels fishing for pelagic Sebastes mentella (Oceanic redfish) in Sub-Area 2 and Division F and 3K shall use nets with a minimum mesh size of 100 mm.

[F14. Vessels fishing for redfish in Division 3O using midwater trawls shall use nets with a minimum mesh size of 90 mm.]

Article 8U.K.Carrying of nets

1.When fishing directly for one or more of the species regulated by NAFO, Community vessels may not carry nets with a mesh size smaller than that laid down in Article 7.

2.However, Community vessels fishing in the course of the same voyage in Areas other than the NAFO Regulatory Area may keep on board nets with a mesh size smaller than that laid down in Article 7 provided they are securely lashed and stowed and are not available for immediate use. Those nets must

(a)be unshackled from their boards and their hauling or trawling cables and ropes and,

(b)if they are carried on or above the deck, be lashed securely to a part of the superstructure.

Article 9U.K.Attachments to nets

1.The use of any means or device other than those described in this Article which obstructs the meshes of a net or which diminishes their size shall be prohibited.

2.Canvas, netting or any other material may be attached to the underside of the codend in order to reduce or prevent damage.

3.Devices may be attached to the upper side of the codend provided that they do not obstruct the meshes of the codend. The use of top-side chafers shall be limited to those mentioned in Annex V.

4.Vessels fishing for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) shall use sorting grids or grates with a maximum spacing between bars of 22 mm. Vessels fishing for shrimp in Division 3L shall also be equipped with toggle chains of a minimum 72 cm in length as described in Annex VI.

Article 10U.K.Minimum size of fish

1.Fish from the NAFO Regulatory Area which do not have the size required as set out in Annex III may not be processed, retained on board, transhipped, landed, transported, stored, sold, displayed or offered for sale, but shall be returned immediately to the sea after being unloaded from the net or removed from the sea.

2.Where the quantity of caught fish not having the required size exceeds 10 % of the total quantity, the vessel must move away to a distance of at least five nautical miles from any position of the previous haul before continuing fishing. Any processed fish for which minimum fish size requirements apply which is below a length equivalent to that set out in Annex III, shall be deemed to originate from fish that is below the minimum fish size.

Article 11U.K.Special provisions for shrimp fishery in Division 3L

Fishing for shrimp in Division 3L shall take place in depths greater than 200 metres and shall be limited to one vessel per each Member State's allocation at any one time.

[F2Article 12 U.K. Fisheries restricted areas

1. The conduct of fishing activities involving demersal fishing gears shall be prohibited in the following areas:

Area Coordinate 1 Coordinate 2 Coordinate 3 Coordinate 4
Orphan Knoll

50.00.30 N

45.00.30 W

51.00.30 N

45.00.30 W

51.00.30 N

47.00.30 W

50.00.30 N

45.00.30 W

Corner Seamounts

35.00.00 N

48.00.00 W

36.00.00 N

48.00.00 W

36.00.00 N

52.00.00 W

35.00.00 N

52.00.00 W

Newfoundland Seamounts

43.29.00 N

43.20.00 W

44.00.00 N

43.20.00 W

44.00.00 N

46.40.00 W

43.29.00 N

46.40.00 W

New England Seamounts

35.00.00 N

57.00.00 W

39.00.00 N

57.00.00 W

39.00.00 N

64.00.00 W

35.00.00 N

64.00.00 W

2. The following area in Division 3O shall be closed to all fishing activity involving bottom contact gear. The closed area is defined by connecting the following coordinates (in numerical order and back to coordinate 1):

Point No Latitude Longitude
1 42°53′00″N 51°00′00″W
2 42°52′04″N 51°31′44″W
3 43°24′13″N 51°58′12″W
4 43°24′20″N 51°58′18″W
5 43°39′38″N 52°13′10″W
6 43°40′59″N 52°27′52″W
7 43°56′19″N 52°39′48″W
8 44°04′53″N 52°58′12″W
9 44°18′38″N 53°06′00″W
10 44°18′36″N 53°24′07″W
11 44°49′59″N 54°30′00″W
12 44°29′55″N 54°30′00″W
13 43°26′59″N 52°55′59″W
14 42°48′00″N 51°41′06″W
15 42°33′02″N 51°00′00″W]


SECTION 1U.K.Monitoring of fisheries

Article 13U.K.Authorisation

Only Community vessels of more than 50 gross tonnes which have been issued a special fishing permit by their flag Member State and are included in the NAFO vessel register shall be authorised, on the conditions set out in the permit, to fish, keep on board, tranship and land fishery resources from the NAFO Regulatory Area.

Article 14U.K.List of vessels

1.Each Member State shall establish a list of vessels flying its flag and registered in the Community that are authorised to fish in the NAFO Regulatory Area and shall notify that list to the Commission in computer readable form. The Commission shall forward the list promptly to the NAFO Secretariat.

2.Each Member State shall inform the Commission in computer readable form, at least 15 days before the vessel enters the NAFO Regulatory Area, of any amendment to its list of vessels flying its flag and registered in the Community that are authorised to fish in the NAFO Regulatory Area. The Commission shall forward this information promptly to the NAFO Secretariat.

3.The list referred to in paragraph 2 shall contain the following information:

(a)where applicable, the internal number of the vessel, as defined in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 26/2004 of 30 December 2003 on the Community fishing fleet register(13);

(b)international radio call sign;

(c)vessel charterer, where applicable.

4.For vessels temporarily flying the flag of a Member State (bare boat charter), the information forwarded shall furthermore include:

(a)date from which the vessel has been authorised to fly the flag of the Member State;

(b)date from which the vessel has been authorised by the Member State to engage in fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area;

(c)name of the State where the vessel is registered or has been previously registered and the date as from which it ceased flying the flag of that State;

(d)name of the vessel;

(e)official registration number of the vessel assigned by the competent national authorities;

(f)home port of the vessel after the transfer;

(g)name of owner or charterer of the vessel;

(h)a declaration that the master has been provided with a copy of the regulations in force in the NAFO Regulatory Area;

(i)the principal species which can be fished by the vessel in the NAFO Regulatory Area;

(j)the sub-Areas where the vessel may be expected to fish.

Article 15U.K.Chartering of Community vessels

1.Member States may allow that a fishing vessel flying their flag and authorised to fish in the NAFO Regulatory Area to be subject to a chartering arrangement for the utilisation in part or in full of a quota and/or fishing days allocated to another Contracting Party of NAFO. Chartering arrangements involving vessels identified by NAFO or any other regional fisheries organisation as having been involved in IUU fishing shall, however, not be permitted.

2.On the date of the conclusion of a chartering arrangement, the flag Member State shall send the following information to the Commission which shall forward this information to the Executive Secretary of NAFO:

(a)its assent to the charter arrangement;

(b)species covered by the charter and fishing opportunities allocated by the charter contract;

(c)length of the charter arrangement;

(d)name of the charterer;

(e)Contracting Party which chartered the vessel.

3.When the charter arrangement ends, the flag Member State shall inform the Commission which shall promptly forward this information to the Executive Secretary of NAFO.

4.The flag Member State shall act to ensure that:

(a)the vessel is not authorised to fish during the charter period against the fishing opportunities allocated to the flag Member State;

(b)the vessel is not authorised to fish under more than one charter arrangement during the same period;

(c)all catches and by-catches from notified chartering arrangements are recorded in the fishing logbook by the chartered vessel separate from other catch data recorded pursuant to Article 18.

5.Member States shall report all catches and by-catches referred to in paragraph 4(c) to the Commission separately from other national catch data pursuant to Article 21. The Commission shall promptly forward this data to the Executive Secretary of NAFO.

Article 16U.K.Monitoring of fishing effort

1.Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the fishing effort of its vessels is commensurate with the fishing opportunities available to that Member State in the NAFO Regulatory Area.

2.Member States shall transmit to the Commission the fishing plan for their vessels fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area no later than 31 January each year or, thereafter, at least 30 days before the commencement of such activity. The fishing plan shall identify, inter alia, the vessel or vessels which will engage in these activities and the intended number of fishing days those vessels will spend in the NAFO Regulatory Area.

3.Member States shall, on an indicative basis, inform the Commission of the intended activities of the vessels in other Areas.

4.The fishing plan shall represent the total fishing effort to be deployed in the NAFO Regulatory Area in relation to the fishing opportunities available to the Member State making the notification.

5.Member States shall, no later than 31 January each year, report to the Commission on the implementation of their fishing plans. Those reports shall include the number of vessels actually engaged in fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area, the catches of each vessel and the total number of days each vessel fished in that Area. Activities of vessels fishing for shrimp in Divisions 3M and 3L shall be reported separately for each Division.

Article 17U.K.Vessel monitoring system (VMS)

1.Member States shall ensure that information obtained by the vessel monitoring system (VMS) pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2244/2003(14) concerning vessels flying their flag which fish in the NAFO Regulatory Area is transmitted electronically to the NAFO Secretariat on a real time basis.

2.When an inspector observes a fishing vessel in the NAFO Regulatory Area for which he has not received VMS data in accordance with the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO, he shall promptly inform the master and the Executive Secretary of NAFO thereof.

Article 18U.K.Transhipments

1.Community vessels shall not engage in transhipment operations in the NAFO Regulatory Area unless they have received prior authorisation to do so from their competent flag State authorities.

2.Community vessels shall not engage in transhipment operations of fish from or to a Non-Contracting Party vessel which has been sighted or otherwise identified as having engaged in fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area.

3.Community vessels shall report each transhipment in the NAFO Regulatory Area to their competent authorities. Donor vessels shall make that report at least twenty-four hours in advance and receiving vessels not later than one hour after the transhipment.

4.The report referred to in paragraph 3 shall include the time, the geographical position, the total round weight by species to be off-loaded or on-loaded in kilograms as well as the call sign of the vessels involved in the transhipment.

5.The receiving vessel shall report, in addition to the total catch on board and the total weight to be landed, the name of the port and the expected time of landing at least 24 hours in advance of any landing.

6.Member States shall promptly transmit the reports referred to in paragraph 3 and 5 to the Commission, which shall promptly forward them to the NAFO Secretariat.

