a In accordance with a recommendation adopted by STACRES at the 1970 Annual Meeting (ICNAF Redbook 1970, Part I, Page 67), hakes of the Genus Urophycis are designated as follows for statistical reporting: (a) hake reported from Sub-Areas 1, 2, and 3, and Divisions 4R, S, T and V be designated as white hake, Urophycis tenuis; (b) hake taken by line gears or any hake greater than 55 cm standard length, regardless of how caught, from Divisions 4W and X, Sub-Area 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as white hake, Urophycis tennuis; (c) Except as noted in (b), other hake of the Genus Urophycis taken in Divisions 4W and X, Sub-Area 5 and Statistical Area 6 be designated as red hake, Urophycis chuss. | ||
Common English name | Scientific Name | 3-Alpha Code |
Groundfish | ||
Atlantic Cod | Gadus morhua | COD |
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | HAD |
Atlantic redfishes | Sebastes sp. | RED |
Golden redfish | Sebastes marinus | REG |
Beaked redfish (deepwater) | Sebastes mentella | REB |
Acadian redfish | Sebastes fasciatus | REN |
Silver hake | Merluccius bilinearis | HKS |
Red hakea | Urophycis chuss | HKR |
Pollock (= Saithe) | Pollachius virens | POK |
American plaice | Hippoglossoides platessoides | PLA |
Witch flounder | Glyptocephalus cynoglossus | WIT |
Yellowtail flounder | Limanda ferruginea | YEL |
Greenland halibut | Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | GHL |
Atlantic halibut | Hippoglossus hippoglossus | HAL |
Winter flounder | Pseudopleuronectes americanus | FLW |
Summer flounder | Paralichthys dentatus | FLS |
Windowpane flounder | Scophthalmus aquosus | FLD |
Flatfishes (NS) | Pleuronectiformes | FLX |
American angler (= Goosefish) | Lophius americanus | ANG |
Atlantic searobins | Prionotus sp. | SRA |
Atlantic tomcod | Microgadus tomcod | TOM |
Blue antimora | Antimora rostrata | ANT |
Blue whiting | Micromesistius poutassou | WHB |
Cunner | Tautogolabrus adspersus | CUN |
Cusk (= Tusk) | Brosme brosme | USK |
Greenland cod | Gadus ogac | GRC |
Blue ling | Molva dypterygia | BLI |
Ling | Molva molva | LIN |
Lumpfish = (Lumpsucker) | Cyclopterus lumpus | LUM |
Northern kingfish | Menticirrhus saxatilis | KGF |
Northern puffer | Sphaeroides maculatus | PUF |
Eelpouts (NS) | Lycodes sp. | ELZ |
Ocean pout | Macrozoarces americanus | OPT |
Polar cod | Boreogadus saida | POC |
Roundnose grenadier | Coryphaenoides rupestris | RNG |
Roughhead grenadier | Macrourus berglax | RHG |
Sandeels (= Sand Lances) | Ammodytes sp. | SAN |
Sculpins | Myoxocephalus sp. | SCU |
Scup | Stenotomus chrysops | SCP |
Tautog | Tautoga onitis | TAU |
Tilefish | Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps | TIL |
White hakea | Urophycis tenuis | HKW |
Wolffishes (NS) | Anarhicas sp. | CAT |
Atlantic wolffish | Anarhichas lupus | CAA |
Spotted wolffish | Anarhichas minor | CAS |
Groundfish (NS) | GRO | |
Pelagics | ||
Atlantic herring | Clupea harengus | HER |
Atlantic mackerel | Scomber scombrus | MAC |
Atlantic butterfish | Peprilus triacanthus | BUT |
Atlantic menhaden | Brevoortia tyrannus | MHA |
Atlantic saury | Scomberesox saurus | SAU |
Bay anchovy | Anchoa mitchilli | ANB |
Bluefish | Pomatomus saltatrix | BLU |
Crevalle jack | Caranx hippos | CVJ |
Frigate tuna | Auxis thazard | FRI |
King mackerel | Scomberomourus cavalla | KGM |
Atlantic Spanish mackerel | Scomberomourus maculatus | SSM |
Sailfish | Istiophorus platypterus | SAI |
White marlin | Tetrapturus albidus | WHM |
Blue marlin | Makaira nigricans | BUM |
Swordfish | Xiphias gladius | SWO |
Albacore tuna | Thunnus alalunga | ALB |
Atlantic bonito | Sarda sarda | BON |
Little tunny | Euthynnus alletteratus | LTA |
Bigeye tunny | Thunnus obesus | BET |
Northern bluefin tuna | Thunnus thynnus | BFT |
Skipjack tuna | Katsuwonus pelamis | SKJ |
Yellowfin tuna | Thunnus albacares | YFT |
Tunas (NS) | Scombridae | TUN |
Pelagic fish (NS) | PEL | |
Invertebrates | ||
Long-finned squid (Loligo) | Loligo pealei | SQL |
Short-finned squid (Illex) | Illex illecebrosus | SQI |
Squids (NS) | Loliginidae, Ommastrephidae | SQU |
Atlantic razor clam | Ensis directus | CLR |
Hard clam | Mercenaria mercenaria | CLH |
Ocean quahog | Arctica islandica | CLQ |
Soft clam | Mya arenaria | CLS |
Surf clam | Spisula solidissima | CLB |
Stimpson's surf clam | Spisula polynyma | CLT |
Clams (NS) | Prionodesmacea, Teleodesmacea | CLX |
