1.The revenue of the Joint Undertaking shall come from the sources identified in Article 4 of this Regulation.
2.In order to start up the work of the Joint Undertaking, the founding members shall pay a minimum initial contribution of EUR 10 million within a period of one year from the establishment of the Joint Undertaking.
3.The members referred to in the second indent of Article 1(2) shall undertake to pay a minimum initial contribution of EUR 10 million within a period of one year from when their accession to the Joint Undertaking is accepted. This amount shall be reduced to EUR five million for members that subscribe to the Joint Undertaking within 12 months of its constitution.
In the case of undertakings, subscribing individually or collectively, which may be regarded as small or medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of the Commission recommendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of small and medium-sized enterprises(1), this amount shall be reduced to EUR 250 000 regardless of when they become members. New members may be offered the option of paying the initial contribution in several instalments, over a period to be agreed and established in their agreements as referred to in Article 1(3).
4.The Administrative Board shall decide on the amounts which must be released by each member in proportion to the contributions which it has agreed to pay and shall establish the deadline by which the members must pay their contributions.
5.Contributions in kind are possible except as regards the contributions referred to in paragraph 2. They shall be subject to an evaluation of their value and their utility for carrying out the tasks of the Joint Undertaking and shall be specified in the agreement referred to in Article 1(3).
6.Any member of the Joint Undertaking that fails to meet its commitments concerning the contributions in kind or does not release the amount due within the prescribed time-limit shall be, for six months following the expiry of this time-limit, disqualified from voting in the Administrative Board until such time as its obligations have been met. Upon expiry of this period of six months, if the obligations have still not been met, its membership shall be revoked.