Article 19U.K.Fishing and production logbooks and stowage plan

1.In addition to complying with Articles 6, 8, 11 and 12 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, masters of vessels shall enter in the fishing logbook the information listed in Annex IV.

2.The masters of a Community vessel shall, in respect of catches of the species referred to in Article 15(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93, keep:

(a)a production logbook stating their cumulative production by species on board in product weight stated in kilograms;

(b)a stowage plan that shows the location of the different species in the holds. In the case of shrimp, vessels shall keep a stowage plan that specifies the location of shrimp taken in Division 3L and in Division 3M as well as the quantities of shrimp by Division on board in product weight stated in kilograms.

3.The production logbook and stowage plan referred to in paragraph 2 shall be updated on a daily basis for the preceding day reckoned from 00.00 hrs (UTC) until 24.00 hrs (UTC) and shall be kept onboard until the vessel has unloaded completely.

4.The master of a Community vessel shall provide the necessary assistance to enable the quantities declared in the production logbook and the processed products stored on board to be verified.

[F25. Member States shall every two years certify the correctness of the capacity plans for all vessels authorised to fish pursuant to Article 14. The master shall ensure that a copy of this certification remains onboard to be shown to an inspector upon request.]

Article 20U.K.Product labelling and separate stowage

1.All processed fish harvested in the NAFO Regulatory Area shall be labelled in such a way that each species and product category as referred to in Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 of 17 December 1999 on the common organisations of the market in fishery and aquaculture products(15), and in case of shrimp the date of capture, is identifiable. It shall also be marked as having been caught in the NAFO Regulatory Area.

2.All shrimp harvested in Division 3L and all Greenland halibut harvested in Sub-Area 2 and Divisions 3KLMNO shall be marked as having been caught in these respective zones.

3.Taking into account consideration for the legitimate safety and navigational responsibilities of the master of the vessel, the following shall apply:

(a)all catches taken inside the NAFO Regulatory Area shall be stowed separately from all catches taken outside the area. They shall be kept clearly separate, for example with plastic, plywood or netting;

(b)catches of the same species may be stowed in more than one part of the hold but the location where it is stowed shall be clearly represented in the stowage plan referred to in Article 19.

Article 21U.K.Reporting of catches

1.The masters of Community fishing vessels shall send to the Fisheries Monitoring Centre (FMC) of their flag Member State catch reports in accordance with paragraph 2.

2.Catch reports shall include:

(a)the quantities held on board when the Community fishing vessels enter the NAFO Regulatory Area. Reports shall be transmitted no earlier than 12 hours and no later than six hours in advance of each entry into the NAFO Regulatory Area and shall include the date, time, geographical position of the vessel, total round weight by species, including directed species;

(b)daily catches of shrimp caught in Division 3L. These reports shall be transmitted no later than 12.00 UTC of the day following that in which the catches were made;

(c)every second Monday, catches of redfish in Sub-Area 2 and Divisions 1F, 3K and 3M caught in the two-week period ending at 12 midnight on the previous Sunday. When accumulated catches reach 50 % of the TAC, the report shall be made weekly each Monday;

(d)the quantities held on board when a vessel leaves the NAFO Regulatory Area. These reports shall be transmitted no earlier than eight hours and no later than six hours in advance of each departure from the NAFO Regulatory Area and shall include the date, time, geographical position of the vessel and total round weight by species;

(e)the quantities loaded and unloaded for each transhipment of fish during the vessel's stay in the NAFO Regulatory Area. Donor vessels shall transmit this report at least 24 hours in advance of the transhipment. Receiving vessels shall transmit this report not later than one hour after the transhipment. These reports shall include the date, time, geographical position of the transhipment and total round weight by species to be off-loaded or which have been on-loaded in kilograms and call signs of the vessels to or from which quantities are transhipped. The receiving vessel shall report the total catch on board and the total weight to be landed, the name of the port and the expected time of landing at least 24 hours in advance of any landing[F2;]

[F1(f) the catch prior to entry and exit from Division 3L. These reports shall be made by vessels that fish shrimp in Division 3L and shall be sent one hour prior to crossing the boundary of that Division. The report shall indicate the catches taken onboard since the previous catch report, by Division and species (3 alpha code) in kg, rounded to the nearest 100 kg.]

3.Each Member State shall, upon receipt, forward catch reports by computer transmission to the Commission which shall forward these reports to the NAFO Secretariat.

4.The Member States shall record the data contained in the catch reports in the database referred to in Article 19(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.

5.The detailed rules for the format and the specifications for the transmissions referred to in paragraph 2 are laid down in Annex VII.

Article 22U.K.Global reporting of catches and fishing effort

1.Each Member State shall, in computer readable form, before the 15th of each month, notify the Commission of:

(a)the quantities of stocks specified in Annex II landed;

(b)the number of fishing days used for fishing shrimp in Division 3M during the preceding month and

(c)any information received in accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.

2.The Commission shall compile the data referred to in paragraph 1 for all Member States and forward those data to the NAFO Secretariat within 30 days of the end of the calendar month in which the catches were made.

SECTION 2U.K.Observers

Article 23U.K.Assignment of observers

1.Member States shall assign observers to all their fishing vessels engaged in or about to engage in fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area. Observers shall remain on board the fishing vessels to which they are assigned until they are replaced by other observers.

2.Except for reasons of force majeure, fishing vessels without an observer on board shall not be allowed to commence or continue fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area.

3.Observers shall be appropriately qualified and experienced. They shall possess the following skills:

(a)sufficient experience to identify species and gear;

(b)navigational skills;

(c)a satisfactory knowledge of the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO;

(d)the ability to carry out elementary scientific tasks e.g. collecting samples, as requested and observe and record accurately;

(e)a satisfactory knowledge of the language of the flag State of the vessel observed.

4.Member States shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that observers are received on board fishing vessels at the duly designated time and location and facilitate their departure at the termination of the observation period.

5.Member States shall forward to the Commission a list of observers they have assigned pursuant to paragraph 1 by 20 January each year and, thereafter, immediately following the assignment of any new observer.

Article 24U.K.Main task of observers

1.Observers shall monitor the fishing vessel's compliance with the relevant conservation and enforcement measures of NAFO.

2.All observation duties shall be confined to the NAFO Regulatory Area.

Article 25U.K.Recording

Observers shall:


complete a daily log of the vessels' fishing activities which covers at least the information laid down in the format presented in Annex VIII;


record the gear, mesh size and attachments utilised by the master.

Article 26U.K.Monitoring of catches

1.Observers shall:

(a)observe and estimate catches taken on a set-by-set basis (location, depth, time the net is in the water);

(b)identify catch composition;

(c)monitor discards, by-catch and catches of undersized fish;

(d)verify entries made in the fishing logbook and production logbook; verification of production logbook shall be made using the conversion factor employed by the master;

(e)verify catch communication reports.

2.When monitoring discards, by-catches and catches of undersized fish in accordance with paragraph 1(c), the observers shall collect the data on discards and retained undersized fish following, whenever circumstances permit, the following sampling scheme:

(a)for every haul, estimates of the total catch by species in terms of weight and in addition estimates of discards by species in terms of weight shall be recorded;

(b)every 10th haul shall be sampled in detail by species, providing in addition to weights of the sample measured also numbers per length representing the part of the catch to be landed and the part of the catch discarded;

(c)whenever the fishing site is changed pursuant to Articles 5 and 6.

Article 27U.K.Other specific tasks

Observers shall:


verify the position of the vessel when engaged in fishing activity;


supervise transhipments, if any, from vessels subject to a chartering arrangement pursuant to Article 14;


monitor the functioning of automatic remote position recording facilities if on board and used by the vessel observed;


carry out scientific work and sampling if so requested by the NAFO Fisheries Commission or by the appropriate authorities of the Flag State of the vessel observed.

Article 28U.K.Observer's reports

1.Observers shall present a report, to the Commission and the competent authorities of the Member State which assigned them, within 20 days following the termination of each fishing trip. When an observer's assignment ends before the termination of the fishing trip, the report shall be presented to the Commission and the competent authorities of the Member State in respect of the period of the assignment within 20 days following the end of the assignment. The report shall summarise the main findings of the observer. The report shall be transmitted to the Commission which shall forward this report to the NAFO Secretariat.

2.Observers shall report, within 24 hours, any evidence of a suspected serious infringement. Such reports shall be made to a NAFO inspection vessel in the NAFO Regulatory Area which shall report the suspected infringement to the Executive Secretary of NAFO. Observers shall use an established code when communicating to an inspection vessel.

Article 29U.K.Precautions

1.Observers shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that their presence on board fishing vessels does not hinder or interfere with the proper functioning of the vessels including fishing activities.

2.Observers shall respect the property and equipment on board the fishing vessels including the confidentiality of all documents pertaining to the said vessels.

Article 30U.K.Obligations of the master of the vessel

1.Masters of Community fishing vessels shall receive the assigned observers and cooperate with them in order to allow them to discharge their duties while on board the vessels.

2.The master of the vessel designated to receive an observer on board shall take all reasonable steps to facilitate the arrival and departure of the observer. While on board the observer shall be offered appropriate and adequate accommodation and working facilities.

3.The master of the vessel shall permit the observer to have access to the vessel's documents (fishing logbook, production logbook, capacity plan, and stowage plan) and to different parts of the vessel, including, as required, to the retained catch and catch which is intended to be discarded, in order to facilitate the discharge of the observer's duties.

4.The master shall be informed in good time of the date and location for receiving observers and the likely duration of the observation period.

[F25. The master of the vessel observed may, on his own request, be provided with a copy of the observer's report referred to in Article 28(1).]

Article 31U.K.Costs

All costs arising from the operation of observers under this Section shall be borne by the Member States. Member States may charge these costs, in part or in full, to the operators of their vessels.

Article 32U.K.Follow-up

[F21. The competent authorities of the Member States receiving the report of the observer in accordance with Article 28 shall evaluate the contents and conclusions of that report.]

2.In the event that the report indicates that the vessel observed has engaged in fishing practices at variance with conservation and enforcement measures of NAFO, the authorities referred to in paragraph 1 shall take all appropriate action to investigate the matter in order to prevent the repetition of such practices.