Bay scallop | Argopecten irradians | SCB |
Calico scallop | Argopecten gibbus | SCC |
Iceland scallop | Chlamys islandica | ISC |
Sea scallop | Placopecten magellanicus | SCA |
Scallops (NS) | Pectinidae | SCX |
American cupped oyster | Crassostrea virginica | OYA |
Blue mussel | Mytilus edulis | MUS |
Whelks (NS) | Busycon sp. | WHX |
Periwinkles (NS) | Littorina sp. | PER |
Marine molluscs (NS) | Mollusca | MOL |
Atlantic rock crab | Cancer irroratus | CRK |
Blue crab | Callinectes sapidus | CRB |
Green crab | Carcinus maenas | CRG |
Jonah crab | Cancer borealis | CRJ |
Queen crab | Chionoecetes opilio | CRQ |
Red crab | Geryon quinquedens | CRR |
Stone king crab | Lithodes maia | KCT |
Marine crabs (NS) | Reptantia | CRA |
American lobster | Homarus americanus | LBA |
Northern prawn | Pandalus borealis | PRA |
Aesop shrimp | Pandalus montagui | AES |
Penaeus shirmps (NS) | Penaeus sp. | PEN |
Pink (= Pandalid) shrimps | Pandalus sp. | PAN |
Marine crustaceans (NS) | Crustacea | CRU |
Sea-urchin | Strongylocentrotus sp. | URC |
Marine worms (NS) | Polychaeta | WOR |
Horseshoe crab | Limulus polyphemus | HSC |
Marine invertebrates (NS) | Invertebrata | INV |
Other fish | ||
Alewife | Alosa pseudoharengus | ALE |
Amberjacks | Seriola sp. | AMX |
American conger | Conger oceanicus | COA |
American eel | Anguilla rostrata | ELA |
Atlantic hagfish | Myxine glutinosa | MYG |
American shad | Alosa sapidissima | SHA |
Argentines (NS) | Argentina sp. | ARG |
Atlantic croaker | Micropogonias undulatus | CKA |
Atlantic needlefish | Strongylura marina | NFA |
Atlantic salmon | Salmo salar | SAL |
Atlantic silverside | Menidia menidia | SSA |
Atlantic thread herring | Opisthonema oglinum | THA |
Barid's slickhead | Alepocephalus bairdii | ALC |
Black drum | Pogonias cromis | BDM |
Black seabass | Centropristis striata | BSB |
Blueback herring | Alosa aestivalis | BBH |
Capelin | Mallotus villosus | CAP |
Chars (NS) | Salvelinus sp. | CHR |
Cobia | Rachycentron canadum | CBA |
Common (Florida) pompano | Trachinotus carolinus | POM |
Gizzard shad | Dorosoma cepedianum | SHG |
Grunts (NS) | Pomadasyidae | GRX |
Hickory shad | Alosa mediocris | SHH |
Lanternfish | Notoscopelus sp. | LAX |
Mullets (NS) | Mugilidae | MUL |
North Atlantic harvestfish | Peprilus alepidotus (= paru) | HVF |
Pigfish | Orthopristis chrysoptera | PIG |
Rainbow smelt | Osmerus mordax | SMR |
Red drum | Sciaenops ocellatus | RDM |
Red porgy | Pagrus pagrus | RPG |
Rough scad | Trachurus lathami | RSC |
Sand perch | Diplectrum formosum | PES |
Sheepshead | Archosargus probatocephalus | SPH |
Spot croaker | Leiostomus xanthurus | SPT |
Spotted weakfish | Cynoscion nebulosus | SWF |
Squeteague (Gray Weakfish) | Cynoscion regalis | STG |
Striped bass | Morone saxatilis | STB |
Sturgeons (NS) | Acipenseridae | STU |
Tarpon | Tarpon (= megalops) atlanticus | TAR |
Trouts (NS) | Salmo sp. | TRO |
White perch | Morone americana | PEW |
Alfonsinos (NS) | Beryx sp. | ALF |
Spiny (= picked) dogfish | Squalus acantias | DGS |
Dogfishes (NS) | Squalidae | DGX |
Sand Tiger shark | Odontaspis taurus | CCT |
Porbeagle | Lamna nasus | POR |
Shortfin mako shark | Isurus oxyrinchus | SMA |
Dusky shark | Carcharhinus obscurus | DUS |
Great Blue shark | Prionace glauca | BSH |
Large sharks (NS) | Squaliformes | SHX |
Atlantic Sharpnose shark | Rhizoprionodon terraenova | RHT |
Black Dogfish | Centroscyllium fabricii | CFB |
Boreal (Greenland) shark | Somniosus microcephalus | GSK |
Basking shark | Cetorhinus maximus | BSK |
Skates (NS) | Raja sp. | SKA |
Little skate | Leucoraja erinacea | RJD |
Arctic skate | Amblyraja hyperborea | RJG |
Barndoor skate | Dipturus laevis | RJL |
Winter skate | Leucoraja ocellata | RJT |
Thorny skate (Starry Ray) | Amblyraja radiata | RJR |
Smooth skate | Malcoraja senta | RJS |
Spinytail skate (Spinetail Ray) | Bathyraja spinicauda | RJO |
Finfishes (NS) | FIN |
The list that follows is a partial list of stocks that needs to be reported in accordance with Article 21.
ANG/N3NO. | Lophius americanus | American angler |
CAA/N3LMN. | Anarhichas lupus | Atlantic wolfish |
CAP/N3LM. | Mallotus villosus | Capelin |
CAT/N3LMN. | Anarhichas spp. | Catfishes (Wolffishes) nei |
HAD/N3LNO. | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | Haddock |
HAL/N23KL. | Hippoglossus hippoglossus | Atlantic halibut |
HAL/N3M. | Hippoglossus hippoglossus | Atlantic halibut |
