Textual Amendments
The produce is classified in two classes, as defined below:
Produce in this class must be of good quality. It must be characteristic of the variety or commercial type, especially the colour.
The produce must also be:
well formed
firm, taking into account the cultivation methods and the type of produce
free from damage or deterioration impairing edibility
free from frost damage.
Head lettuces must have a single well-formed heart. However, in the case of head lettuces grown under protection, the heart may be small.
Cos lettuces must have a heart, which may be small.
The centre of curled-leaved endives and broad-leaved (Batavian) endives must be yellow in colour.
This class includes produce which do not qualify for inclusion in Class I, but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above.
The produce must be:
reasonably well formed
free from damage and deterioration which may seriously impair edibility.
The following defects may be allowed provided the produce retains its essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:
slight discolouration
slight damage caused by pests.
Head lettuces must have a heart, which may be small. However, in the case of head lettuces grown under protection, absence of heart is permissible.
Cos lettuces may show no heart.] ]