SECTION 3U.K.Programme for observers, satellite tracking and electronic reporting

Article 33U.K.Rules of application

1.By way of derogation from the provisions of Article 23 Member States may permit fishing vessels flying their flag to commence and conduct fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area without an assigned observer under the conditions laid down in this Section.

2.Vessels may conduct fishing activities without an observer pursuant to paragraph 1 provided that the following requirements are fulfilled:

(a)the necessary technical facilities to send electronic observer reports and catch reports are installed onboard;

(b)the technical facilities referred to in a) have been successfully tested with a 100 % reliability rate with the NAFO Secretariat and inspection vessels active in the NAFO Regulatory Area; and

(c)VMS reports are transmitted on an hourly basis.

Article 34U.K.Member State obligations

1.Member States shall notify the names of the vessels intending to apply the provisions of this section to the Commission at the latest 30 days prior to the start of the fishing season.

2.Member States shall keep the Commission informed of the names of the vessels applying the provisions of this Section and the period during which no observer is assigned onboard. The Commission shall promptly forward this information to the NAFO Secretariat.

3.Member States with a vessel or vessels applying the provisions of this section shall permit the vessel to conduct fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area without an observer for no more than 75 % of the time that the vessel or vessels are active in the Regulatory Area during the year.

4.Member States shall ensure that there is a balance between vessels flying their flag with an observer and without an observer in the type of fishery in which the vessels are engaged.

Article 35U.K.Obligation of masters and observers

1.Masters of vessels and observers applying the provisions of this section shall transmit daily reports by Division.

2.The daily reports shall be transmitted to the NAFO Secretariat through the flag State FMC no later than 12.00 UTC. The reporting period shall be from 00.01 hours to 24.00 hours of the previous day.

3.The catch recorded in the daily report of the master shall correspond with the catches in the fishing logbook.

4.The daily reports shall include as appropriate the amounts, by division, of the following categories:

(a)daily catch by species retained onboard;


(c)undersized fish.

5.Formats for Daily Catch (CAX) and Observer Reports (OBR) are contained in Annex XIV(a).

6.Observers onboard vessels applying the provisions of this section shall, in addition to their duties under Chapter III Section 2 report daily by electronic channels via the FMC to the NAFO Secretariat (OBR report) on their duties described in Article 26(1).

Article 36U.K.Technical failure

If the electronic means for transmitting daily reports to and from an FMC is not functioning, the master and the observer shall continue to report on a daily basis by other means and keep a written log of these transmissions onboard and available to inspectors.

Article 37U.K.Infringements

If a vessel without an observer is cited for an infringement, the provisions of Chapter IV Section 5 shall apply. If the vessel is not rerouted following this infringement, an observer shall embark the vessel without delay.

Article 38U.K.Report on implementation

Member States shall no later than 15 February each year submit a report to the Commission on the implementation of the provisions of this section. This report shall contain, inter alia, information on the overall compliance of the vessels concerned with a comparison between vessels with and without observers, possible cost savings for the industry and Member States authorities, interaction with other means of control as well as the technical functioning and reliability of the operative systems.


SECTION 1U.K.General provisions

Article 39U.K.General rules for inspection and surveillance

1.The Commission and/or Member States shall assign inspectors to carry out surveillance and inspection in the NAFO Regulatory Area in accordance with the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO. They may also appoint trainees to accompany the inspectors.

2.The Member States and the Commission shall ensure that inspectors carry out their duties in accordance with the rules laid down in the NAFO Scheme. Inspectors shall remain under the operational control of their competent authorities and shall be responsible to them.

3.Each Member State and the Commission shall ensure that inspections by Community inspectors are conducted in a non-discriminatory manner and in accordance with the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO.

4.The number of inspections shall be based on the size of the fleets of the Contracting Parties present in the NAFO Regulatory Area, taking into account the time spent in the Area, the level of catches and compliance records.

5.In addition to their functions under the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO, inspectors shall inspect Community vessels in the NAFO Regulatory Area for compliance with any other Community conservation and control measure applying to those vessels.

6.Inspectors may be placed onboard any Member State vessel engaged or about to be engaged in inspection duties in the NAFO Regulatory Area.

7.Inspectors operating in the NAFO Regulatory Area shall on a regular basis coordinate their activities with other NAFO inspectors active in the NAFO Regulatory Area in order to exchange information on sightings and boarding or other relevant information.

Article 40U.K.Means of inspection

Member States or the Commission shall make available to their inspectors adequate means to enable them to carry out their surveillance and inspection tasks. To that end they shall assign inspection vessels to the NAFO Scheme.

Article 41U.K.Programming

1.The Community Fisheries Control Agency shall coordinate the surveillance and inspection activities for the Community. It may draw up, in concert with the Member States concerned, joint operational surveillance and inspection programmes for that purpose. The Member States whose vessels are engaged in fisheries in the NAFO Regulatory Area shall adopt the necessary measures to facilitate the implementation of these programmes particularly as regards the human and material resources required and the periods and zones in which these resources are to be deployed.

2.When drawing up joint operational surveillance and inspection programmes, the Community Fisheries Control Agency and Member States shall ensure that, where, at any time, more than 15 Community fishing vessels are engaged in fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area, a Community inspection vessel is present in the Area or that an agreement has been concluded with another Contracting Party to ensure the presence of an inspection vessel.

3.Member States shall inform the Community Fisheries Control Agency by 15 October each year of the names of the inspectors and the inspection vessels they are intending to assign to the NAFO Scheme during the following year. This notification shall include the name, the radio call sign and communication capacity for the assigned inspection vessels. Using this information the Community Fisheries Control Agency shall draw up, in collaboration with the Member States, a plan for Community participation in the NAFO Scheme in the following calendar year, which it shall send to the NAFO Secretariat and the Member States.

4.Member States shall inform the Community Fisheries Control Agency electronically of the date and time of the start and end of the activities of inspection vessels.

SECTION 2U.K.Surveillance procedure

Article 42U.K.Surveillance procedure

1.Inspectors shall carry out surveillance based on sightings of fishing vessels from a vessel assigned to the NAFO scheme. When an inspector observes a vessel of a Contracting Party of NAFO and such observation does not correspond to other information available to him, he shall record his findings in a surveillance report using the form set out in Annex XI and shall forward that report to his authorities. The report shall include photographs of the vessel which shall record the position, date and time the photographs were taken.

2.Member States shall forward the surveillance report promptly, by electronic transmission, to the flag State of the sighted vessel or to the authorities designated by that State, as notified by the NAFO Secretariat, to the NAFO Secretariat and to the Commission. They shall also forward the original of each surveillance report to the flag State of the vessel concerned at its request.

3.Member States shall, upon receipt of a surveillance report concerning its vessels, take prompt action on it and conduct any further investigation necessary to allow them to determine appropriate follow up.

4.Member States shall by 15 February each year report to the Commission on the action taken with regard to surveillance reports involving their vessels during the previous year. In cases where the follow up action results in the imposition of penalties, those penalties shall be described in specific terms. The Commission shall forward this information to the NAFO Secretariat by 1 March each year.

SECTION 3U.K.Inspection procedure

Article 43U.K.General provisions

1.When conducting an inspection during daylight hours in conditions of normal visibility, inspection vessels shall display a NAFO pennant to show that inspectors are carrying out an inspection under the NAFO Scheme. Boarding vessels shall also display a pennant, which may be half scale.

2.Inspections of vessels engaged in research shall be limited to ascertaining that the vessel is not conducting a commercial fishing operation.

3.Inspectors shall not interfere with the ability of masters to communicate with the authorities of their flag State during boarding and inspection.

4.Inspection vessels shall manoeuvre at a safe distance from the fishing vessel in accordance with the rules of good seamanship.

5.Inspectors shall avoid the use of force save where and to the extent that it is necessary to ensure their safety. When conducting inspections on board fishing vessels, inspectors shall not carry firearms.

6.Inspections shall be conducted in a manner such as to cause the least disturbance or inconvenience to the vessel, its activities and catches.

Article 44U.K.Boarding

1.Inspectors and trainees shall carry and produce a document of identity issued by the NAFO Secretariat when boarding a fishing vessel.

2.Inspectors shall not board a vessel without prior notice being given by radio to the vessel or without the vessel being given the appropriate signal using the International Code Signal, including details of the inspection team and inspection platform.

3.Inspectors shall not require the vessel that is being boarded to stop or manoeuvre during fishing, or to stop the shooting or hauling of fishing gear. Inspectors may, however, require the interruption or delay of the shooting of gear until they have boarded the vessel but in any event this delay shall not last more than 30 minutes after the signal referred to in paragraph 2 has been received.

Article 45U.K.On board activities

1.Inspection teams shall comprise no more than two inspectors. When vessel conditions so permit, an inspection trainee may accompany the inspectors and shall be identified to the master of the fishing vessel. The trainee's activities shall be limited to the observation of the inspection conducted by the inspectors.

2.The inspection shall not exceed three hours or the period until the net and catch are hauled in and inspected, whichever is longer. Where an infringement is detected, inspectors may remain on board for the period necessary to complete their duties as referred to in Article 48 and in Article 51. The inspector shall leave the vessel within one hour following the completion of the original inspection or following the completion of their duties pursuant to Article 48, as the case may be.

3.Precautions shall be taken to avoid causing damage to packaging, wrapping, cartons, or other containers and content. Cartons and containers shall be opened in such a way that will facilitate prompt resealing, re-packing and re-storage.

4.Inspectors shall convert production weight recordings in the production logbooks into live weight to allow for a verification of logbook entries which are made in live weight. Inspectors shall be guided by the conversion factors used by the master of the vessel.

5.Inspectors shall be authorised to examine all relevant areas, decks and rooms of the fishing vessel, processed and unprocessed catches, nets and other gear, equipment and any relevant documents which are necessary for verifying compliance with the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO.

6.In carrying out their inspection, inspectors may ask the master for any assistance they may require. The master may comment on the inspection report, which must be signed by inspectors on completion of the inspection. A copy of the inspection report shall be given to the master of the fishing vessel.

Article 46U.K.Drawing up of inspection reports

1.Inspectors shall draw up an inspection report using the form set out in Annex IX and forward it to their authorities.