HAL/N3NO. | Hippoglossus hippoglossus | Atlantic halibut |
HER/N3L. | Clupea harengus | Herring |
HKR/N2J3KL | Urophycis chuss | Red hake |
HKR/N3MNO. | Urophycis chuss | Red hake |
HKS/N3NLMO | Merlucius bilinearis | Silver hake |
RNG/N23. | Coryphaenoides rupestris | Roundnose grenadier |
HKW/N2J3KL | Urophycis tenuis | White hake |
POK/N3O. | Pollachius virens | Pollock (= Saithe) |
RHG/N23. | Macrourus berglax | Roughhead grenadier |
SKA/N2J3KL | Raja spp. | Skates |
SKA/N3M. | Raja spp. | Skates |
SQI/N56. | Illex illecebrosus | Short fin squid |
VFF/N3LMN. | — | Fishes unsorted, unidentified |
WIT/N3M. | Glyptocephalus cynoglossus | Witch flounder |
YEL/N3M. | Limanda ferruginea | Yellow tail flounder |
a Lower size for green salted fish. | ||||
Species | Gilled and gutted fish whether or not skinned;fresh or chilled, frozen, or salted | |||
Whole | Head off | Head and tail off | Head off and split | |
Atlantic cod | 41 cm | 27 cm | 22 cm | 27/25 cma |
Greenland halibut | 30 cm | N/A | N/A | N/A |
American plaice | 25 cm | 19 cm | 15 cm | N/A |
Yellowtail flounder | 25 cm | 19 cm | 15 cm | N/A |
a When two or more types of gear are used in the same 24-hour period, records should be separate for the different types. | ||
Item of information | Standard Code | |
Vessel name | 01 | |
Vessel nationality | 02 | |
Vessel registration number | 03 | |
Registration port | 04 | |
Types of gear used (separate record for different gear types) | 10 | |
Type of gear | Date — day | 20 |
| 21 | |
| 22 | |
Position — latitude | 31 | |
| 32 | |
| 33 | |
a Number of hauls during the 24-hour period | 40 | |
a Number of hours gear fished during the 24-hour period | 41 | |
Species names (Annex II) | ||
Daily catch of each species (metric tons round fresh weight) | 50 | |
Daily catch of each species for human consumption in the form of fish | 61 | |
Daily catch of each species for reduction | 62 | |
Daily discard of each species | 63 | |
Place(s) of transhipment | 70 | |
Date(s) of transhipment | 71 | |
Master's signature | 80 |
Gear codes
a Fisheries agencies may indicate side and stern bottom and side and stern midwater trawls, as OTB-1 and OTB-2, and OTM-1 and OTM-2, respectively. | |
b Including jigging lines. | |
c Code LDV for dory operated line gears will be maintained for historical data purposes. | |
d This item includes: hand and landing nets, drive-in-nets, gathering by hand with simple hand implements with or without diving equipment, poisons and explosives, trained animals, electrical fishing. | |
Gear categories | Standard abbreviationcode |
With purse lines (purse seines) | PS |
One boat operated purse seines | PS1 |
Two boat operated purse seines | PS2 |
Without purse lines (lampara) | LA |
Boat or vessel seines | SV |
Danish seines | SDN |
Scottish seines | SSC |
Pair seines | SPR |
Seine nets (not specified) | SX |
Pots | FPO |
Bottom trawls | |
Beam trawls | TBB |
Otter trawlsa | OTB |
Pair trawls | PTB |
Nephrops trawls | TBN |
Shrimp trawls | TBS |
Bottom trawls (not specified) | TB |
Midwater trawls | |
Otter trawls | OTM |
Pair trawls | PTM |
Shrimp trawls | TMS |
Midwater trawls (not specified) | TM |
Otter twin trawls | OTT |
Otter trawls (not specified) | OT |
Pair trawls (not specified) | PT |
Other trawls (not specified) | TX |
Boat dredges | DRB |
Hand dredges | DRH |
Portable lift nets | LNP |
Boat operated lift nets | LNB |
Shore operated stationary lift nets | LNS |
Lift nets (not specified) | LN |
Cast nets | FCN |
Falling gear (not specified) | FG |
Set gillnets (anchored) | GNS |
Drift nets | GND |
Encircling gillnets | GNC |
Fixed gillnets (on stakes) | GNF |
Trammel nets | GTR |
Combined gillnets-Trammel nets | GTN |
Gillnets and entangling nets (not specified) | GEN |
Gillnets (not specified) | GN |
Stationary uncovered pound-nets | FPN |
Fyke nets | FYK |
Stow nets | FSN |
Barriers, fences, weirs, etc. | FWR |
Aerial traps | FAR |
Traps (not specified) | FIX |
Hand-lines and pole-lines (hand operated)b | LHP |
Hand-lines and pole-lines (mechanised) | LHM |
Set lines (longlines set) | LLS |
Drifting longlines | LLD |
Longlines (not specified) | LL |
Trolling lines | LTL |
Hooks and lines (not specified)c | LX |
Harpoons | HAR |
Pumps | HMP |
Mechanised dredges | HMD |
Harvesting machines (not specified) | HMX |
Fishing vessel codes
1.Main vessel types
NEI = Not elsewhere identified | |
FAO Code | Type of vessel |
