1.For the purposes of applying Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006, import licence applicants shall, when submitting their first application for a given annual quota period, furnish proof that they imported or exported, during each of the two periods referred to in that Article, at least 25 tonnes of products covered by Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 2759/75.
2.Import licence applications shall contain the order number and may relate to several products covered by different CN codes and originating in Switzerland. In such cases, all the CN codes shall be indicated in box 16 and their descriptions in box 15.
An import licence application shall cover at least one tonne of product weight and may not cover more than 20 % of the available quantity for each import tariff quota subperiod.
3.Import licences shall give rise to an obligation to import from the specified country.
4.Import licence applications and import licences shall contain the following:
(a)in box 8, the country of origin and the mention ‘yes’ marked by a cross;
(b)in box 20, one of the references set out in Part A of Annex II.
5.Box 24 of the import licence shall contain one of the entries set out in Part B of Annex II.