2.Inspectors shall summarise from logbook records, for the current fishing trip, the vessel's catch in the NAFO Regulatory Area by species and by Division and shall record this summary in point 14 of the inspection report.

3.In the event of a difference between the recorded catches and the estimates of the inspector, the inspector may re-check calculations, procedures, the relevant documentation and the catch onboard the vessel. Any such differences shall be noted in point 18 of the inspection report.

Article 47U.K.Obligations of masters of fishing vessels during inspection

The master of a Community fishing vessel which is being boarded and inspected shall:


facilitate safe and effective boarding in accordance with good seamanship when given the appropriate signal in the International Code of Signals by a vessel or helicopter carrying an inspector;


[F2provide a boarding ladder constructed and used as described in the conservation and enforcement measures of NAFO;]


[F1if a mechanical hoist is provided, ensure that its ancillary equipment is of a type approved by the national administration. It shall be of such design and construction as to ensure that the inspector can embark and disembark in a safe manner including a safe access from the hoist to the deck and vice versa. A boarding ladder complying with point (b) shall be kept on deck adjacent to the hoist and available for immediate use;]


cooperate with and assist in the inspection of the fishing vessel conducted in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Regulation; he shall ensure the safety of inspectors and shall not obstruct, intimidate or interfere with the inspectors in the performance of their duties;


permit the inspectors to communicate with the authorities of the flag State and the inspecting State;


provide access to areas, decks, rooms of the vessel, processed or unprocessed catches, nets and other gear, equipment, registration documents, drawings or descriptions of fish rooms, production logbooks and stowage plans and any other relevant documents as well as give such assistance as is possible and reasonable to ascertain that stowage conforms to the stowage plans;


facilitate safe disembarkation by inspectors.

Article 48U.K.Transmission of inspection reports

1.The Member State carrying out an inspection shall send the original NAFO inspection report drawn up in accordance with Article 45(1) to the Commission within 20 days after the return of the inspection vessel to port. The Commission shall forward it to the flag State of the inspected vessel with a copy to the NAFO Secretariat within 30 days after the return of the inspection vessel to port.

2.In case of an infringement or difference between the recorded catches and the inspectors estimates of the catches onboard, the original inspection report with supporting documents, including copies of photographs taken, shall be sent to the Commission as soon as possible after the return of the inspection vessel to port. The Commission shall forward this documentation to the flag State of the inspected vessel with a copy to the NAFO Secretariat within 10 days after the return of the inspection vessel to port.

3.The inspector shall in the situation referred to in paragraph 2 also issue a statement constituting an advance notification of the presumed infringement. That statement shall quote the information entered under points 16, 18 and 20 of the inspection report and describe in detail the basis for issuing the citation for an infringement and the evidence in support thereof. The Community inspector shall send the statement within the working day following the inspection to the flag State and the NAFO Secretariat via the Commission.

4.Inspectors shall provide the Commission on a 10 day basis with a list of vessels inspected. The Commission shall on a monthly basis establish a list of inspected vessels and forward this list to the NAFO Secretariat.

SECTION 4U.K.Infringements

Article 49U.K.Procedures to deal with infringements

1.Where inspectors find an infringement of the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO, they shall:

(a)note the infringement in their inspection report, sign the entry and obtain the countersignature of the master;

(b)enter and sign a notation in the fishing logbook or other relevant documentation stating the date, location, and type of infringement found. The inspector may make a copy of any relevant entry in the fishing logbook or other relevant documentation and require the master to certify the authenticity thereof in writing on each page of the copy;

(c)if necessary, document the infringement with photographs of the gear and catch. The inspector shall in such case give one copy of the photograph to the master and attach a second copy of the photograph to the report;

(d)attempt immediately to communicate with an inspector or the designated authorities of the flag State of the inspected fishing vessel;

(e)transmit the inspection report as well as the advance notification of infringement referred to in Article 47(3) promptly to their authorities.

2.Inspectors may request that the master remove any part of the fishing gear which appears to be contrary to the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO. The inspector shall affix a NAFO inspection seal in accordance with Annex X securely to any part of the gear which appears to be in contravention and record this fact in the inspection report. The gear shall be preserved with the seal attached until examined by the competent authorities of the Contracting Party of the vessel.

Article 50U.K.Follow-up in the case of infringements

1.The competent authorities of a Member State notified of an infringement committed by one of its vessels shall investigate that infringement immediately and fully to obtain the evidence required which shall include, where appropriate, the physical inspection of the vessel concerned.

2.The competent authorities of the Member State shall take immediate judicial or administrative action in accordance with their national legislation against the nationals responsible for the vessel flying its flag where the measures adopted by NAFO have not been respected.

3.The competent authorities of the flag Member State shall ensure that the proceedings initiated pursuant to paragraph 2 are capable, in accordance with the relevant provisions of national law, of providing effective measures that are adequate in severity, secure compliance, deprive those responsible of the economic benefit of the infringement and effectively discourage future infringements.

SECTION 5U.K.Serious infringements

Article 51U.K.List of serious infringements

The following infringements shall be considered serious:


fishing on an ‘Others’ quota without prior notification to the Executive Secretary of NAFO, or more than seven working days after the notification by the Executive Secretary of NAFO that fishing under an ‘Others’ quota for that stock or species was closed;


directed fishing for a stock which is subject to a moratorium or for which fishing is prohibited;


directed fishing for stocks or species after the date on which the Flag State of the inspected vessel has notified the Executive Secretary of NAFO that its vessels will cease directed fishery for those stocks or species;


fishing in a closed Area or with gear prohibited in a specific Area;


mesh size violations;


fishing without a valid authorisation issued by the flag Contracting Party;


mis-recording of catches;


interference with the satellite monitoring system;


catch communication violations;


preventing inspectors or observers from carrying out their duties.

Article 52U.K.Inspector activities

1.Where inspectors cite a vessel for having committed a serious infringement as listed in Article 51, they shall promptly notify the flag State, their own authorities, the Commission and the NAFO Secretariat thereof.

2.In the case of a serious infringement, inspectors shall take all necessary steps to ensure the security and continuity of the evidence, including as appropriate, sealing the vessel's hold for the following port inspection. At the request of the inspector, the master shall cease all fishing activities which according to the inspector constitute a serious infringement.

3.As long as the inspector remains onboard, the master may not resume fishing until the inspector is reasonably satisfied, as a result of either the action taken by the vessel's master or the inspector's communication with an inspector or competent authority of the flag State of the inspected vessel, that the serious infringement will not be repeated.

4.Inspectors may remain on board a fishing vessel for the period necessary to obtain the relevant information concerning the infringement. During this time the inspectors shall complete the inspection and shall thereafter leave the vessel. However, inspectors may remain on board the vessel if they succeed in establishing communications with the competent authorities of the Contracting Party of the inspected vessel and those authorities agree. If they are unable within a reasonable period of time to communicate with those competent authorities, they shall leave the inspected vessel and shall communicate as soon as possible with them.

5.The Member State or the Commission carrying out the inspection shall take a decision, with the consent of the flag State, on whether the inspector remains on board during a re-routing of the vessel in accordance with Article 54(1). The Member State and the Commission carrying out the inspection shall decide also whether an inspector shall be present during the thorough inspection of the vessel in port in accordance with Article 53(3). Member States shall inform the Commission promptly of the decisions they take in accordance with this paragraph.

Article 53U.K.Inspection by an inspector authorised by the flag Member State

1.Where a flag Member State receives information from an inspector that a serious infringement is suspected to have been committed by a fishing vessel flying its flag or where the Commission receives such information, the flag Member State and the Commission shall inform one another thereof without delay.

2.After being notified by another Contracting Party of a serious infringement committed by a Community vessel, the flag Member State in cooperation with the Commission shall ensure that the vessel is inspected within 72 hours by a duly authorised inspector.

3.The duly authorised inspector shall board the fishing vessel concerned and examine the evidence of the suspected infringement, and forward as quickly as possible to the competent authority in the flag Member State and the Commission the results of this examination.

Article 54U.K.Re-routing

1.Following notification of the results and where the suspected infringement is of a serious nature, the flag Member State of the inspected vessel shall, if the situation so warrants, within 24 hours, itself require or authorise the duly authorised inspector to require the vessel to proceed to a designated port. This port should be St Johns or Halifax, Canada, St Pierre, France, or its home port, unless another port is designated by the flag Member State.

2.The 24 hour time limit referred to in paragraph 1 may be extended by the Commission upon a written request of the flag Member State, up to a maximum of 72 hours.

3.Where the flag Member State does not require the vessel to be re-routed to a port, it shall immediately inform the Commission of the reasons for its decision. The Commission shall notify the NAFO Secretariat in due course of that decision and its justification.

Article 55U.K.Inspection in port following a re-routing

1.On arrival in the designated port, the vessel suspected of having committed a serious infringement shall undergo a thorough inspection under the authority of its flag Member State and in the presence of an inspector from any other Contracting Party which wishes to participate. The port inspection report in Annex XII shall be used.

2.The flag Member State shall inform the Commission promptly of the outcome of the thorough inspection and of the measures it has adopted as a result of the infringement, including measures taken to prevent a repetition of the infringement.

Article 56U.K.Enhanced follow-up with regard to certain serious infringements

1.In addition to the provisions of this section, in particular Articles 54 and 55, the flag Member State shall take action under this Section where a vessel flying its flag has committed one of the following serious infringements:

(a)directed fishing for a stock which is subject to a moratorium or for which fishing is prohibited;

(b)mis-recording of catches. To be considered for follow-up action under this Article the difference between the inspector's estimates of processed catch on board, by species or in total, and the figures recorded in the production logbook shall be 10 tonnes or 20 %, whichever is the greater, calculated as a percentage of the production logbook figures. In order to calculate the estimate of the catch on board a stowage factor agreed between the inspectors of the inspecting Contracting Party and the Contracting Party of the inspected vessel shall be used;

(c)the repetition of the same serious infringement mentioned in Article 51, that has been confirmed in accordance with Article 52(4), during a hundred day period or within the fishing trip, whichever is shorter.