BO | Protection vessel |
CO | Fish training vessel |
DB | Dredger non continuous |
DM | Dredger continuous |
DO | Beamer |
DO | Dredger NEI |
FO | Fish carrier |
FX | Fishing vessel NEI |
GO | Gill netter |
HOX | Mother ship NEI |
HSF | Factory mother ship |
KO | Hospital ship |
LH | Hand liner |
LL | Long liner |
LO | Liner |
LP | Pole and line vessel |
LT | Troller |
MO | Multipurpose vessels |
MSN | Seiner hand liner |
MTG | Trawler drifter |
MTS | Trawler purse seiner |
NB | Lift netter tender |
NO | Lift netter |
NOX | Lift netter NEI |
PO | Vessel using pumps |
SN | Seine netter |
SO | Seiner |
SOX | Seiner NEI |
SP | Purse seiner |
SPE | Purse seiner european |
SPT | Tuna purse seiner |
TO | Trawler |
TOX | Trawlers NEI |
TS | Side trawler |
TSF | Side trawler freezer |
TSW | Side trawler wetfish |
TT | Stern trawler |
TTF | Stern trawler freezer |
TTP | Stern trawler factory |
TU | Outrigger trawlers |
WO | Trap setter |
WOP | Pot vessels |
WOX | Trap setters NEI |
ZO | Fish research vessel |
DRN | Drifnetter |
2.Main vessel activities
ALFA Code | Category |
ANC | Anchoring |
DRI | Drifting |
FIS | Fishing |
HAU | Hauling |
PRO | Processing |
STE | Steaming |
TRX | Transhipping on or off loading |
OTH | Others — to be specified |
1.ICNAF-type topside chafer
The ICNAF-type topside chafer is a rectangular piece of netting to be attached to the upper side of the codend of the trawl net to reduce and prevent damage so long as such netting conforms to the following conditions:
this netting shall have a mesh size not less than that specified for the codend in Article 5;
this netting may be fastened to the codend only along the forward and lateral edges of the netting and at no other place in it, and shall be fastened in such a manner that it extends forward of the splitting strap no more than four meshes and ends not less than four meshes in front of the cod line mesh; where a splitting strap is not used, the netting shall not extend to more than one-third of the codend measured from not less than four meshes in front of the cod line mesh;
the width of this netting shall be at least one and a half times the width of the Area of the codend which is covered, such widths to be measured at right angles to the long axis of the codend.
2.Multiple flap-type topside chafer
The multiple flap-type topside chafer is defined as pieces of netting having in all their parts meshes the size of which, whether the pieces of netting are wet or dry, is not less than that of the codend, provided that:
each piece of netting
is fastened by its forward edge only across the codend at right angles to its long axis;
is of a width of at least the width of the codend (such width being measured at right angles to the long axis of the codend at the point of attachment); and
is not more than 10 meshes long; and
the aggregate length of all the pieces of netting so attached does not exceed two-thirds of the length of the codend.
3.Large-mesh (modified Polish-type) topside chafer
The large-mesh topside chafer consists of a rectangular piece of netting made of the same twine material as the codend, or of a single, thick, knotless twine material, attached to the rear portion of the upper side of the codend and extending over all or any part of the upper side of the codend and having in all its parts a mesh size twice that of the codend when measured wet and fastened to the codend along the forward, lateral and rear edges only of the netting in such a way that each mesh of the netting coincides with four meshes of the codend.
Toggle chains are chains, ropes, or a combination of both, which attach the footrope to the fishing line or bolchline at varying intervals. The terms ‘fishing line’ and ‘bolchline’ are interchangeable. Some vessels use one line only; others use both a fishing line and a bolchline as shown in the sketch. The toggle chain length shall be measured from the centre of the chain or wire running through the footrope (centre of footrope) to the underside of the fishing line.
The attached sketch shows how to measure the toggle chain length.
1.‘Catch on entry’ report
Data element: | Field code | Mandatory/Optional | Remarks: |
Start record | SR | M | System detail; indicates start of record |
From | FR | M | Name of transmitting party |
Address | AD | M | Message detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO |
