Title IV of Regulation (EC) No 950/2006
2006/07 marketing year
Serial No | Country | Week of 12 to 16 February 2007: % of requested quantity to be granted | Limit |
09.4331 | Barbados | 100 | |
09.4332 | Belize | 100 | Reached |
09.4333 | Côte d’Ivoire | 100 | |
09.4334 | Republic of the Congo | 100 | |
09.4335 | Fiji | 100 | |
09.4336 | Guyana | 100 | |
09.4337 | India | 100 | |
09.4338 | Jamaica | 100 | |
09.4339 | Kenya | 100 | |
09.4340 | Madagascar | 100 | |
09.4341 | Malawi | 100 | |
09.4342 | Mauritius | 100 | |
09.4343 | Mozambique | 0 | Reached |
09.4344 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | — | |
09.4345 | Suriname | — | |
09.4346 | Swaziland | 100 | |
09.4347 | Tanzania | 0 | Reached |
09.4348 | Trinidad and Tobago | 100 | |
09.4349 | Uganda | — | |
09.4350 | Zambia | 100 | |
09.4351 | Zimbabwe | 100 |
Title V of Regulation (EC) No 950/2006
2006/07 marketing year
Serial No | Country | Week of 12 to 16 February 2007: % of requested quantity to be granted | Limit |
09.4315 | India | 100 | |
09.4316 | ACP Protocol signatory countries | 100 |
Title VI of Regulation (EC) No 950/2006
2006/07 marketing year
Serial No | Country | Week of 12 to 16 February 2007: % of requested quantity to be granted | Limit |
09.4317 | Australia | 0 | Reached |
09.4318 | Brazil | 0 | Reached |
09.4319 | Cuba | 0 | Reached |
09.4320 | Other third countries | 0 | Reached |
Title VII of Regulation (EC) No 950/2006
2006/07 marketing year
Serial No | Country | Week of 12 to 16 February 2007: % of requested quantity to be granted | Limit |
09.4324 | Albania | 100 | |
09.4325 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0 | Reached |
09.4326 | Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo | 100 | |
09.4327 | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | 100 | |
09.4328 | Croatia | 100 |
Chapter 1 Section 2 of Regulation (EC) No 1832/2006
2006/07 marketing year
Order No | Type | Week of 12 to 16 February 2007: % of requested quantity to be granted | Limit |
09.4365 | Bulgaria | 0 | Reached |
09.4366 | Romania | 100 |