2.The flag Member State shall ensure that following the inspection referred to in paragraph 3 the vessel concerned ceases all fishing activities and an investigation into the serious infringement is initiated.

3.If no inspector or other person designated by the flag Member State of the vessel to carry out the investigation as outlined in paragraph 1 is present in the Regulatory area, the flag Member State shall require the vessel to proceed immediately to a port where the investigation can be initiated.

4.When completing the investigation for any serious infringement of mis-recording of catch referred to in paragraph 1(b), the flag Member State shall ensure that the physical inspection and enumeration of total catch on board takes place under its authority in port. Such inspection may take place in the presence of an inspector from any another Contracting Party that wishes to participate, subject to the consent of the flag Member State.

5.When a vessel is required to proceed to port pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, an inspector from another Contracting Party may board and/or remain on board the vessel as it is proceeding to port, provided that the competent authority of the Member State of the inspected vessel does not require the inspector to leave the vessel.

Article 57U.K.Enforcement measures

1.Each flag Member State shall take enforcement measures with respect to a vessel, where it has been established in accordance with its laws that this fishing vessel flying its flag committed a serious infringement referred to in Article 56.

2.The measures referred to in paragraph 1 may include, in particular depending on the gravity of the offence and in accordance with the pertinent provisions of national law:


(b)seizure of illegal fishing gear and catches;

(c)sequestration of the vessel;

(d)suspension or withdrawal of fishing authorisation;

(e)reduction or withdrawal of the fishing quota.

3.The flag Member State of the vessel concerned shall notify the Commission without delay of the appropriate measures taken in accordance with this Article. Based on this notification, the Commission shall notify the NAFO Secretariat of those measures.

Article 58U.K.Report on serious infringements

1.In case of a serious infringement referred to in Article 56, the Member State concerned shall provide the Commission with a report on the progress of the investigation, including details of any action taken or proposed to be taken in relation to the serious infringement as soon as practicable and in any case within three months following the notification of the infringement and a report on the outcome of the investigation when the investigation is completed.

2.The Commission shall compile a Community report on the basis of the reports of the Member States. It shall send the Community report on the progress of the investigation to the NAFO Secretariat within four months following the notification of the infringement and as soon as possible the report on the outcome of the investigation when the investigation is completed.

SECTION 6U.K.Reports

Article 59U.K.Treatment of inspection reports

1.Inspection and surveillance reports drawn up by NAFO inspectors shall constitute admissible evidence for judicial or administrative proceedings of any Member State. For establishing facts, those reports shall be treated on the same basis as inspection and surveillance reports of their own inspectors.

2.Member States shall collaborate in order to facilitate judicial or other proceedings arising from a report submitted by an inspector under this scheme, subject to the rules governing the admissibility of evidence in domestic judicial and other systems.

Article 60U.K.Reports on infringements

1.Member States shall each year forward to the Commission by 25 January for the period 1 July to 31 December, and by 25 August for the period 1 January to 30 June, a report containing the following information:

(a)the result of action taken in respect of infringements by its vessels; infringements shall be listed annually until the action is concluded;

(b)any significant differences between records of catches in its vessels' logbooks and inspector's estimates of catches onboard the vessels. A difference shall be considered as significant where the inspector's estimate differs from the catch recorded in the logbook by 5 % or more;

(c)details of the progress of the proceedings stating in particular whether the cases are pending, under appeal or under investigation;

(d)a specific description of the penalties imposed, stating in particular the amount of the fines, the value of forfeited fish and/or gear, the written warnings, etc. and

(e)an explanation if no action has been taken.

2.The Commission shall compile a Community report on the basis of the reports of the Member States. It shall send the Community report to the NAFO Secretariat by 1 February and 1 September each year.

Article 61U.K.Reporting on inspection and surveillance activities

1.Each Member State shall report to the Commission by 15 February each year for the previous calendar year on:

(a)the number of inspections it has carried out under the NAFO Scheme specifying the number of inspections on the vessels of each Contracting Party and, where an infringement has been committed, the date and location of the inspection of the vessel concerned and the nature of the suspected infringement;

(b)the number of air hours flown on NAFO surveillance, the number of sightings and the number of surveillance reports that have been drawn up together with the follow-up action that has been taken on these surveillance reports.

2.The Commission shall compile a Community report on the basis of the reports of the Member States. It shall send the Community report to the NAFO Secretariat by 1 March each year.


Article 62U.K.Inspection in port

1.Member States shall ensure that all vessels which enter their ports to land and/or tranship catches from the NAFO Regulatory Area are submitted to an inspection in port. It shall be prohibited to land or tranship such catches until the inspection has been completed. The inspection shall include verification of compliance by Community vessels with any other Community conservation and control measure applying to those vessels.

2.To facilitate the inspections, the Member States shall require masters of fishing vessels or their representatives to provide the competent authorities of the Member States whose ports or landing facilities they wish to use, at least 48 hours before the estimated time of arrival at the port, with the following:

(a)their time of arrival at the port of landing;

(b)a copy of the authorisation to fish;

(c)the quantities in KG live-weight retained onboard;

(d)the Division or Divisions or zones in the NAFO Regulatory Area where the catch was made.

3.The port inspection shall include a verification of at least the following elements:

(a)species and quantities caught;

(b)information from inspections on the vessel carried out under the provisions of Chapter IV;

(c)mesh size of nets on board and size of fish retained onboard.

4.Member States shall ensure that the quantities landed by species and the quantities retained onboard, if any, be cross-checked against quantities recorded in the logbook as well as catch reports on exit from the NAFO Regulatory Area pursuant to Article 21(2)(d).

Article 63U.K.Port inspection reports

1.Member States shall ensure that the port inspection report in Annex XII be used for all port inspections carried out under this Regulation.

2.Member States shall transmit the port inspection report to the Commission within 14 working days of its completion. The Commission shall promptly forward the report to the NAFO Secretariat and, upon request, to the flag State of the vessel.


Article 64U.K.IUU activities carried out by Non-Contracting Party vessels

1.A Non-Contracting Party vessel engaged in fishing activities in the NAFO Regulatory Area shall be presumed to have carried out IUU activities that have undermined the effectiveness of the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO.

2.In the case of transhipment activities involving a sighted identified Non-Contracting Party vessel, inside or outside the NAFO Regulatory Area, the presumption of undermining the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO applies to any other non-Contracting Party vessel which was engaged in those activities with that vessel.

Article 65U.K.Information on Non-Contracting Party vessels

1.If a Member State or Commission inspector sights or by other means identifies a Non-Contracting Party vessel, they shall attempt to inform the vessel that it is presumed to be undermining the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO and that this information will be transmitted to Contracting Parties of NAFO, to other regional fisheries Organisations and to the flag State of the vessel.

2.Member States shall immediately transmit to the Commission information regarding sightings, denial of port access, landings and transhipments, and the results of all inspections at sea or in their ports, and any subsequent action they have taken in respect of the vessel concerned. The Commission shall transmit all information immediately to the NAFO Secretariat.

3.The information referred to in paragraph 2 shall include the name of the Non-Contracting Party vessel and its flag State, the date and the port of inspection, the grounds for a subsequent prohibition of landing and/or transhipment or, where no such prohibition was applied, the evidence presented pursuant to Article 67(3).

4.Member States may at any time submit to the Commission for immediate transmission to the NAFO Secretariat any additional information, which may be relevant to the identification of Non-Contracting Party vessels that might be carrying out IUU fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area.

5.The Commission shall notify Member States each year of the Non-Contracting Party vessels appearing on the IUU list adopted by NAFO.

Article 66U.K.Prohibition against transhipments and joint fishing operations

Community fishing vessels shall be prohibited from receiving or delivering transhipments of fish to or from Non-Contracting Party vessels referred to in Article 63 and from engaging in joint fishing operations with such vessels.

Article 67U.K.Inspection at sea

Inspectors shall, if appropriate, request permission to board a Non-Contracting Party vessel which has been sighted or by other means identified engaging in fishing activities in the Regulatory Area of NAFO. Vessels that consent to be boarded shall be inspected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV.

Article 68U.K.Inspection in port

1.Member States shall ensure that each Non-Contracting Party vessel which enters a designated port within the meaning of Article 28(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 is inspected by their competent authorities. The vessel may not land or tranship any catch until this inspection has been completed.

2.If, on completion of inspection, the competent authorities find that the Non-Contracting Party vessel holds on board any of the stocks or groups of stocks regulated by NAFO or referred to in Annex II to this Regulation, the Member State concerned shall prohibit any landing and/or transhipment of catches from that vessel.

3.However, no such prohibition shall apply if the master of the inspected vessel or his representative proves to the satisfaction of the competent authorities of the Member State concerned that:

(a)the species held on board were caught outside the NAFO Regulatory Area, or

(b)the species held on board and listed in Annex II were caught in accordance with the Conservation and Enforcement Measures of NAFO.

4.A Member State denying landing or transhipment shall inform the master of the vessel concerned of its decision.

Article 69U.K.Measures in respect of IUU vessels

1.The following measures shall apply to vessels that have been placed by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) on the list of IUU vessels in Annex XIII:

(a)Fishing vessels, support vessels, refuel vessels, mother-ship and cargo vessels flying the flag of a Member State shall not in any way assist IUU vessels, engage in fish processing operations or participate in any transhipment or joint fishing operations with vessels on the IUU list;

(b)IUU vessels shall not be supplied in ports with provisions, fuel or other services;

(c)IUU vessels shall not be authorised entry into port of a Member State, except in case of force majeure;

(d)IUU vessels shall not be authorised to change the crew, except as required in relation to force majeure;

(e)IUU vessels shall not be authorised to fish in Community waters and shall be prohibited to be chartered;

(f)Member States shall refuse the granting of their flag to IUU vessels and encourage importers, transporters and other sectors concerned to refrain from negotiating and transhipping fish caught by such vessels;

(g)Imports of fish coming from IUU vessels shall be prohibited.

2.The Commission shall amend the IUU vessels list to be in accordance with the NAFO list as soon as NAFO adopts a new list.


Article 70U.K.Procedure for amendments

The Council, acting by qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, may amend the provisions of this Regulation in order to transpose into Community law NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures which become obligatory for the Community.