Sequence number | SQ | M | Message detail; serial number in current year |
Type of message | TM | M | Message detail; message type, ‘COE’ as entry report |
Radio call sign | RC | M | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel |
Trip number | TN | O | Activity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year |
Vessel name | NA | O | Vessel registration detail; name of the vessel |
Master name | MA | M | Name of the master of vessel |
External registration number | XR | O | Vessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel. |
Latitude | LA | M | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Longitude | LO | M | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Relevant area | RA | M | NAFO Division into which the vessel is about to enter |
Date | DA | M | Message detail; date of transmission |
Time | TI | M | Message detail; time of transmission |
On board | OB | M | Total round weight of fish by species (3-alpha code) on board upon entry into the NAFO Regulatory Area in kilograms rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms. Allow several pairs of fields, consisting of species + 9 weight, with each field separated by a space, e.g.//OB/species weight species weight species weight// |
Directed species | DS | M | Directed species. Allow several species to be entered with the value separated by spaces, e.g.//DS/species species species// |
End of record | ER | M | System detail; indicates end of the record |
2.‘Entry’ report
Data element: | Field code | Mandatory/Optional | Remarks: |
Start record | SR | M | System detail; indicates start of record |
From | FR | M | Name of transmitting Party |
Address | AD | M | Message detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO |
Sequence number | SQ | M | Message detail; serial number in current year |
Type of message | TM | M | Message detail; message type, ‘ENT’ as Entry report |
Radio call sign | RC | M | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel |
Trip number | TN | O | Activity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year |
Vessel name | NA | O | Vessel registration detail; name of the vessel |
External registration number | XR | O | Vessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel. |
Latitude | LA | M | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Longitude | LO | M | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Relevant area | RA | M | NAFO Division into which the vessel has entered |
Date | DA | M | Message detail; date of transmission |
Time | TI | M | Message detail; time of transmission |
End of record | ER | M | System detail; indicates end of the record |
3.‘Catch’ report
Data element | Field code | Mandatory/Optional | Remarks: |
Start record | SR | M | System detail; indicates start of record |
Address | AD | M | Message detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO |
Sequence number | SQ | M | Message detail; message serial number in current year |
Type of message | TM | M | Message detail; message type, ‘CAT’ as Catch report |
Radio call sign | RC | M | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel |
Trip number | TN | O | Activity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year |
Vessel name | NA | O | Vessel registration detail; name of the vessel |
Contracting party Internal reference Number | IR | O | Vessel registration detail; unique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 flag state code followed by number |
External registration number | XR | O | Vessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel |
Latitude | LA | M1 | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Longitude | LO | M1 | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Catches | CA | Activity detail; cumulative catch by species retained on board, either since commencement of fishing in R.A. or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed. | |
Species | FAO species code | ||
Live weight | M | Live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms | |
M | |||
Days fished | DF | M | Activity detail; number of fishing days in the NAFO Regulatory Area since commencement of fishing or last ‘Catch’ report |
Date | DA | M | Message detail; date of transmission |
Time | TI | M | Message detail; time of transmission |
End of record | ER | M | System detail; indicates end of the record |
4.‘Transhipment’ report
a Whichever one is appropriate. | |||
b Optional for reports sent by the receiving vessel after the transhipment. | |||
Data element: | Field scode: | Mandatory/Optional | Remarks: |
Start record | SR | M | System detail; indicates start of record |
From | FR | M | Name of transmitting Party |
Address | AD | M | Message detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO |
Sequence number | SQ | M | Message detail; message serial number in current year |
Type of message | TM | M | Message detail; message type, ‘TRA’ as Transhipment report |
Radio call sign | RC | M | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel |
Trip number | TN | O | Activity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year |
Vessel name | NA | O | Vessel registration detail; name of the vessel |
Name of master | MA | O | Name of master of vessel |
External registration number | XR | O | Vessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel |
Quantity on-loaded or off-loaded | KG | Quantity by species on-loaded or off-loaded in the R.A., in pairs as needed. | |
Species | M | FAO species code | |
Live weight | M | live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms, | |
Transhipped to | TT | Ma | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the receiving vessel |
Transhipped from | TF | Ma | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the donor vessel |
Latitude | LA | Mb | Activity detail; estimated latitude where the master intends to do the transhipment |
Longitude | LO | Mb | Activity detail; estimated longitude where the master intends to do the transhipment |
Predicted date | PD | M b | Activity detail; estimated date UTC when the master intends to do the transhipment (YYYYMMDD) |
Predicted time | PT | M b | Activity detail; estimated time UTC when the master intends to do the transhipment (HHMM) |
Date | DA | M | Message detail; date of transmission |
Time | TI | M | Message detail; time of transmission |
End of record | ER | M | System detail; indicates end of the record |
5.‘Catch on exit’ report
Data element | Field code | Mandatory/Optional | Remarks: |
Start record | SR | M | System detail; indicates start of record |
Address | AD | M | Message detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO |
From | FR | M | Name of transmitting party |
Sequence number | SQ | M | Message detail; message serial number in current year |
Type of message | TM | M | Message detail; ‘COX’ as exit report |
Radio call sign | RC | M | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel |
Trip number | TN | O | Activity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year |
Vessel name | NA | O | Vessel registration detail; name of the vessel |
Master name | MA | M | Name of master of vessel |
External registration number | XR | O | Vessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel |
Latitude | LA | M | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Longitude | LO | M | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Relevant area | RA | M | NAFO Area from which the vessel is about to exit |
Catch | CA | Activity detail; Cumulative catch retained on board by species, either since commencement of fishing in the R.A. or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed. | |
Species | M | FAO species code | |
Live weight | M | live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms | |
Days fished | DF | M | Activity detail; number of fishing days in the NAFO Regulatory Area either since commencement of fishing or last ‘Catch’ report |
Date | DA | M | Message detail; date of transmission |
Time | TI | M | Message detail; time of transmission |
End of record | ER | M | System detail; indicates end of the record |
6.‘Exit’ report
Data element | Field code | Mandatory/Optional | Remarks: |
Start record | SR | M | System detail; indicates start of record |
Address | AD | M | Message detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO |
From | FR | M | Name of transmitting party |
Sequence number | SQ | M | Message detail; message serial number in current year |
Type of message | TM | M | Message detail; ‘EXI’ as exit report |
Radio call sign | RC | M | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel |
Trip number | TN | O | Activity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year |
Vessel name | NA | O | Vessel registration detail; name of the vessel |
Master name | MA | M | Name of master of vessel |