Article 71U.K.Repeal

Regulations (EC) No 1262/2000, (EC) No 3069/95, (EC) No 3680/93, (EEC) No 189/92, (EEC) No 1956/88 and (EEC) No 2868/88 are hereby repealed.

Article 72U.K.

This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.



In accordance with a recommendation adopted by STACRES at the 1970 Annual Meeting (ICNAF Redbook 1970, Part I, Page 67), hakes of the Genus Urophycis are designated as follows for statistical reporting: (a) hake reported from Sub-Areas 1, 2, and 3, and Divisions 4R, S, T and V be designated as white hake, Urophycis tenuis; (b) hake taken by line gears or any hake greater than 55 cm standard length, regardless of how caught, from Divisions 4W and X, Sub-Area 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as white hake, Urophycis tennuis; (c) Except as noted in (b), other hake of the Genus Urophycis taken in Divisions 4W and X, Sub-Area 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as red hake, Urophycis chuss.

Common English nameScientific Name3-Alpha Code
Atlantic Cod Gadus morhuaCOD
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinusHAD
Atlantic redfishes Sebastes sp.RED
Golden redfish Sebastes marinusREG
Beaked redfish (deepwater) Sebastes mentellaREB
Acadian redfish Sebastes fasciatusREN
Silver hake Merluccius bilinearisHKS
Red hakea Urophycis chussHKR
Pollock (= Saithe) Pollachius virensPOK
American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoidesPLA
Witch flounder Glyptocephalus cynoglossusWIT
Yellowtail flounder Limanda ferrugineaYEL
Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesGHL
Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossusHAL
Winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanusFLW
Summer flounder Paralichthys dentatusFLS
Windowpane flounder Scophthalmus aquosusFLD
Flatfishes (NS) PleuronectiformesFLX
American angler (= Goosefish) Lophius americanusANG
Atlantic searobins Prionotus sp.SRA
Atlantic tomcod Microgadus tomcodTOM
Blue antimora Antimora rostrataANT
Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassouWHB
Cunner Tautogolabrus adspersusCUN
Cusk (= Tusk) Brosme brosmeUSK
Greenland cod Gadus ogacGRC
Blue ling Molva dypterygiaBLI
Ling Molva molvaLIN
Lumpfish = (Lumpsucker) Cyclopterus lumpusLUM
Northern kingfish Menticirrhus saxatilisKGF
Northern puffer Sphaeroides maculatusPUF
Eelpouts (NS) Lycodes sp.ELZ
Ocean pout Macrozoarces americanusOPT
Polar cod Boreogadus saidaPOC
Roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestrisRNG
Roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglaxRHG
Sandeels (= Sand Lances) Ammodytes sp.SAN
Sculpins Myoxocephalus sp.SCU
Scup Stenotomus chrysopsSCP
Tautog Tautoga onitisTAU
Tilefish Lopholatilus chamaeleonticepsTIL
White hakea Urophycis tenuisHKW
Wolffishes (NS) Anarhicas sp.CAT
Atlantic wolffish Anarhichas lupusCAA
Spotted wolffish Anarhichas minorCAS
Groundfish (NS)GRO
Atlantic herring Clupea harengusHER
Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrusMAC
Atlantic butterfish Peprilus triacanthusBUT
Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannusMHA
Atlantic saury Scomberesox saurusSAU
Bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilliANB
Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrixBLU
Crevalle jack Caranx hipposCVJ
Frigate tuna Auxis thazardFRI
King mackerel Scomberomourus cavallaKGM
Atlantic Spanish mackerel Scomberomourus maculatusSSM
Sailfish Istiophorus platypterusSAI
White marlin Tetrapturus albidusWHM
Blue marlin Makaira nigricansBUM
Swordfish Xiphias gladiusSWO
Albacore tuna Thunnus alalungaALB
Atlantic bonito Sarda sardaBON
Little tunny Euthynnus alletteratusLTA
Bigeye tunny Thunnus obesusBET
Northern bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnusBFT
Skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamisSKJ
Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacaresYFT
Tunas (NS)ScombridaeTUN
Pelagic fish (NS)PEL
Long-finned squid (Loligo) Loligo pealeiSQL
Short-finned squid (Illex) Illex illecebrosusSQI
Squids (NS)Loliginidae, OmmastrephidaeSQU
Atlantic razor clam Ensis directusCLR
Hard clam Mercenaria mercenariaCLH
Ocean quahog Arctica islandicaCLQ
Soft clam Mya arenariaCLS
Surf clam Spisula solidissimaCLB
Stimpson's surf clam Spisula polynymaCLT
Clams (NS)Prionodesmacea, TeleodesmaceaCLX
Bay scallop Argopecten irradiansSCB
Calico scallop Argopecten gibbusSCC
Iceland scallop Chlamys islandicaISC
Sea scallop Placopecten magellanicusSCA
Scallops (NS)PectinidaeSCX
American cupped oyster Crassostrea virginicaOYA
Blue mussel Mytilus edulisMUS
Whelks (NS) Busycon sp.WHX
Periwinkles (NS) Littorina sp.PER
Marine molluscs (NS)MolluscaMOL
Atlantic rock crab Cancer irroratusCRK
Blue crab Callinectes sapidusCRB
Green crab Carcinus maenasCRG
Jonah crab Cancer borealisCRJ
Queen crab Chionoecetes opilioCRQ
Red crab Geryon quinquedensCRR
Stone king crab Lithodes maiaKCT
Marine crabs (NS)ReptantiaCRA
American lobster Homarus americanusLBA
Northern prawn Pandalus borealisPRA
Aesop shrimp Pandalus montaguiAES
Penaeus shirmps (NS) Penaeus sp.PEN
Pink (= Pandalid) shrimps Pandalus sp.PAN
Marine crustaceans (NS)CrustaceaCRU
Sea-urchin Strongylocentrotus sp.URC
Marine worms (NS) PolychaetaWOR
Horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemusHSC
Marine invertebrates (NS)InvertebrataINV
Other fish
Alewife Alosa pseudoharengusALE
Amberjacks Seriola sp.AMX
American conger Conger oceanicusCOA
American eel Anguilla rostrataELA
Atlantic hagfish Myxine glutinosaMYG
American shad Alosa sapidissimaSHA
Argentines (NS) Argentina sp.ARG
Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatusCKA
Atlantic needlefish Strongylura marinaNFA
Atlantic salmon Salmo salarSAL
Atlantic silverside Menidia menidiaSSA
Atlantic thread herring Opisthonema oglinumTHA
Barid's slickhead Alepocephalus bairdiiALC
Black drum Pogonias cromisBDM
Black seabass Centropristis striataBSB
Blueback herring Alosa aestivalisBBH
Capelin Mallotus villosusCAP
Chars (NS) Salvelinus sp.CHR
Cobia Rachycentron canadumCBA
Common (Florida) pompano Trachinotus carolinusPOM
Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianumSHG
Grunts (NS) PomadasyidaeGRX
Hickory shad Alosa mediocrisSHH
Lanternfish Notoscopelus sp.LAX
Mullets (NS) MugilidaeMUL
North Atlantic harvestfish Peprilus alepidotus (= paru)HVF
Pigfish Orthopristis chrysopteraPIG
Rainbow smelt Osmerus mordaxSMR
Red drum Sciaenops ocellatusRDM
Red porgy Pagrus pagrusRPG
Rough scad Trachurus lathamiRSC
Sand perch Diplectrum formosumPES
Sheepshead Archosargus probatocephalusSPH
Spot croaker Leiostomus xanthurusSPT
Spotted weakfish Cynoscion nebulosusSWF
Squeteague (Gray Weakfish) Cynoscion regalisSTG
Striped bass Morone saxatilisSTB
Sturgeons (NS) AcipenseridaeSTU
Tarpon Tarpon (= megalops) atlanticusTAR
Trouts (NS) Salmo sp.TRO
White perch Morone americanaPEW
Alfonsinos (NS) Beryx sp.ALF
Spiny (= picked) dogfish Squalus acantiasDGS
Dogfishes (NS) SqualidaeDGX
Sand Tiger shark Odontaspis taurusCCT
Porbeagle Lamna nasusPOR
Shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchusSMA
Dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurusDUS
Great Blue shark Prionace glaucaBSH
Large sharks (NS) SqualiformesSHX
Atlantic Sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovaRHT
Black Dogfish Centroscyllium fabriciiCFB
Boreal (Greenland) shark Somniosus microcephalusGSK
Basking shark Cetorhinus maximusBSK
Skates (NS) Raja sp.SKA
Little skate Leucoraja erinaceaRJD
Arctic skate Amblyraja hyperboreaRJG
Barndoor skate Dipturus laevisRJL
Winter skate Leucoraja ocellataRJT
Thorny skate (Starry Ray) Amblyraja radiataRJR
Smooth skate Malcoraja sentaRJS
Spinytail skate (Spinetail Ray) Bathyraja spinicaudaRJO
Finfishes (NS)FIN


The list that follows is a list of stocks that need to be reported in accordance with Article 22.

ANG/N3NO Lophius americanus American angler
CAA/N3LMN Anarhichas lupus Atlantic wolffish
CAP/N3LM Mallotus villosus Capelin
CAT/N3LMN Anarhichas spp. Catfishes (Wolffishes) nei
HAD/N3LNO Melanogrammus aeglefinus Haddock
HAL/N23KL Hippoglossus hippoglossus Atlantic halibut
HAL/N3M Hippoglossus hippoglossus Atlantic halibut
HAL/N3NO Hippoglossus hippoglossus Atlantic halibut
HER/N3L Clupea harengus Herring
HKR/N2J3KL Urophycis chuss Red hake
HKR/N3MNO Urophycis chuss Red hake
HKS/N3LMNO Merlucius bilinearis Silver hake
RNG/N23 Coryphaenoides rupestris Roundnose grenadier
HKW/N2J3KL Urophycis tenuis White hake
POK/N3O Pollachius virens Pollock (= Saithe)
PRA/N3M Pandalus borealis Northern prawn
RHG/N23 Macrourus berglax Roughhead grenadier
SKA/N2J3K Raja spp. Skates
SKA/N3M Raja spp. Skates
SQI/N56 Illex illecebrosus Short-fin squid
VFF/N3LMN Fishes unsorted, unidentified
WIT/N3M Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Witch flounder
YEL/N3M Limanda ferruginea Yellow-tail flounder]



Lower size for green salted fish.

SpeciesGilled and gutted fish whether or not skinned;fresh or chilled, frozen, or salted
WholeHead offHead and tail offHead off and split
Atlantic cod41 cm27 cm22 cm27/25 cma
Greenland halibut30 cmN/AN/AN/A
American plaice25 cm19 cm15 cmN/A
Yellowtail flounder25 cm19 cm15 cmN/A




When two or more types of gear are used in the same 24-hour period, records should be separate for the different types.

Item of information Standard Code
Vessel name01
Vessel nationality02
Vessel registration number03
Registration port04
Types of gear used (separate record for different gear types)10
Type of gearDate — day20
  • month,

  • year,

Position — latitude31
  • longitude,

  • statistical area,

a Number of hauls during the 24-hour period40
a Number of hours gear fished during the 24-hour period41
Species names (Annex II)
Daily catch of each species (metric tons round fresh weight)50
Daily catch of each species for human consumption in the form of fish61
Daily catch of each species for reduction62
Daily discard of each species63
Place(s) of transhipment70
Date(s) of transhipment71
Master's signature80

Gear codesU.K.


Fisheries agencies may indicate side and stern bottom and side and stern midwater trawls, as OTB-1 and OTB-2, and OTM-1 and OTM-2, respectively.


Including jigging lines.


Code LDV for dory operated line gears will be maintained for historical data purposes.


This item includes: hand and landing nets, drive-in-nets, gathering by hand with simple hand implements with or without diving equipment, poisons and explosives, trained animals, electrical fishing.

Gear categoriesStandard abbreviationcode
With purse lines (purse seines)PS
One boat operated purse seinesPS1
Two boat operated purse seinesPS2
Without purse lines (lampara)LA
Boat or vessel seinesSV
Danish seinesSDN
Scottish seinesSSC
Pair seinesSPR
Seine nets (not specified)SX
Bottom trawls
Beam trawlsTBB
Otter trawlsaOTB
Pair trawlsPTB
Nephrops trawlsTBN
Shrimp trawlsTBS
Bottom trawls (not specified)TB
Midwater trawls
Otter trawlsOTM
Pair trawlsPTM
Shrimp trawlsTMS
Midwater trawls (not specified)TM
Otter twin trawlsOTT
Otter trawls (not specified)OT
Pair trawls (not specified)PT
Other trawls (not specified)TX
Boat dredgesDRB
Hand dredgesDRH
Portable lift netsLNP
Boat operated lift netsLNB
Shore operated stationary lift netsLNS
Lift nets (not specified)LN
Cast netsFCN
Falling gear (not specified)FG
Set gillnets (anchored)GNS
Drift netsGND
Encircling gillnetsGNC
Fixed gillnets (on stakes)GNF
Trammel netsGTR
Combined gillnets-Trammel netsGTN
Gillnets and entangling nets (not specified)GEN
Gillnets (not specified)GN
Stationary uncovered pound-netsFPN
Fyke netsFYK
Stow netsFSN
Barriers, fences, weirs, etc.FWR
Aerial trapsFAR
Traps (not specified)FIX
Hand-lines and pole-lines (hand operated)bLHP
Hand-lines and pole-lines (mechanised)LHM
Set lines (longlines set)LLS
Drifting longlinesLLD
Longlines (not specified)LL
Trolling linesLTL
Hooks and lines (not specified)cLX
Mechanised dredgesHMD
Harvesting machines (not specified)HMX

Fishing vessel codesU.K.

1.Main vessel typesU.K.

NEI = Not elsewhere identified

FAO CodeType of vessel
BOProtection vessel
COFish training vessel
DBDredger non continuous
DMDredger continuous
DODredger NEI
FOFish carrier
FXFishing vessel NEI
GOGill netter
HOXMother ship NEI
HSFFactory mother ship
KOHospital ship
LHHand liner
LLLong liner
LPPole and line vessel
MOMultipurpose vessels
MSNSeiner hand liner
MTGTrawler drifter
MTSTrawler purse seiner
NBLift netter tender
NOLift netter
NOXLift netter NEI
POVessel using pumps
SNSeine netter
SPPurse seiner
SPEPurse seiner european
SPTTuna purse seiner
TOXTrawlers NEI
TSSide trawler
TSFSide trawler freezer
TSWSide trawler wetfish
TTStern trawler
TTFStern trawler freezer
TTPStern trawler factory
TUOutrigger trawlers
WOTrap setter
WOPPot vessels
WOXTrap setters NEI
ZOFish research vessel
2.Main vessel activitiesU.K.
ALFA CodeCategory
TRXTranshipping on or off loading
OTHOthers — to be specified



1.ICNAF-type topside chaferU.K.

The ICNAF-type topside chafer is a rectangular piece of netting to be attached to the upper side of the codend of the trawl net to reduce and prevent damage so long as such netting conforms to the following conditions:


this netting shall have a mesh size not less than that specified for the codend in Article 5;


this netting may be fastened to the codend only along the forward and lateral edges of the netting and at no other place in it, and shall be fastened in such a manner that it extends forward of the splitting strap no more than four meshes and ends not less than four meshes in front of the cod line mesh; where a splitting strap is not used, the netting shall not extend to more than one-third of the codend measured from not less than four meshes in front of the cod line mesh;


the width of this netting shall be at least one and a half times the width of the Area of the codend which is covered, such widths to be measured at right angles to the long axis of the codend.

2.Multiple flap-type topside chaferU.K.

The multiple flap-type topside chafer is defined as pieces of netting having in all their parts meshes the size of which, whether the pieces of netting are wet or dry, is not less than that of the codend, provided that:


each piece of netting


is fastened by its forward edge only across the codend at right angles to its long axis;


is of a width of at least the width of the codend (such width being measured at right angles to the long axis of the codend at the point of attachment); and


is not more than 10 meshes long; and


the aggregate length of all the pieces of netting so attached does not exceed two-thirds of the length of the codend.


3.Large-mesh (modified Polish-type) topside chaferU.K.

The large-mesh topside chafer consists of a rectangular piece of netting made of the same twine material as the codend, or of a single, thick, knotless twine material, attached to the rear portion of the upper side of the codend and extending over all or any part of the upper side of the codend and having in all its parts a mesh size twice that of the codend when measured wet and fastened to the codend along the forward, lateral and rear edges only of the netting in such a way that each mesh of the netting coincides with four meshes of the codend.


Toggle chains are chains, ropes, or a combination of both, which attach the footrope to the fishing line or bolchline at varying intervals. The terms ‘fishing line’ and ‘bolchline’ are interchangeable. Some vessels use one line only; others use both a fishing line and a bolchline as shown in the sketch. The toggle chain length shall be measured from the centre of the chain or wire running through the footrope (centre of footrope) to the underside of the fishing line.

The attached sketch shows how to measure the toggle chain length.


1.‘Catch on entry’ reportU.K.

Data element:Field codeMandatory/OptionalRemarks:
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
FromFRMName of transmitting party
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO
Sequence numberSQMMessage detail; serial number in current year
Type of messageTMMMessage detail; message type, ‘COE’ as entry report
Radio call signRCMVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Trip numberTNOActivity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year
Vessel nameNAOVessel registration detail; name of the vessel
Master nameMAMName of the master of vessel
External registration numberXROVessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel.
LatitudeLAMActivity detail; position at time of transmission
LongitudeLOMActivity detail; position at time of transmission
Relevant areaRAMNAFO Division into which the vessel is about to enter
DateDAMMessage detail; date of transmission
TimeTIMMessage detail; time of transmission
On boardOBMTotal round weight of fish by species (3-alpha code) on board upon entry into the NAFO Regulatory Area in kilograms rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms. Allow several pairs of fields, consisting of species + 9 weight, with each field separated by a space, e.g.//OB/species weight species weight species weight//
Directed speciesDSMDirected species. Allow several species to be entered with the value separated by spaces, e.g.//DS/species species species//
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record

2.‘Entry’ reportU.K.

Data element:Field codeMandatory/OptionalRemarks:
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
FromFRMName of transmitting Party
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO
Sequence numberSQMMessage detail; serial number in current year
Type of messageTMMMessage detail; message type, ‘ENT’ as Entry report
Radio call signRCMVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Trip numberTNOActivity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year
Vessel nameNAOVessel registration detail; name of the vessel
External registration numberXROVessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel.
LatitudeLAMActivity detail; position at time of transmission
LongitudeLOMActivity detail; position at time of transmission
Relevant areaRAMNAFO Division into which the vessel has entered
DateDAMMessage detail; date of transmission
TimeTIMMessage detail; time of transmission
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record

[F23. Catch report U.K.


Optional if a vessel is subject to satellite tracking.]

Data element Field code Mandatory/optional Remarks
Start record SR M System detail; indicates start of record
Address AD M Message detail; destination, XNW for NAFO
From FR M Name of transmitting party
Sequence number SQ M Message detail; message serial number in current year
Type of message TM M Message detail; message type, CAT as catch report
Radio call sign RC M Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Trip number TN O Activity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year
Vessel name NA O Vessel registration detail; name of the vessel

Contracting Party

Internal reference


IR O Vessel registration detail; unique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 flag state code followed by number
External registration number XR O Vessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel
Relevant area RA M NAFO Division into which the vessel has entered
Latitude LA M a Activity detail; position at time of transmission
Longitude LO M a Activity detail; position at time of transmission
Catches CA Activity detail; cumulative catch by species retained on board, either since commencement of fishing in RA or last Catch report, in pairs as needed.
Species M FAO species code
Live weight M Live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms
Days fished DF M Activity detail; number of fishing days in the NAFO Regulatory area since commencement of fishing or last Catch report
Date DA M Message detail; date of transmission
Time TI M Message detail; time of transmission
End of record ER M System detail; indicates end of the record

4.‘Transhipment’ reportU.K.


Whichever one is appropriate.


Optional for reports sent by the receiving vessel after the transhipment.