External registration number | XR | O | Vessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel |
Latitude | LA | M | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Longitude | LO | M | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Date | DA | M | Message detail; date of transmission |
Time | TI | M | Message detail; time of transmission |
End of record | ER | M | System detail; indicates end of the record |
7.‘Port of landing’ report
a Optional if a vessel is subject to satellite tracking. | |||
Data element: | Field code: | Mandatory/Optional | Remarks: |
Start record | SR | M | System detail; indicates start of record |
From | FR | M | Name of transmitting Party |
Address | AD | M | Message detail; destination ‘XNW’ for NAFO |
Sequence number | SQ | M | Message detail; serial number of the report from the vessel in the relevant year |
Type of message | TM | M | Message detail; message type, ‘POR’ |
Radio call sign | RC | M | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel |
Trip number | TN | O | Activity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year |
Vessel name | NA | O | Vessel registration detail; name of the vessel |
Name of master | MA | O | Name of master of vessel |
External registration number | XR | O | Vessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel |
7.1. Latitude | LA | Ma | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Longitude | LO | Ma | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Coastal State | CS | M | Activity detail; coastal State of port of landing |
Name of port | PO | M | Activity detail; name of port of landing |
Predicted date | PD | M | Activity detail; estimated date UTC when the master intends to be in port (YYYYMMDD) |
Predicted time | PT | M | Activity detail; estimated time UTC when the master intends to be in port (HHMM) |
Quantity to be landed | KG | M | Activity detail; quantity by species to be landed in the port, in pairs as needed. |
Species | FAO species code | ||
Live weight | Live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms | ||
Quantity on board | OB | M | Activity detail; quantity by species on board, in pairs as needed |
species | FAO species code | ||
live weight | Live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms | ||
Date | DA | M | Message detail; UTC date of transmission |
Time | TI | M | Message detail; UTC time of transmission |
End of record | ER | M | System detail; indicates end of the record |
ANNEX IXReport of inspection
ANNEX XNAFO Inspection Seal
The NAFO Inspection Seal shall be as follows:
Name … LOB TAG
Mark … ‘NAFO Inspection No of six digits’
Material … polyethylene recyclable
Colour … orange
Melt index … 6,70,6 (by international standard)
Density … 953 0,003 (by international standard)
Breaking point (load) … min. 45 kg (to 20 oC)
ANNEX XISurveillance report form
ANNEX XIIPort inspection report
ANNEX XIIIList of NAFO IUU vessels
Vessel name(+ known previous name) | Current Flag State(known prev. flag State) | Radio call sign(RC) | IMO number |
Carmen (Ostovets) | Georgia (Dominica) | 4LSK | 8522030 |
EVA (Oyra) | Georgia (Dominica) | 4LPH | 8522119 |
Isabella (Olchan) | Georgia (Dominica) | 4LSH | 8422838 |
Juanita (Ostroe) | Georgia (Dominica) | 4LSM | 8522042 |
Ulla (Lisa, Kadri) | Georgia (Dominica) | unknown | 8606836 |
1.Daily catch report — Chapter VII (CAX)
a Optional if a vessel is subject to satellite tracking | |||
b Meaning the first ‘Catch Report’ in current fishing trip in the R.A. | |||
Data element | Code | Mandatory/Optional | Remarks |
Start record | SR | M | System detail; indicates start of record |
Address | AD | M | Message detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO |
Sequence number | SQ | M | Message detail; message serial number in current year |
Type of message | TM | M | Message detail; message type, ‘CAX’ as Catch report |
Radio call sign | RC | M | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel |
Trip number | TN | O | Activity detail; fishing trip serial number in current year |
Vessel name | NA | O | Vessel registration detail; name of the vessel |
Contracting Party Internal Reference Number | IR | O | Vessel registration detail; unique Contracting Party vessel number as ISO-3 Flag State code followed by number |
External registration number | XR | O | Vessel registration detail; the side number of the vessel |