Data element:Field scode:Mandatory/OptionalRemarks:
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
FromFRMName of transmitting Party
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO
Sequence numberSQMMessage detail; message serial number in current year
Type of messageTMMMessage detail; message type, ‘TRA’ as Transhipment report
Radio call signRCMVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Trip numberTNOActivity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year
Vessel nameNAOVessel registration detail; name of the vessel
Name of masterMAOName of master of vessel
External registration numberXROVessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel
Quantity on-loaded or off-loadedKGQuantity by species on-loaded or off-loaded in the R.A., in pairs as needed.
SpeciesMFAO species code
Live weightMlive weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms,
Transhipped toTTMaVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the receiving vessel
Transhipped fromTFMaVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the donor vessel
LatitudeLAMbActivity detail; estimated latitude where the master intends to do the transhipment
LongitudeLOMbActivity detail; estimated longitude where the master intends to do the transhipment
Predicted date PD M b Activity detail; estimated date UTC when the master intends to do the transhipment (YYYYMMDD)
Predicted time PT M b Activity detail; estimated time UTC when the master intends to do the transhipment (HHMM)
DateDAMMessage detail; date of transmission
TimeTIMMessage detail; time of transmission
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record

5.‘Catch on exit’ reportU.K.

Data elementField codeMandatory/OptionalRemarks:
Start record SRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
Address ADMMessage detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO
From FRMName of transmitting party
Sequence number SQMMessage detail; message serial number in current year
Type of message TMMMessage detail; ‘COX’ as exit report
Radio call sign RCMVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Trip numberTNOActivity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year
Vessel name NAOVessel registration detail; name of the vessel
Master name MAMName of master of vessel
External registration number XROVessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel
Latitude LAMActivity detail; position at time of transmission
Longitude LOMActivity detail; position at time of transmission
Relevant area RAMNAFO Area from which the vessel is about to exit
Catch CAActivity detail; Cumulative catch retained on board by species, either since commencement of fishing in the R.A. or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed.
SpeciesMFAO species code
Live weightMlive weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms
Days fishedDFMActivity detail; number of fishing days in the NAFO Regulatory Area either since commencement of fishing or last ‘Catch’ report
Date DAMMessage detail; date of transmission
Time TIMMessage detail; time of transmission
End of record ERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record

6.‘Exit’ reportU.K.

Data elementField codeMandatory/OptionalRemarks:
Start record SRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
Address ADMMessage detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO
From FRMName of transmitting party
Sequence number SQMMessage detail; message serial number in current year
Type of message TMMMessage detail; ‘EXI’ as exit report
Radio call sign RCMVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Trip numberTNOActivity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year
Vessel name NAOVessel registration detail; name of the vessel
Master name MAMName of master of vessel
External registration number XROVessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel
Latitude LAMActivity detail; position at time of transmission
Longitude LOMActivity detail; position at time of transmission
Date DAMMessage detail; date of transmission
Time TIMMessage detail; time of transmission
End of record ERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record

7.‘Port of landing’ reportU.K.


Optional if a vessel is subject to satellite tracking.

Data element:Field code:Mandatory/OptionalRemarks:
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
FromFRMName of transmitting Party
AddressADMMessage detail; destination ‘XNW’ for NAFO
Sequence numberSQMMessage detail; serial number of the report from the vessel in the relevant year
Type of messageTMMMessage detail; message type, ‘POR’
Radio call signRCMVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Trip numberTNOActivity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year
Vessel nameNAOVessel registration detail; name of the vessel
Name of masterMAOName of master of vessel
External registration numberXROVessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel
7.1. Latitude
LAMaActivity detail; position at time of transmission
LongitudeLOMaActivity detail; position at time of transmission
Coastal StateCSMActivity detail; coastal State of port of landing
Name of portPOMActivity detail; name of port of landing
Predicted datePDMActivity detail; estimated date UTC when the master intends to be in port (YYYYMMDD)
Predicted timePTMActivity detail; estimated time UTC when the master intends to be in port (HHMM)
Quantity to be landedKGMActivity detail; quantity by species to be landed in the port, in pairs as needed.
SpeciesFAO species code
Live weightLive weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms
Quantity on boardOBMActivity detail; quantity by species on board, in pairs as needed
speciesFAO species code
live weightLive weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms
DateDAMMessage detail; UTC date of transmission
TimeTIMMessage detail; UTC time of transmission
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record


ANNEX IXU.K.Report of inspection

ANNEX XU.K.NAFO Inspection Seal

The NAFO Inspection Seal shall be as follows:

Name … LOB TAG

Mark … ‘NAFO Inspection No of six digits’

Material … polyethylene recyclable

Colour … orange

Melt index … 6,70,6 (by international standard)

Density … 953 0,003 (by international standard)

Breaking point (load) … min. 45 kg (to 20 oC)

ANNEX XIU.K.Surveillance report form

[F2ANNEX XII U.K. Port inspection report]

F3ANNEX XIIIU.K. [F3List of NAFO IUU vessels]

[ F3 ]


1.Daily catch report — Chapter VII (CAX)U.K.


Optional if a vessel is subject to satellite tracking


Meaning the first ‘Catch Report’ in current fishing trip in the R.A.

Data elementCodeMandatory/OptionalRemarks
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO
Sequence numberSQMMessage detail; message serial number in current year
Type of messageTMMMessage detail; message type, ‘CAX’ as Catch report
Radio call signRCMVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Trip numberTNOActivity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year
Vessel nameNAOVessel registration detail; name of the vessel

Contracting Party

Internal Reference


IROVessel registration detail; unique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 Flag State code followed by number
External registration numberXROVessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel
Relevant areaRAMActivity detail: NAFO Division
LatitudeLAMaActivity detail; position at time of transmission
LongitudeLOMaActivity detail; position at time of transmission
Daily catchesCAActivity detail; cumulative catch by species retained on board (exclusive of discards), either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed.
speciesMFAO species code
live weightMLive weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms
DiscardingRJMActivity detail; discarded catch by species, either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed.
SpeciesFAO species code
Live weightLive weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms
UndersizeUSMActivity detail; undersize catch by species, either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed.
SpeciesFAO species code
Live weightLive weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms
DateDAMMessage detail; date of transmission
TimeTIMMessage detail; time of transmission
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record

2.Observer report (OBR)U.K.


Directed species is the species which represents the greatest catch for that day.


Meaning the first ‘Catch Report’ in current fishing trip in the R.A.


Only to be transmitted if relevant


‘Yes’ if the observer approves the Log Book entries by the captain


‘Yes’ if the observer approves the Hails transmitted by the captain


‘Yes’ if an infringement is observed


Mandatory if ‘LB’ = ‘No’, or ‘HA’ = ‘No’, or ‘AF’ = ‘Yes’

Data elementCodeMandatory/OptionalRemarks
Start recordSRMSystem detail; indicates start of record
AddressADMMessage detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO
Sequence numberSQMMessage detail; message serial number in current year
Type of messageTMMMessage detail; message type, ‘OBR’ as Observer report
Radio call signRCMVessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel
Fishing gearGEMActivity detail; FAO code for fishing gear
Directed speciesaDSMActivity detail; FAO species code
Mesh sizeMEMActivity detail; average mesh size in millimeters
Relevant areaRAMActivity detail; NAFO Division
Daily catchesCA



Activity detail; cumulative catch by species retained on board, (exclusive of discards), either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed.
SpeciesFAO species code
Live weightLive weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms
DiscardingRJMcActivity detail; discarded catch by species, either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed.
SpeciesFAO species code
Live weightLive weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms
UndersizeUSMcActivity detail; undersize catch by species, either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed.
SpeciesFAO species code
Live weightLive weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms
Log bookLBMActivity detail; ‘Yes’ or ‘No’d
ProductionPRMActivity detail; code for the production. See Annex XIV(b)
HailsHAMActivity detail; observers verification if the reports made by the captain are correct, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’e
Apparent infringementsAFMActivity detail; ‘Yes’ or ‘No’f
Observer nameONMMessage detail; name of the observer signing the report
DateDAMMessage detail; date of transmission
Free textMSOgActivity detail; for further comments by the observer
TimeTIMMessage detail; time of transmission
End of recordERMSystem detail; indicates end of the record


Product form codes

Code Product form
A Round — Frozen
B Round — Frozen (cooked)
C Gutted head on — Frozen
D Gutted head off — Frozen
E Gutted head off — Trimmed — Frozen
F Skinless fillets — Bone in — Frozen
G Skinless fillets — Boneless — Frozen
H Skin on fillets — Bone in — Frozen
I Skin on fillets — Boneless — Frozen
J Salted fish
K Pickled fish
L Canned products
M Oil
N Meal produced from whole fish
O Meal produced from offal
P Other (specify)]

Opinion delivered on 7 June 2007 (not yet published in the Official Journal).


OJ L 378, 30.12.1978, p. 1. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 653/80 (OJ L 74, 20.3.1980, p. 1).


OJ L 175, 6.7.1988, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 3067/95 (OJ L 329, 30.12.1995, p. 1).


OJ L 257, 17.9.1988, p. 20. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 494/97 (OJ L 77, 19.3.1997, p. 5).


OJ L 21, 30.1.1992, p. 4. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1048/97 (OJ L 154, 12.6.1997, p. 1).


OJ L 341, 31.12.1993, p. 42. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1043/94 (OJ L 114, 5.5.1994, p. 1).


OJ L 329, 30.12.1995, p. 5. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 855/2004 (OJ L 161, 30.4.2004, p. 1).


OJ L 16, 20.1.2006, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2017/2006 (OJ L 384, 29.12.2006, p. 44).


OJ L 358, 31.12.2002, p. 59. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 865/2007 of 10 July 2007 (OJ L 192, 24.7.2007, p. 1).


OJ L 261, 20.10.1993, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 (OJ L 409, 30.12.2006, p. 11).


OJ L 5, 9.1.2004, p. 25. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1799/2006 (OJ L 341, 7.12.2006, p. 26).


OJ L 17, 21.1.2000, p. 22. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1759/2006 (OJ L 335, 1.12.2006, p. 3).


Fish size refers to fork length for Atlantic cod, whole length for other species.