Relevant area | RA | M | Activity detail: NAFO Division |
Latitude | LA | Ma | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Longitude | LO | Ma | Activity detail; position at time of transmission |
Daily catches | CA | Activity detail; cumulative catch by species retained on board (exclusive of discards), either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed. | |
species | M | FAO species code | |
live weight | M | Live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms | |
Discarding | RJ | M | Activity detail; discarded catch by species, either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed. |
Species | FAO species code | ||
Live weight | Live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms | ||
Undersize | US | M | Activity detail; undersize catch by species, either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed. |
Species | FAO species code | ||
Live weight | Live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms | ||
Date | DA | M | Message detail; date of transmission |
Time | TI | M | Message detail; time of transmission |
End of record | ER | M | System detail; indicates end of the record |
2.Observer report (OBR)
a Directed species is the species which represents the greatest catch for that day. | |||
b Meaning the first ‘Catch Report’ in current fishing trip in the R.A. | |||
c Only to be transmitted if relevant | |||
d ‘Yes’ if the observer approves the Log Book entries by the captain | |||
e ‘Yes’ if the observer approves the Hails transmitted by the captain | |||
f ‘Yes’ if an infringement is observed | |||
g Mandatory if ‘LB’ = ‘No’, or ‘HA’ = ‘No’, or ‘AF’ = ‘Yes’ | |||
Data element | Code | Mandatory/Optional | Remarks |
Start record | SR | M | System detail; indicates start of record |
Address | AD | M | Message detail; destination, ‘XNW’ for NAFO |
Sequence number | SQ | M | Message detail; message serial number in current year |
Type of message | TM | M | Message detail; message type, ‘OBR’ as Observer report |
Radio call sign | RC | M | Vessel registration detail; international radio call sign of the vessel |
Fishing gear | GE | M | Activity detail; FAO code for fishing gear |
Directed speciesa | DS | M | Activity detail; FAO species code |
Mesh size | ME | M | Activity detail; average mesh size in millimeters |
Relevant area | RA | M | Activity detail; NAFO Division |
Daily catches | CA | M M | Activity detail; cumulative catch by species retained on board, (exclusive of discards), either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed. |
Species | FAO species code | ||
Live weight | Live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms | ||
Discarding | RJ | Mc | Activity detail; discarded catch by species, either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed. |
Species | FAO species code | ||
Live weight | Live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms | ||
Undersize | US | Mc | Activity detail; undersize catch by species, either since commencement of fishing in R.A.b or last ‘Catch’ report, in pairs as needed. |
Species | FAO species code | ||
Live weight | Live weight in kilograms, rounded to the nearest 100 kilograms | ||
Log book | LB | M | Activity detail; ‘Yes’ or ‘No’d |
Production | PR | M | Activity detail; code for the production. See Annex XIV(b) |
Hails | HA | M | Activity detail; observers verification if the reports made by the captain are correct, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’e |
Apparent infringements | AF | M | Activity detail; ‘Yes’ or ‘No’f |
Observer name | ON | M | Message detail; name of the observer signing the report |
Date | DA | M | Message detail; date of transmission |
Free text | MS | Og | Activity detail; for further comments by the observer |
Time | TI | M | Message detail; time of transmission |
End of record | ER | M | System detail; indicates end of the record |
ANNEX XIV(b)Product form codes
Code | Product form |
A | Round — Frozen |
B | Round — Frozen (Cooked) |
C | Gutted head on — Frozen |
D | Gutted head off — Frozen |
E | Gutted head off — Trimmed — Frozen |
F | Skinless fillets — Frozen |
G | Skin on fillets — Frozen |
H | Salted fish |
I | Pickled fish |
J | Canned products |
K | Oil |
L | Meal produced from round fish |
M | Meal produced from offal |
N | Other (specify) |
Fish size refers to fork length for Atlantic cod, whole length for other species.